Author has written 28 stories for Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion. I'm a prematurely gray woman, living in the boonies. Forward I go, into the world of LOTR fanfiction, armed with more enthusiasm than skill, but hey, love conquers all. I hope. So, enough about me. Want to read a story? My thanks to the readers and reviewers who take time out of their lives to drop me a line here. Your kind words and helpful constructive criticism is deeply and sincerely appreciated! In case someone out there wants to archive some story of mine, hey, cool, go right ahead! Asking for permission is nice, but since I'm paranoid and don't broadcast my e-mail, I know I'm a hard person to get hold of. All I really ask is that you remember who the author is and don't touch my text. I wrote it that way for a reason. Thank you. Quite some time ago in her review, Olivia Sutton requested that I post the link to the folkmusic website where I found the song 'Lark in The Morn', and here it is: http:///folk.html In case anyone is interested (or if you want to read/review a certain story and is having a hissy-fit,) some of my stories can also be found here: http:///marigoldsrecommendations/ If strips the urls, just copy/paste, and enjoy! Thanks for reading! And while I'm at it (boy, this bio section just gets longer and longer, doesn't it?) I would like to highly recommend this beyond-good story: 'Reckoning', by Aratlithiel at West of The Moon. So beautifully written that it makes me jealous, every line soaked with grief and loss so deep you can feel it like it belongs to you, and an ending that breaks your heart with hoping. So very worth reading, but prepare to weep. Seriously. If you feel like a good cry, get over there, read, review. 11/25/08: It appears that my hobbit-writing muse got tired of waiting for me to fix my computer/website issues, and sailed off to the Grey Havens while I was otherwise occupied. I'm leaving my LOTR stories up for the time being. May my humble little scribbles here, which I wrote with such heartfelt, fumbling love of Tolkien's world and words, inspire those new LOTR fanfic writers to go forth and do better. Thank you all. |
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