Reviews for Right Side of Justice
indigoblueoO chapter 3 . 10/30/2015
The writing style is good, definitely better from the standard styles I often see. interesting plot as well. Its been nearly a decade since the last update, and I'm not getting my hopes up. Maybe some day I can try and finish the story for myself, thats the best part about incomplete stories
PrincessAnnMacbeth chapter 12 . 4/22/2008
Hey I read this story a while ago and can only request that you continue it. It is the only LOTR western I have been able to find it really is a great story! Whoop!
Ilada'Jefiv chapter 12 . 12/17/2007
Update? Please? I really love this story and want desperately to know how everything turns out.
Texas Chigger chapter 12 . 12/20/2006
Hey, remember me? I finally found you again! :D

(If you don't, I was reviewing your story on Eternal before it kinna died on us. _)

Anyway, I was glad to see that another chapter had been added. It was wonderful, as always. :)

Naturally my favorite part was the moment of Texas pride that you put in there. I wish I could have been there in those days of pure Texas-ism. Now the Yanks are invading more and more. :P


Hope to see another chapter soon! :)
Sigil Galen chapter 1 . 8/22/2006
I'm enjoying this immensely-what a fresh take on the modern-day elf etc. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of reading a western/cowboy fic with Legolas as the main character, or at least any quite so well done. Good job and I can't wait to read more!
Inwe Nolatari chapter 12 . 8/13/2006
I have been silently lurking in the shadows, awaiting for the time I should review...and now, that time has come...*dramatic music*

Friend:*throws rock at Inwe, and hits her head*

Me: ow...

Friend: quiet the dramatic crap and review, this person does have a life...

Me:..fine fine...*grumbles*

Anyways...I have been watching this for a while. But I always had something else to do, before I reviewed, and then I forgot the name of this story...then I found it..and now i'm nee!

This is an awsome story. I fell in love with it, ever since the first chapter. You do a great job, and I do hope to read more soon! Sorry if this is a imagination just flew out my window..and imagination can nay?

Keep up the great work!


Inwe Nolatari
light soceress chapter 11 . 4/10/2006
this is a really good story update soon. i love your writing style. it is like Tolkein's
light soceress chapter 12 . 3/19/2006
This story was Awesome. update soon. your writing style is like Tolkein and Dickens. the story is well writen with good plot and word choice! I love it!
Yavie Feels Pretty chapter 12 . 3/12/2006
Excellent! You're really phenomenal, you know. And yes, I probably misspelled that. Well, you can't win 'em all, can you?
Kitty2228 chapter 12 . 3/4/2006
I'm ooking forward to you writing out the rest of part one.
Manderly chapter 12 . 3/3/2006
I have not reviewed this story before but I have been following it and am so glad to see another update.

I really like this AU world that you have created for this story and Legolas fits into this world no less than if he was still in Middle Earth.

Looking forward to more of this story!
vampfan30 chapter 11 . 2/19/2006
just started reading fanfic in the last 2 weeks ( just now getting into the 21st century ) found this story & thought, "nah, not interested. " putting our beloved characters into our time is weird, but, like a train wreck, i couldn't help myself. 2 seconds later, totally sucked in. you are an amazing writer & it all melts together seamlessly. waiting for more 'Mateo'...
Kitty2228 chapter 11 . 1/26/2006
I have no idea how I lost track of reading this story, but I'm very glad to have found it again. You're doing a great job, and I can't wait for more!
two hours with fish chapter 11 . 1/2/2006
Hey Bily!

I'm caught up! :-D I'm so so sorry for falling behind - I got hung up with school work and since I've been back more craziness has ensued - with the rents and all. Anyway - I still love this story! I loved when Legolas thought about Aragorn when thinking about all humans - after all those years he still remember's his friend! Aw Anyway, I also think its really interesting the way Legolas' character has grown - especially intriguing when he was looking at the bodies and the way that he'd seen other bloodier deaths but his numbness was sickening - so awesome! And his reputation is very amusing. and I love Benito! :-D


PS: Happy New year! IM/e-mail me - I miss hangin with you!
ziggy chapter 11 . 12/18/2005
I am really enjoying this- only just picked it up becasue I normally avoid modern settings- this is great though - becasue you have really thought about what it would be like, and there are aspects of Legolas' character that you are not conscious of in the book- for example, the bit about not wanting to be a leader (I cant find it agani but will be reading the whole story again to get what I skimmed over in my excitement! I did find th first chapters beautifully reminiscent of other novels- All the Pretty Horses etc and I love the absolute faith that Benito has- he is very Gimli-ish I think. Jerome sort of hints that there are bigger and nastier things waiting- why do they want all these horses?Is it just to ruin the farmers? Is there something more sinister? But knowing the histroy of the west, it's hard to see how the 'outlaws' will win
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