Author's Note: I'm back! Again! Miss me? I bet you did. Well, here I am fiddling with B/A again. And since I left you all bawling your eyes out, I'll warn your hearts back up with fluff! Inspired by my trip to the Woodstock Classic Car Night!


Title: Perfection

Prompt: Silence

Rating: G

Warning: NA

Summary: He said in his best little boy voice…


"Alex, is…is something wrong?" Bobby tilted his head to get a better look at the expression on Alex's face. He can't quite decipher it. He had expected her to love her surprised, but since she'd open it, she hadn't said a word. "I…I thought you said…" She held up a hand and his mouth stopped moving.

"Shhs," is all she said. He stood slightly behind her, rocking back and forth all the balls of his feet, waiting for the response.

He can't take it anymore, "I know. I know, it's a little big, but…but Lewis cut me a great deal on it and…and well, now you know where I've been the past few weekends. I just…I just wanted to give you something special."

Alex shook her head and sighed, "Bobby, how many times do I have to tell you, classic cars are best appreciated in silence."

"So…you like it?" He said in his best little boy voice, the one he knows will get an answer out of her.

"Depends," She said, striding confidently towards the hood, "Is there a V-8 under that hood?"