Blame it on "Two Bodies In the Lab"! I had downloaded the episode at my aunt's and was watching it (along with three other episodes I found) and I just had this really good idea for a story. So, I decided to go for it.

Here's the first chapter and yeah, tell me what you think about it. I'm sure it's intriguing

Title: The Call of Redemption

Summary: "Booth doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know how he got to where he was or what happened after that. He can't remember a thing…"

Rating: T

Genre: Drama/Mystery/Romance/Action-y

Characters: Temperance "Bones" Brennan, Seeley Booth, Angela Montenegro, Jack Hodgins, and Sam Cullen

Pairings: BB or Semperance (Whatever floats your boat) and possibly some Hodgela (not sure yet)

POV: First chapter, Booth's POV, other than that, story is in 3rd Person

I couldn't see, couldn't breathe. My mind was clouded, my vision totally black. Oh…wait…my eyes weren't open. I couldn't open them. I couldn't move at all.

Pain overtook my body at every limb and angle. I was sure that I had broken bones. I could feel it.

Blood trickled down from my cheek into my mouth. Gross. My head pounded like it was about to explode. I couldn't think, couldn't remember.

A groan escaped my lips. Or so I thought. I couldn't tell anything that was going on at that particular moment. I didn't know I had indeed groaned or if my mind thought I had.

Pain sheared my body once more. Every fiber in my being wanted to scream. But I couldn't make a single sound.

All my senses were plugged. The only thing on my mind was what happened. I couldn't remember.


Where had that come from? Did I even say it? Course I did. My mind was just tricking me to believe she was there.

I knew she wasn't.

I laid there, all consciousness slipping, then returning, and slipping again. I was in trouble. I knew it. No help, no nothing. Nobody ever knew I there. Wherever "there" and "here" was.

I was going to die.

Instantly, my mind went into reverse. My son…my partner. Bones. Parker. Would I get out of this? What'd happened?


I told my mind to shut down. Shut off and shut up. Get rid of all hope. I was dying. Sad, but the sole truth. Dying with no memory of what had happened and without seeing my boy or my partner.

Moving a solitary finger (that was broken by my best guess), I felt it touch something hard and cold.

My gun.

I groaned again…I think. I tried to remember, tried to recollect. But my head hurt too much and my mind was refusing to cooperate. I couldn't think, couldn't remember. A concussion was sure to blame.

I hissed, sharp pain shooting through my leg almost as if someone had stabbed me straight through the muscle with a knife.

More blood entered my mouth. I sputtered and coughed, my throat feeling swollen. Sore. Like the time Parker had a sore throat at the age of three. He had been at my house then. I tried to smile at the thought of my boy, but I couldn't. I was too sore.

I felt blood run down the other side of my face to my ear and now that I thought about it and felt it, my left eye was bruised and almost swollen shut.

I spat out more blood.

What could have possibly went wrong? Had I been on a mission? A case? If so, had Bones come along, too? Was she hurt as bad as I was?

No—I knew that part wasn't right. I would have that sinking feeling if she were with me. Especially if she was hurt. I would know for sure.

My head rolled to the side and it became painful to breathe. I grimaced as I felt something sink into my lung and probe my side. A broken rib no doubt. Maybe more at that.

My breathing became heavy and more painful. Somehow, I found a way to scream out. Tears streamed down my face. I was in pain. I was going to die. I heaved and breathed heavier. "Tempe…Bones…help…"

However, I knew with a sinking feeling and without a shadow of a doubt that nobody knew where I was. Nobody was going to save me. Help was probably miles away and I was alone.

I think.

I cried harder and more, the pain going from worse to unbearable. I screamed again.

My heart was going a hundred miles an hour. Like a heart attack or cardiac arrest. I groaned and cried, feeling my heart go wilder. Pain overrode my system and before I knew what was going on, I was vomiting and coughing out blood. I felt myself trembling, knowing that something was very, very wrong and growing worse.

Then, everything just stopped. Pain, vomiting, breathing. Gone. Done. Nothing. And my mind was slowly slipping into darkness.

Like a coma.

Only, it wasn't.

Not really. Not at all in the least as far as I could tell.



I was dying. Oh, someone please help me. Find me. Take me out of this nightmare.

Please, just help.

Help me. Let Bones find me. Let me see her. Let me see my son. Please with all begging.

Help. Help me, Special Agent Seeley Booth. Me who shouldn't need rescuing. Me who's supposed to be strong. Me, the failure that I've become.

Help. Save me. Take me home. Let me recollect.



Then I was gone.


Told you I watched "Two Bodies" probably one too many times. So, yeah, that's the first chapter, probably a big cliffhanger and I hope that you liked it.
