Chapter 5
"Hot tub Bound"
Two days later
'Still the cold shoulder,' I thought. Temperance Brennan hadn't spoken one word to me since she over heard the story of the great gate leap. 'I new I should have taken that story to my grave' I thought for the umpteenth time. But Privates Benjamin, Max, and Corporal Hope, we finally had time for introductions on the ride away from the decimated terrorist fort, wouldn't let me be till they figured out that I hadn't miraculously squeezed under the gate and that I had actually gone over it in a great Spiderman like leap.
And here we sit on a plan back to what's left of our two week vacation in Rome this silent treatment is killing me I wish she would just break my nose or something. I can't take much more of this. "Ok Temperance. It was a damn stupid thing to do, I know, believe me I know. I'm sore all over and my right knee hasn't felt the same since, but what else could I have done?"
"What about climbing in to the back of the truck with Ben, Hope, and Max?" she said.
'She spoke, hallelujah, don't screw this up now Booth' I thought. Then I said "I couldn't do that what with the machinegun kids in there spraying lead all over the place, I would have been swiss cheesed."
'What, why the hell did you say that, you moron! She spoke, don't fight, just be all agreeable and say lots of 'yes ma'am. Besides you could have signaled them stop shooting for five seconds' I thought, even before the word cheesed finished leaving my mouth.
Then I got the death glare, actually this was a new death glare. 'Oh, this is bad.' This glare put all the other death glares in the world to shame. I think I actually started to tremble a little upon seeing it. 'She's going to hit me, my nose will never look the same again I just know it, ah well, there is always plastic surgery'
Then as suddenly as it came it was gone. A sweet innocent expression filled her face and I thought 'I don't know weather to be more afraid or relieved'
She leaned in with a happy expression and whispered "you are forgiven for now… we shall continue on as if you weren't the biggest suicidal maniac on the planet. But know this, ever time you pull one of these stunts, getting shot all to bits, blown up, idiotic jumps of death at 60mph, pulling a fucking metal spick out of an artery so you kill someone for threatening me, I will remember. Hell, I think I'll get a little pink diary with harts on it to record these transgressions. Then at some point in the future, weeks, months, years, bloody decades from now, I will pay you back ten fold, and it will hurt, it will hurt a lot. Now you just remember that the next time we are in a pickle, and you have to choose between the sensible, make Bones happy, safe path and the insane, one in one million chance of survival, piss Brennan off, dangerous path.
'More afraid. Definitely, definitely, more afraid.'
Then she gave me a passionate kiss, and asked "so what should we do with our last four days in Rome, I need to go to a book store and I would like to go to that place again we ate at on first night hear, they had the best ravioli, what was the name of that place again?"
"Alb… Albromo's" I stuttered out. I am still trembling a little.
"That's right. Then maybe we could try out that hot tub again, it seamed to make a good impression on you" My fear slowly abated at the memory of the hot tub. Only Happy memories there. "That would be nice" I said back. My brain seemingly no longer quite so cowed by fear said 'come on 'that would be nice' you can do better than that, try...' "That would be nice, I also remember you being quite vocal about your enjoyment of it as well."
She blushed. She actually blushed, her face is all red. 'Is she pulling my leg, no, no way, she's not that good of an actress.' "You know maybe we should get a hot tub at home, what do you think?" I asked. "I think I would like that" she replied.
Later that night at the book store I saw her buy a little pink diary with harts on it.