Author has written 3 stories for Naruto. I am female. (Hell, yeah!) I like: many things I hate: many things that means: I am just a normal human being struggling to survive in this sick, mad, awesome world. I am not English, so it's not my native language. So there can be mistakes, but I'm trying my best. Wir sind alle Engel mit nur einem Flügel - um fliegen zu können müssen wir uns umarmen We all are angels with only one wing - we need to embrance each other in order to fly. |
angel puppeteer (16) annabananaa (9) asterisque (20) copecetic (0) | Maybe-please (10) ohwhatsherface (117) paws-bells (80) | puRpLebLuSh017 (28) rawrchelle (56) sasusaku779 (27) the blanket (69) |