Description: Living alone with his mother young boy wonders about her original home. As they are returning, he gets ripped away from her, & left alone. Can her overcome her death? By chance he comes upon two shinobi and his adventure begins there.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I do own all my OCs that appears in this Fan Fiction.

By: llwild1992 (2007-2010)

A Part of Me

Chapter 10

Sasuke sat beside Kyosuke through the night. The little boy slept soundly, almost as if he were dead. But with every little breath he took Sasuke was assured his son was safe. In that big bed surrounded by all the equipment he was hooked up to made the seven year old look so small and weak. But he wasn't.

His son survived all his trials…alone.

Completely alone in the world, yet he managed to travel as far as he did.

Until Naruto and himself found him in the forest and befriended him, Sasuke had wanted to leave him at an orphanage all because he didn't care. He couldn't even realize the little boy was his own son until it was too late. Now he was sick. Now Sasuke had no idea what it was he had to do.

He sat beside his son with his head in his hands and wondered why he felt so useless. He couldn't help Kyosuke. Sure he gave blood to help the kids get out of the extreme danger. But he had to heal…slowly.

"It's strange isn't it?" Tsunade said as she checked Kyosuke for vitals.

"What is strange?" Sasuke asked.

"How fast the worrying feelings set in?" Sasuke turned his head away, "don't worry I won't tell anyone that you're scared shitless for your son. The big and powerful Uchiha finally has a weakness; he doesn't know what to do for a child." She laughed, "I understand thought. You don't have the parental knowhow. You never got the chance to be a father…to learn to be a father. But now you have a seven year old to take care of on your own. I understand that you are afraid. But who wouldn't be? You are a shinobi, a damn good one at that too. But you've never had the experience of raising a child. So don't be shy and ask for help when you need it."

"Sakura didn't need help…"

"Yes she did. She wrote to me once a week after she left and asked for advice. But as time passed she grew accustomed to being a single mother and finally knew what she had to do." Looking down at her clipboard she scribbled something quickly and then turned her attention back to Kyosuke. "With the omission of Sakura's father, you're all he has left in the world. And he's all you have left of your family." slowly a hazel eye turned to see Sasuke.

His onyx eyes overlooked the sleeping child. Those eyes that had once held a storm hate and the burning for battle now reflected the precious little life that struggled to heal in the bed. Normally Sasuke is a very brutish person, arms crossed and eyes closed, ready to attack at moment's notice. But at this moment, as he looked at the last family member this he has, the storm inside his heart is quieted.


"From what Naruto told me," She got his attention back, "you wanted nothing to do with him at first. But as time passed you seemed to get attached to him, was it out of guilt for him or did you feel a connection."

"He interested me."

"But did you feel a connection to the child?"

"What connection?"

"Most men, if they had no idea that they had fathered a child or lost contact with a child, will ignore the feeling if they meet unknowingly. The feeling is the primal voice saying "mine"; that child is mine; I am the father of that child."

"I felt…I knew him somehow."

"Then you acknowledged it, good."

Leaning back into his seat Sasuke became defensive, "What do how I feel about him apply to anything."

"It tells me that you'll be a good father, and won't have any problems after some time."

"Considering the father I had?"

"I remember your father; he was a good man, just too prideful. He wanted what was best for the family, though he did want to overtake the village and all. But in the beginning as a young man he was a good father. You just don't remember it, or maybe you weren't even born yet. I am getting up there in age, hard to remember stuff." She laughed and then approached Sasuke, she looked down at him almost angrily, "but remember; I am his godmother and if I say you need to do something, god help you, you do it!"

Surprised in her sudden mood swing Sasuke answered, "Yes Ma'am."

The door opened causing both to look back.

"Ohmigod!" a loud preppy voice said, "Billboard-Brow's baby is back!" Ino ran into the room, her hands wrapped around a five foot teddy bear and holding balloons. She rushed over to the bedside and looked down at him. "He looks just like you Sasuke! I knew it, I knew it—Sakura owes me twenty dollars!"

"What a drag," a new voice said tiredly as Shikamaru entered the room, "you two actually bet on whose genetics would prevail in a baby? So lame…"

"You shut up!" Ino dropped the teddy and balloons and turned to her hold teammate, "if you met Sakura's parents you would too. He dad had curly black hair, before he went bald, and her mom had bubblegum pink. There was a chance Kyosuke COULD have had pink hair. So ha, Mr. Genius Stinky Pants. What do you have to say about that? I know something you don't!"

Passively the lazy Nara pointed back at her, "You do know we're standing in a recovery room and you are yelling at the top of your lungs while a child sleeps? Right?"

Ino froze and turned back to see two annoyed people standing behind her, "sorry….I'll leave now…." And she did along with Shikamaru.

Tsunade finally took Kyosuke out of the medicated sleep after three days. Slowly he was taken off all the machinery that monitored his vitals until he slept with a single heart rate monitor on his finger. It was the Kyosuke didn't seem too small and fragile. Sasuke finally started to get close to him.

Sasuke placed his fingers onto his son's forehead and smoothed the spike bangs to the side. Yup, he has Sakura's forehead. Kyosuke also had his completion and brooding brow. Seeing his child up close, touching his child, made Sasuke wonder why he didn't see it in the first place. There was no doubt in the world that this child was his.

At last he was here.

The one little person he had longed for to be at his side.

His child was home.

At the expense of the mother…Sakura gave up everything for this little life. Sasuke had taken everything he wanted from her and offered nothing in return until this little life was created. If there was anyone who deserved to be a mother it was Sakura Haruno. Her natural nurturing instincts are what drew him her in his most desperate time.

After he had killed Itachi and learned the monsterious truth about his family all he wanted was a soft place to fall. And that was Sakura. It always had been for both he and Naruto. She welcomed him with open arms because she loved him and wanted nothing in return but his love. And in some ways he did give her that, it just came in the form of Kyosuke.

Their sweet baby boy…

But now that little boy was growing up…and he needs his mother.

But all he has now if the absent father he never knew.

I'm going to change all that. Sasuke vowed as he gently stroked Kyosuke's little cheek before getting up and standing at the window to look out. It was a new day…a day to restart everything.


Kyosuke's vision was very blurry as he opened his eyes. As his vision cleared he half expected to see his room…all his familiar things. But he found a clean hospital room. Resting his head on the pillow more he cried.

"So it wasn't all a dream? Momma is really…" Kyosuke wished it wasn't real, but it was. He was alone now. His father the last hope he had.

"I will always be with you, Kyosuke." He heard his mother whisper in the back of his head.

Casting the tears away Kyosuke began to sit up. It was then a red and white crest caught his eye. "Mr.—Sasuke!" he gasped as he sat up fast. Sasuke was standing in his room at the window.

Having heard his name Sasuke silently turned and casually looked at the boy. "You're finally awake?"

"Uh…yes." Surprised Sasuke was here Kyosuke sat quietly.

The older man moved around the room to sit beside him in a chair, "do you remember what happened?"


"Well, over the time you traveled alone and with us, you became very sick. Your body started to shut down."

"Oh….that's bad isn't it?"

"Yes, Lady Tsunade took good care of you. But you lost a lot of blood."

"How?" he asked.

"You had an ulcer in your stomach which made you cough up a lot of blood. You needed a transfusion of blood; which is very rare and hard to find. Do you know what a clan jutsu is?"

"Yes…it's a certain jutsu member of a clan can do because it is in their genes to do so. It cannot be performed unless the genes are present."

Reaching over to pat his head Sasuke slightly smiled, "your blood had a certain enzyme that will help you control a clan jutsu you will inherit when you become older. And as of right now that blood is very rare because only two members of that family survive; you being one."

"So—my father donated blood to me?"


"So my father cares about me?"

"He does and I—"

Kyosuke became so excited his started to jump in the bed, "where is he? Did he some to see me? Is he here? Do I—Ouch!" Kyosuke fell back to the bed and clutched his stomach and started to cry. "Ooh!"

Sasuke picked the boy up and placed him back under the covers and sat more on the bed. "Yes he did come to see you. Don't worry he won't go anywhere."

Kyosuke looked up at him with bright hopeful eyes, "that's a relief."

"I have something to show you." Sasuke reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the picture of Sakura and the baby. As he handed it to Kyosuke he begged what every god in heaven that the boy wouldn't become hysterical. "This is my son…Kyosuke."

Taking the small photo into his hands Kyosuke recognized the woman and looked up at Sasuke, "but that's my momma."

"Yes," pointing to the baby, "and that's my son."

Quickly putting two and two together Kyosuke really started to cry, "Sasuke….you—you're my dad?"


Kyosuke's eyes teared up as he dropped the small photo and leaned to hug Sasuke. His shoulders shook as he cried into his father's shirt. Tears of happiness, "All this time I worried if my father even existed and now you're here….you're real."

Sasuke allowed the embrace from the child as he got over the invading feeling he originally got. Softening his posture he hugged the child back to him. "I'm not going anywhere, my son."

Sniffling could be heard from the corner, father and son turned back to see Naruto and Tsunade standing in the back of the room. Naruto leaned his head onto Tsunade's shoulders as he cried.

"I-I've never b-been s-so ha-appy in my-y entire life!" he sobbed.

"Okay Naruto lets go." Tsunade tried to get the hysterical ninja out of the room but Naruto fell to the floor crying. "MOVE BEFORE I KILL YOU!"

Kyosuke looked up at Sasuke and started to laugh. "Mr. Naruto is really weird."

"You have no idea, son."

"I like hearing that."

"And I like saying it, son."

"I think momma would be happy right now."

"Happy that you're in the hospital?"

"No happy that I'm safe, that I have love, and that I found you. She made a promise to me that she would always love and be with me. But that is only half of what I need, the other half is you; my dad. I am well taken care of, so that would make her happy."

"I have to tell you that I won't be the perfect father."

"And I can't promise to be the perfect son," he smiled.

"Sakura—momma was a god mom?"

"Yup, but you'll be a good dad. I know."

"I'm sorry your life had to be this way. One parent here and another there; it should have been another way."

"It's okay…I will remember my mom for the rest of my life. She's with me; a part of me that can never be taken away."

20 years later...

A much older Sasuke sat in his living room of the main Uchiha house reading the paper. His hair was slightly graying in some places, his skin slowly sagging with age, as did most people his age. His life as a shinobi was renowned and in the peaceful years of his life. With the darkness of his teenage years long gone Sasuke has had a full life of wonders and lessons.

He learned to be a father, a damned good one.

Kyosuke was twenty seven, a man. With his own life, a jonin instructor.

Sasuke had done what seemed to be the impossible, he had raised his son.

Sasuke never married, never had more children. Remembering his youth and how he vowed to repopulate the clan once again he had to laugh. One son was enough for him. One woman was enough for him as well.

The front door opened and two children ran into the room.

"Grandpa Sasuke!" they said together as they ran to Sasuke's side and smiled up at him.

One was a boy with dark black hair cut to fall behind his ears. His eyes, green. He stood before Sasuke and smiled up at him as he spoke about his day at the school and how Iruka sensei needed a vacation because he freaked out too much. When Sasuke spoke back to him the boy became bashful and twitted his thumbs behind his back.

The little girl on the other hand pushed her way into Sasuke's lap and insisted on singing for him. Her dark pink hair was gathered into a braid that cascaded down her back. Her green eyes looked up at Sasuke with wonder and amazement. She was about five years old where her brother was seven.

The same age Kyosuke was when he was returned to Sasuke.

"Rikisuke….Sakura?" a female voice called as a woman closed the door the children failed to close when they entered, "don't bother Grandpa, I'm sure he had a long day." She said.

"Yes, momma…" Rikisuke said as he backed away from Sasuke.

"I'm not bothering Grandpa Sasuke, momma." Sakura said looking up at him and wrapping her arms around his neck, "right?"

"Of course, Sakura, you and Rikisuke are always welcome."

"See?" she looked back at her dark-haired mother and smiled mischievously.

"Okay, I have to go on a mission but Kyosuke will come and get them in about an hour. Is that okay Mr. Uchiha?"

"It's Sasuke….or dad, but yes, that is okay."

She nervously laughed, "Okay Sasuke. Bye, my monsters, momma loves you." And with that their mother left.

The children became comfortable and started to wonder around the house. Rikisuke found something that interested him and brought it to Sasuke. He held up a photograph of a pink haired woman with a child that looked like Rikisuke.

"Who is this?"

Sasuke transferred Sakura from his lap and looked at the photo. "That's your grandmother."

"She's really pretty." Rikisuke said.

"She looks like me!" Sakura shouted in laughter.

"Yes, her name was Sakura."

"Like me?"

"Yup, like you."

"MONSTERS!" Kyosuke shouted as he entered the house, "where are you?"

"DADDY!" the two shouted as they ran for their dad.

Sasuke followed and smiled as he watched his son embrace his own children. So much like Sakura and himself.

A part of them both.

Okay its over. reviews are welcome. Hope you liked. This story was very near and dear to my heart and thank for thoes who stood beside me.