Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
A/N: Please excuse any mistakes, English isn't my first language and there will be a lot of cussing.
Karin's POV
Part I
Written by Dragenruler
I've never wonder about people thought about me, it never really bothered me. I was my own person and no one could make me think otherwise, because I knew who I was. Not that I cared much, but people still gossiped like old wives and I'd be the typical slut.
It was never my intention to do anything of such sort to be graced with such a crowning title. I was the good little girl who played safe and did what her parents told. I wasn't pure or corrupted; I was just trying to find my path. Morosely I had misguided my life, turning to the blind side and it made me realise that to get back to my life I had to do the most unethical thing that people could think of.
I cheated on my husband.
I was neglected. Being a woman I needed the feeling of being loved and that feeling never embraced me with my husband. He was too busy loving someone else. I should've seen it coming when we dated in collage but once more I blindsided myself.
Adulterer was our new crowned title, me and my husband.
I was Uchiha Karin. To most today, mostly known as just Karin and my now ex-husband was Uchiha Sasuke.
I remember the first thought that ran through my head when I found out that my husband was cheating on me, that fucking 'slut'. I had that degrading thought echo through my head since the first time that I smelled the sweet scent of roses, lilies and chocolates on his clothes and his beautiful lips all puffy and swelled from passionate kisses.
I was corrected when I met her, because she was everything but a slut.
After all those long lonesome nights that he had left me and made me think about my own imperfections, knowing that the one I loved found me repugnant if not revolting. I only missed everything that was once between me and him, before he found comfort in her.
The way his soft ebony locks drooped against his smooth forehead in such grace as he showed one of his rare elegant smiles. His onyx-coloured eyes would hide his amusement at my embarrassment. He'd put his hefty coat over my little skinny shoulders, trying to protect me from the harsh blowing wind that shot across the nightfall. He was a child, searching for someone to love when I was already there, accepting everything he had done.
The memories that combined the loving past of what I once had, and yearned to have again. I needed those loving memories to become real again. He loved me once and I would've given everything I had to have that love back, that such a handsome man loved me. He was once mine, in soul and in marriage, but everything must come to an end.
I had loved him in such an intimate way that no other person could compare their love to mine, but with all the love that I had placed in our marriage, was not enough. Our feelings for each other were straightforward only because I saw what I wanted to see. Nothing mattered besides my love, it made me special and made me feel beautiful, wanted. The love was a simple lie and I loved every minute of it.
I was blinded with confusion and love, with the need to want him to want me.
It was the 3rd June; it had a dazzling azure sky. Milky-white clouds danced against the sparkling lights of the city as the soft shushing noiseof caressing leafs echoed throughout a breeze. One-by-one they gently plucked themselves from the bony fingers of the trees to veil over the harsh earth, painting the sombre ground. A blazing amber eye spied on his unknown victims, begging me to stare at it but my glasses shielded the fierce rays.
I'd taken some time to enjoy a peaceful stroll through the alluring park next to one of my husband's company. Truth be told, I had actually wanted to surprise my loving husband by popping in with his favourite hot soup to warm him from the icy autumn wind but he wasn't available. His other companies were much too important, more important that his wife.
I had wanted to wait for him to return, but the natural beauty of the park had been tempting me from the moment I had the chance to glance at its radiant, turquoise pond. The murky sludge lounged against the far bank of the luminous pond, the young koi gracefully gliding into a group. The trees lurid fingers had grinded against one another when the autumn breeze wafted through them.
What I saw that day was something that I would never forget. I was once told that everything happened for a reason and at that moment I would not have believed a word of that old saying, but life loved to play. My gasp on my freshly bought velvet jacket tightened when the wind grew more violent.
The gentle tapping of my heels echoed aimlessly around me when I made a new path, away from my reason for visiting the park, but is simply pulled me back. I wanted to spend my whole day just staring and praying for something that would never happen at the beautiful pond. I wanted to wish upon a coin by throwing it into the pond, knowing it would never come true.
A sigh escaped me when I halted in my steps, sluggishly twisting my body away from the path of my shackled life to glance at the only freedom I was offered. I knew that I wasn't going to come back to this park. I was a mere housewife and I had a handful of tasks that needed my attention at home. It was still my home, even when on paper it stated that it was his, it was mine because he was never there.
I grimaced when my heart rattled abnormally against my body, enveloping the unending pain. Everything appeared to be detached from my life when my scarlet-coloured locks were combed backwards from the wind and my ruby-coloured eyes felt moist. They were dried from the wind, and yet the salty tears fled and left a trace on my cheeks. I wanted to feel something instead of the broken emptiness, any type of feeling to take the numbness away
I waited for the excruciating torment to embrace me, mocking me. I prayed for someone to jump out and shout that this was a harmless prank, but I knew that no one would. There was something deep inside of me, something that wanted to run away and cry for years, nagged at me that this was no joke. I knew it was true, I had known for years and I had proof of his sin, but I refused to believe it.
His hirsute ebony-coloured hair dashed around with the wind, franticly as it tried to hold its unnatural spikes. Those onyx-coloured were clouded with endless glee as he shamelessly stared, a soft smile on his face. The black, velvet suit was seductively befitting of his physique. He always looked so ravishing, no matter of the clothes that he wore.
I had lowered my gaze towards their entwined hands, quickly mumbling a sniff as I clutched my jacket closer towards my body, sucking in air. She was extremely exotic, unlike me who was the tantamount of plain.
She has rose-coloured pink curls that whirled underneath a comfortable, home-knitted black beanie that resembled the one Mother Mikoto made him for Christmas last year. Her emerald-coloured eyes glowed in delight as she glanced towards my pond, tugging my husband closer towards her for more warmth. Her small form was framed against his tall one. She was so pretty, so breathtakingly beautiful.
I was engulfed with affliction. The small droplets of tears raced down my cheeks, forcing me to wipe them away before they're known by curious eyes. It wasn't worth my tears, I desperately wanted to believe the wondrous lie and I honestly tried to believe, but it didn't work and the tears wouldn't stop. It burned menacingly, the painful scene laughing at me.
Everything in my body ached, making me feel as if fire had consumed me. I felt the anguish; my heart was ripped from my chest as it shattered into tiny pieces. It was not the end. I did not feel my world explode in that moment, not like most people would expect, but the pain made me believe it had exploded. Rage and unbearable sorrow embraced me as my emotions fought vigorously to escape, searching for a crack to crawl through to make me break down. There were so many cracks already.
I quickly covered my eyes, the sudden impulse to scratch at them overcome my thoughts. I wanted to scratch the memory of them apart, to scream myself into happiness. Adrenaline rushed through my veins in bundles of agony, making me feel more helpless. It was a race between my anger and my sadness, needing to see who would win the battle to tear away the barriers that I had built, the memories I had closed off.
He pulled her tighter against himself, capturing her mouth in a lustful trance. He was a man that always got what he wanted; I could not help but scowl. I was falling into a clouded abyss of hatred, directed towards her. She was kissing my husband, my reason for living. He was my husband and yet, she got him to show an emotion that I could never expose. She made him seem even more perfect than he was.
They were too perfect for each other, but I couldn't believe it. He was mine and for them to be so perfect was wrong. Something painful twisted in my body, near my heart and I realized that she was everything that I could never be to him, my husband. I wasn't good enough for him and I'd never be good enough. I've been told that I wasn't worthy throughout my whole life and I've always ignored those word, until now.
My face felt clammy from all the tears, as the small droplets travelled down my cheeks. I could not bring myself to care that people had seen my despair, that they had seen how I almost broke down. They saw how a woman who has never cried, who had pushed all her pain away, break.
Those beautiful summer nights flashed through my thoughts, the innocence of high school and our first touches, exploring the unknown, and the inexperienced feelings that brought us together. How we would sit together, silently communicating with each other, trying to find some peace in our depressing lives. He had needed me once and I was always there when he did, the death of his brother had brought him to me.
The first blush of the daylight was always the most beautiful part of our relationship. How the ruby-coloured sky would rupture through the cold and bitter winter nights only to welcome the little warmth of our courtship. I'd cuddle against him before the sound of the fizzling fire weakly died out, it's now bristling roar overwhelmed my senses as his hot kisses were pressed against my body.
Those deadly monsters, the memories that clawed viciously against my head and I tried to push them back, to hide from them. Everything around me buzzed and spun. My body felt extremely heavy and I suddenly wished that the howling wind would whirl me along and away, making me disappear from the world. I felt ill as my hands raced towards my hair and I abruptly turned around, the dizziness engulfed me. I was too faint.
I could not remember what being loved and adored felt like. Those were the emotions he had given me once, and I always treasured them because they were awfully rare. When those emotions reared, evoking hungry butterflies that bounced around, inside of me as they flapped their picturesque wings. They made me more nausea's now, because he used to gaze at me like he gazed at her.
I missed the emotions, that amazing feeling when he gazed at me with so much love. Everything I had pushed down, bubbled over again, I could feel the numbness leaving me and the anger and anguish taking over. I needed to escape and let them have their loving moments as a couple, leaving me to ponder about my scars. My legs finally moved, every step felt heavier than my steps before as I tried to drag myself towards a more remote place.
The harsh slapping of my heels echoed endlessly with the wind as at hit against the rocky path, heading towards the exit. I couldn't concentrate of my surroundings; I needed to get out of here and fast. I suddenly ground loudly. Everything moved too fast and suddenly time stopped as the sound of two bodies colliding ripped me away from my own reality. It was my entire fault, everything was always my fault and now thanks to me another person was hurting because of my doing.
I only wanted to escape from this horrible nightmare, forget everything and simply try to go on as if nothing happened. It was not an impossible request, but apparently my wish was not granted.
A burning twinge tore travelled down my spine, the sudden pain of my back plummeted against the solid concrete. The broken reality also seemed to crash in front of me. Fate could not just let me escape from this world and into a blissful fantasy, I was not worthy enough. The sharp edges of the rocks pierced thought my clothes, making me groan in pain again. "Fukku! Anata shitsureishimasu."
I've never heard a voice more bewitching, even with such offensive language. It was husky and rich and light, almost like the sound of a piano, it was simply beautiful. The sound was familiar and seemed to foreign, almost like a distant memory. It was smooth and made me shiver, his voice was too callous for me to recognize.
I snapped my eyes open, needing to place a face to this smooth voice but I was blinded by the black rims of my glasses as they sat crookedly on my face. I hands hastily went to adjust it back to normal, wanting to see who this person was. I had already lost everything, so I had nothing left to sacrifice. I should not have thoughts that were bitter; it'll only worsen the pain.
He had ivory-coloured hair that shined almost a light blue when it hit against the light of the sun. A white beanie covered his locks, framing his handsome face. My gaze travelled back towards his beanie, it was remarkably well-knitted, showing no trace of a seam; it was extremely beautiful and fitted him perfectly. He threw me a toothy grin, revealing spotless shark-like teeth.
The most beautiful violet-coloured eyes shined with annoyance as he stared down at me. I swore softly at his alluring eyes and silently prayed that I wasn't gapping at him like a fish with slightly widen eyes. I gulped and fiddled with my glasses again, a nervous habit of mine, hoping that this wasn't an illusion that my broken mind imagined. He chuckled charmingly.
"Hōzuki Suigetsu, and you hāpī owe me coffee." He roughly reached towards me, pulling onto my arm as he yanked me towards him. His cold hands were softer than my finest cream and I suddenly had the urge to let my fingers travel over every patch of his skin. I wanted to know if the rest of him was just as soft. I stared shamelessly at his arms, his muscles flexed against his dark blue sweater.
I suddenly realized what he called me, and screeched my tears away as I glared at him. He had some nerve, talking to someone like that. I knew it was my fault, crashing into him and I quickly glanced towards the silicone on the ground, it dark contents pooled around the white cup. I was suddenly thankful that the sticky brown water wasn't wetting our clothes.
"I'm not a harpy, you asshole!" I shrieked, crossing my arms as I pulled it away from his gasp, quickly slipping my wedding-band off my finger. "I apologize for crashing into you, and ruining your coffee." I tried to level my voice, wanting to sound emotionless as I rapidly wiped at my face. I knew it looked like I was scratching my cheeks, but I could really care less. "Hayashi Karin." I said abruptly, wanting to forget my real name.
I wasn't married, at least not to Sasuke Uchiha.
"Well Karin, I'm displeased to meet you, but you still owe me coffee." He grimaced and I frowned in irritation, how someone so handsome could be so rude? I glared at him, only now noticing that he was almost a foot taller than me, making me lift upwards my head.
I started to stare again, his beautiful eyes capturing me. I smiled shyly, rolling my eyes finding the situation suddenly funny as I let out a soft chuckle. Maybe it was the sadness and the absurdity of the reality I was in or I just wasn't thinking anymore. A handsome man with such a rude personality, that made me want to strike him across his head made me giggle without doing anything. I clearly lost myself in this park.
"Fine, I'll repay you for your foul language and rude behaviour with coffee, asshole." I could not help but smile.
Her name was Haruno Sakura. Suigetsu had informed me about who she was. I found it a little ironic that my new boyfriends' sister was my husbands' girlfriend. She was apparently his younger sister. They both held two different names, mostly because of their clans' ancestors and the results of a really filthy divorce that their parents had. We were seemingly the same age.
It was notably humorous, so very funny in a violently ill way.
I was truthful to Suigetsu when our relationship started; I had told him that I was legally bounded to someone else and it made me quite happy. He, unlikely enough, saw something in me and I could not allow myself to let this wonderful idiot go once we passed through the hatred we had for each other. I had no idea how I came to like him. A person who liked to cut thing and he had this twisted sense of humour that made me grimace. Love truly is blind.
I sighed softly, trying to stop my running thoughts. It was a helpless cause, I knew. The world seemed suddenly so small when he talked to me about his baby sister. I gently smiled, leaning my head against the solid glass of his car window. The car was filled the rich aroma of summer rain dew and I welcomed the enchanting smell as I cuddled further into my jacket. I could rest in this smell forever.
It had been eight glorious months since we met and seven months since we've started dating. I knew sneaking around behind Sasuke's back was immoral, but I could not help it. I felt like a reckless teenager again, a naughty girl that hoped not to be caught in the act. Eight months of knowing each other, getting to know one another and he wanted me to meet his baby sister.
What a fucking whore. It was an awful habit; I had developed, to cuss at her when I had no more reason to do so. She was a simple girl, like me, who followed the emotions of her heart. There was no need to blame her, when I was also a guilty one. I wanted this horrid habit of name-calling to end, especially before I had to meet her.
A few months into our relationship, I told Suigetsu about my dreadful name-calling habit and we had a really bad cussing battle about how I could think of such a thing. I honestly did not like saying something so malicious about a woman, who did the same thing that I was doing and it almost brought me to tears. Only after the battle had he tried to reassure me that she was nothing like my thoughts suggested.
I still could not help my thoughts; they drifted from my control sometimes.
Suigetsu was cheated on before, but still he has never been married. Once you have said those binding words, vowing to be together and then signing that horrid paper that legally bound us in the eyes of the law. It was somewhat different than just being together, by knowing you're not lawfully bound and could act as an adulterer without major consequence made love seem easier.
The car came to a sudden halt and I practically slammed the car door apart when I tried so close the door swiftly. My distress obviously showed. I needed Suigetsu to hold back his comments now more than ever, just for today. It was all that I was asking for. He had slowly grown on me, spending so much time together and when I started to learn more about him as our relationship progressed.
He still had his few habits that made me question my sanity by being in a relationship with him. He had this obsessive way of speaking his mind and calling me offensive names and insulted me and he always complained. Everyone had faults, some just had bigger faults than others, but we had to learn how to love them.
I giggled and the sound painfully echoed throughout my head, giving me a splitting headache. Every single feeling and memory invaded my mind, making the aching worse. Foresight was always better than hindsight, but it was not making me feel any better. The pain refused to subside. I needed to return back to reality, somewhere far away from my pain and memories.
I twisted my body around, forcing myself to stare at the small cottage that resembled something out of a fairy-tale. It seemed out of place. This small little cottage reminded me of my old fantasies, dreams about elegant knights and fair ladies in waiting. With an alluring tale that most little girls prayed for and a little cottage like this was always in the fable. She was merely a kindergarten teacher, working with young children. A low paying job and she has such a bewitching home.
She and Sasuke had known each other since their youth, a fact that displeased Suigetsu immensely. He was an older brother; he had a reason not to approve of my husband as a suitor for his baby sister. His thoughts on my husband were unpleasant and when I walked into his life, I simply proved all of those unpleasant thoughts.
I bit deeply into my nails and cussed silently as a twinge shot through my finger as bit into the raw flesh, another bad habit I had. The bitter taste of iron engulfed my taste buds and it was surprisingly soothing. I quickly glanced over my shoulders, my gaze capturing his beautiful eyes through my thick rims. I grimaced when I saw him smiling mockingly at me.
"Asshole, I wonder if I can do this alone. I'm smart enough to think of a reason to why her brothers' girlfriend came to see her alone." I asked faintly, knowing that the name-calling was child's-play and also a habit we both could not forget. I did not want him to win our mocking contest just because I was nervous and did not trust myself enough to voice my fear. A sudden and random hit of nausea overwhelmed me when I tried to move forward.
I had to start with baby steps because leaping towards her home would make me faint and vomit. My thoughts raced through my mind in endless circles and I could not fathom my steps anymore. All of the thoughts that I shoved away, ignoring them for months abruptly rushed throughout my mind. Every memory and thought seemed more realistic than the one before, forcing me to swallow a sob.
What did she have that I didn't? I did not want to see what was wrong with me and perfect with her, but I simply needed to know. My stomach twisted with agony and hatred and loathing towards her, what made her more perfect than me? Why did my husband choose her over his own wife? I was the one who had promised forever, promised to love him.
I sighed again before starting my casual pace again. Why was thinking of such dreadful things when I did not care anymore? I was with another man, someone who proclaimed that he liked me enough to put up with my antics. It did not mean anything to me anymore, what my husband did and who he chose to do it with, simply did not bother me anymore. I was happy in my own sadistic way. I had no reason to ponder on someone who never should have mattered to me.
Long emerald-coloured fingers spiralled through one another, entwining with the growing buds of roses. Roses that had already bloomed held their perfectly pampered heads high, acting like they were the rulers over the other flowers. Jade-coloured twigs twisted through the ivory-coloured iron, as they crawled across the white wood. There were enchanting bushes, lining up in a row that followed the rocky path that led towards her beautiful mahogany wooden-carved door.
I had no idea how a teacher could afford such a bewitching terrain. Sunflowers stood on attention at the front walls of the house, facing towards the sun as beautiful dandelions and tulips curved against the luscious turf. A few trees concealed over the earth, reminding me of a forest that hid an enchanting meadow from peering eyes.
Everything looked like an enthralling mythical tale, I thought carefully as I gazed at the milky-coloured walls and the rich tawny-coloured wood crawled against the walls, dipping slightly to loop against the walls. There was a grass roof that crowned the cottage and a beautiful Victorian window could be seen stretching against the wood. It was a perfect picture of a fairy-tale house.
I moved swiftly, stepping further away from Suigetsu and hoped that I seemed graceful in my steps and not as clumsy as I felt. I knew Suigetsu would be waiting outside for me and her, until he got bored. I quickly stopped in front of the door, trying to end something before it happened. My heart pounded in my throat and I almost gagged at the tension that was bubbling inside of me. The soft sounds of tapping echoed and I could not remember when I knocked.
It felt like hours had already passed. My gaze travelled back towards the house in awe. This place had made me feel at home, a home where I belonged, it was warm and enchanting unlike the big mansion I called my home. I could not help but wonder how something so compact could become so beautiful, a welcoming place. I don't believe that she'd change houses with me?
I knew that she would love the mansion once she moved in. When the house was being built I made certain that the architect designed the mansion in an old-fashioned Victorian styled home. It was a beautiful house, a home I always dreamed about having but it was too empty with just me inside it. I wanted something small and quaint, a place where I could not get lost. I giggled when I glanced back towards the cottage; it made me feel like a little girl again.
That type of innocence, something beautiful that was untouched by everything immoral. They had a beautiful gleeful glow that shone through the youths' eyes only to quickly disappear as they grew older and wiser. It was when a young girl wished for her prince to came and sweep her away by carrying her into a blissful dream.
This quaint little place reminded me of the bewitching tales that my mother read to me at night when I was still young. Her voice would always emphasize when the climax of the story happened by raising her voice and at the end of the tale, the endless promises of happily ever after that faded into nothingness when my mother closed the book, signalling the end of my fantasy.
My smile fell when the door abruptly opened her beautiful face in front of me and I could not control myself as I gazed into her alluring green eyes. I wanted to frown or grimace at her, but I couldn't bring myself to show any emotion. She seemed tired, the small tired bags underneath her eyelids proved just how tired she truly was. I opened my mouth, trying to voice the words I wanted to say but nothing came out.
"You must be Karin; you're just as pretty as Suigetsu described." She sounded tired, and awfully tired. I quickly nodded, a soft smile plastered onto my face and I found myself being quite rude because I was staring. I just could not take my eyes of her stomach, making me want to giggle as the irony got worse.
She was largely pregnant.
I could not believe how intertwined we were with each other! I have never met someone with who I felt at such ease to be myself and simply let everything that restricted me before, to let it all disappear in that single moment. I must admit that she surprised me; I didn't expect her to be so lovable. She was something entirely else, someone who just stuck onto you when you meet her. She was amazing and always knew what to say, a sweet girl with a huge temper.
I've only known her for a month. She was now entering her ninth month of pregnancy, her due date was approaching fast and I giggled at the irony once again. She had apparently conceived the day I became a new person, or maybe a few days before I met Suigetsu. Since our friendship had begun, she never dared to utter the name of the father or his name. I wanted to hear her say it badly, just to prove what I already knew.
The photos on her walls screamed out his name. He was everywhere I looked in her house, a poison that would not disappear. She would never show any sign of weakness, of her apparent affliction. I always saw her with a mirthful smile and she would not let the illusion shatter. If she ever cried, I bet she'd find a way to push away the haunting memories and simply smile. It made me wonder how strong she really was, to be able to handle a pregnancy alone.
I did not doubt myself of any one anymore. I could clearly see why my husband would cheat on me with her, and I could not blame him! Truthfully, if I were my husband, I'd also have cheated on myself with her but there was a difference between my husband and me. I would have divorced with him before accepting the idea of performing adultery. It's quite funny coming from someone who is currently cheating.
She was everything anyone could hope for, sweet and innocent. She was indescribable because people like her did not exist anymore. I knew her that is way I kept everything quiet. I was being secretive and she knew it, but I was the bad person and Suigetsu was also being naughty. We did not want her to know how immoral we both were being, we were adulterers.
I only wanted to meet her and then become friends with her without any intention of causing her more harm. I would never allow anything to hurt someone that sweet and I refuse to be the cause for that type of pain. People could not neglect and forget about what the heart wanted, rational thoughts left when the heart started yearning. I could not blame her for doing something that I was also doing?
I smiled gently as I took a small sip from the coffee as I sat across from Sakura. I was the only friend she had left, the only one who still tried to be there when she needed someone. She still had Suigetsu, but a woman could not always depend on a man. It was awful, how all her friends immediately left her once they found out about her indiscretion. They did not want anything to do with someone who was tainted enough to bear another mans' child.
They used vile and scornful words when they saw her again; Suigetsu had informed me about their words. She wasn't the type of person who they thought she was and when Suigetsu tried to protect her, they used more vulgar words. They gave her a shameful name and promised to never contact her again. In their eyes they saw nothing more than a common whore and it made me sick, because I was once one of them.
I grimaced suddenly, if those friends had any type of life left in their pathetic world then they would have been able to see how hard life truly was and to be able to find love and have that person love you was nearly impossible and it was hopeless to let go. People needed that feeling in their lives to make it through the horrible day, to make everything you've gone through in life, worth something.
Being able to have the power of finding the one person who made it all worth it, even in the worst case scenario, was something special. Most people would go through life without finding that love. The number of divorces in our country proved that it was an absurd search, because when lust become the reason for people to be together love became harder to find.
I glanced over the dark rim of my glasses and over the coffee towards Sakura. "Sakura, are you alright?" I sighed, knowing that my concern for her grew as her hands travelled over her expanded tummy. She was already carrying very low, a sign that the baby was almost with us. I had this weird feeling that she'd have a boy, but there was a big possibility that I was wrong since she wanted the gender to be a surprise.
She giggled softly, trying to disappear into the comfortable settee; her arms twisted around her enlarged tummy tightly. "He kicked, quite a vigorous kick at that. Chōdo kare no chichioya no yōna sentōki." She sighed out her words sadly; a small smile still adorned her face as her eyes glazed with tears. Her arms loosened around her belly, only to caress it.
I knew that she tried to hide his identity from me because the father was immensely famous around the world. I would also have hid the truth. The power that his family-name had was overwhelming; they held more authority over a country than most leaders had. His face could be seen plastered on millions of magazines, mostly business magazines, but magazines none the less. It would be a huge gossip-scandal if the information of her and the baby were to leak, the media would be eat it up.
"Sakura, can I ask you something?" I asked, my eyes searching for her approval. I was playing with an uncontrollable fire, but when she nodded I could not keep it in any more. "I am not judging you, you know that, but who is the father?" I quickly retraced my words in my head, regretting them when I saw her face twist in anguish. I needed to fix this. "You really do not have to tell me. It's just that I've never seen a man come by besides Suigetsu."
I was badly pushing my luck. She smiled a ghostlike smile, her face paling when she swallowed slowly. Her gaze travelled upwards as she traced small spiral twirls on her large tummy, she looked in a deep trance. She suddenly cringed and looked back towards me again, a deep frown on her face. My gaze travelled along the soothing motions of her fingers and I waited for her reply.
"Never be with a married man, it will never have a good come out." She tried to imitate the voice of an old, wise man before haggardly laughing only to take a meaningful pause. "Uchiha Sasuke, the heir of the Uchiha clan after the death of Itachi-ani. You must've heard about him before?" She hastily glanced towards me, seeking for any sign of a reaction, bad or good, it did not matter.
I knew him quite intimately, but she did not need to know about that. It was funny that I made her tell me something that I've already known, but the difference of simply knowing without being told and being told is completely different. I crunched my face into displeasure when she said his name. It did hurt, quite badly in fact. He was going to be a father and I was not the mother of that child. No, I was over it. I was honestly over it, but the pain and hatred of him still stayed inside me.
He was my first love, actually he was my first everything. I loathed how I simply could not forget about everything and move on; there was no reason for me to linger in unwanted territory. It must've been the pain of knowing that you were once not good enough for someone that made me think such things, it must be, because I only wanted to be Suigetsu.
I wanted to say something and I was about to voice my worries, but she interrupted me. "I really have not the faintest clue as how the media or his wife did not notice us, me and him together. We certainly never tried to hide it. It is still no reason for acting carelessly. Everything comes with consequences and even after everything, now; I don't regret what I did." She admitted sadly, staring straight at me. "I have always loved him."
I struggled to breathe and I felt hollow. I somehow welcomed both those feelings with glee. We've had spent a lot of time together and I got to know her, it made me realize just how wrong I was and it made me cuss like an sailor. Before meeting her I thought that she just wanted a heated fling with one of Japans most famous and richest people, only wanting a high of fun. I really wanted to take back those thoughts that I had.
My head grew heavy and it lowered shamefully. I kept my gaze focused on the almost empty cup of coffee. She loved him dearly; the emotions in her voice spoke volumes. I had never felt guiltier. Here she sat; loving my husband more than his wife ever could and she still sat alone, her love never faltering. I suddenly did not want to know of the pain she must've been through on my wedding day.
I needed to get a divorce as soon as I could. I was very happy with Suigetsu and would not choose anything above his sadistic and funny charm. He meant almost everything to me and I had the most uneasy feeling, something I never had before, that made me want to die if he ever chose someone else. I would easily choose my boyfriend over my husband; I really didn't want to be a horrible person anymore.
I sipped at the edge of the cup; the warmth burned my tongue making me grimace in discomfort. "Where is he now, if I may ask?" I was going to play dumb, and I knew that it would not be pretty if she found out that I was Sasuke's wife. "I believe I've read in some papers that he took his responsibilities quite seriously and would never leave when he was needed."
I wanted to know everything that has happened between them. I knew my husband well enough that this situation bothered me. He was never the type of person who would leave his own child, before birth no less! He was a cold and emotionless man at times, but he had his moments of niceness after his brothers' death. He took his responsibilities with pride, just like Itachi wanted him to do. I found it bizarre that he was not here.
My gaze travelled around the room, searching for an answer but found nothing. Her place was simply too beautiful to be able to afford on her salary. I continued to be baffled; I wanted to know how someone of her status could afford such elegant things that were made for a mansion. It was almost an identical copy of my own furniture.
Her beautiful white-coloured settees were framed with dark cherry-wood, twisting at the edges in spirals. A small fireplace was placed in front of the two settees, beautiful mahogany-coloured wood twirled around the fireplace endlessly, creating a tale of different lines. The burning flames enriched the white tiles that sat at the foot of the fireplace, the blaze dancing. An array of pictures decorated the empty space above the fire, framing various images of her, Suigetsu, Sasuke and a newly taken photo of me and her.
The only odd thing about her living room was the dirty white rug that was settled between the two settees, a dark wooden coffee table, looking as elegant as the settees was placed on top of that ugly carpet. I had asked her once why she had this old thing, but she only laughed at my question saying that she'd never have the heart to throw it away. If I turned my head sideways, I would be able to see an ancient bookcase holding millions of books. Most of the books were about medicine.
I was enthralled with her house, it was indescribable. I glimpsed at her, before returning my whole focus on her again. She looked completely broken, making me joke out a gasp. Tears were rolling down her rosy cheeks as her eyes looked like cold glass orbs, her focus on her enlarged belly. I quickly thanked to whoever was up there that Suigetsu was with his friends. He hated it when his baby sister cried.
"Sasuke," She croaked out, trying to hold back a sob. She did not like to cry in front of people, just like me. Her posture slumped entirely when she looked at me again. "He told me that did not want the baby, well not with me." I froze completely, why would he say such a thing? It was simply absurd! She swallowed heavily, trying to find her voice again. "I was ecstatic about it! I've always loved children and I was having one of my own. I really could not be happier but I was not his wife."
How could I be the reason for them not being together? I wanted to scream, I needed to get rid of this uncontrollable hatred. How could someone be thick enough to want to ruin the best thing that has ever happened to them! Sasuke was never happy with me, no matter how much I tried. I could not understand his actions, I needed to know more. I needed to know what in hells name was going on!
"It was the funniest thing in the world." She gasped out, placing a hand over her mouth trying to hide her crazy laughs. It was a mechanism of coping when one could not comprehend a situation that has happened to them. "I had known that he would choose her over me. They were married and I've never seen her but I knew she must've been something gorgeous if Sasuke chose her. He only deserves the best, no wonder he chose her."
She hiccupped as she stopped her laughing, only to break down and I tried not to look at her with pity and compassion, it was my entire fault. She would not want anyone to look at her with such a look. I did not want to lie to her anymore; telling her who I really was would make her think twice about everything. She'd even reconsider being my friend. I was the reason why she was hopeless and lonely, during a pregnancy.
She smiled at me, desperately wiping at her tears. "Kanojo wa Karin yori kireidenakereba narimasen!" I could not believe she'd say something like that; I really was not that pretty. I wanted to speak, to say anything but she interrupted me. "I highly doubt that, no one is as pretty as you are."
I was extremely thankful that my glasses shielded my tears. It would make her feel worse if she thought that she had made me cry. My glasses were going to be wet and I could feel my wet eyelashes scratching against the thick glass. I wished that I did not know her as well as I did, she was a modest and compassionate woman. She would do anything humanly possible to make someone happy.
"I'd never be able to forget his expression the moment that I told him about the pregnancy; it was something he did not want to hear." She choked on a silent sob, trying desperately to hide her agony from me. "It was never his intension to get me pregnant, it was simply a fluke. It really hurt when he said that. He said that he would not leave his wife for me, that he loved her too much to do that to her and that I was nothing more than a fling, something exciting."
I found myself stunned, what a lying fucking pussy! That man has never fucking loved me, not once in his life. I was the one who he used; I was the exciting fling that should've been thrown away. Not her! He loved and cherished her, I knew it for a fact and I have only seen them together once. How could he be so fucking careless with someone so beautiful? He really was a fucking idiot.
"I meant fucking nothing to him!" She wailed, mumbling that damaging sentence repeatedly. I could not help to stare, she never cussed. I was shocked; he made her so angry and mad that she'd even cuss at the pain. What an asshole! Her tears fell faster, the small droplets staining her face as her whole body shook. She gasped, trying to control her sobs and the stress of everything. She was thinking about the baby instead of herself. She really needed a good crying session, it always made me feel lighter afterwards but it was not good for the baby.
I knew my husband wanted children of his own and I knew that he never wanted them with me, but to put your own baby in harm's way? What was he thinking? A woman's emotions were uncontrollable during pregnancy and stress was unhealthy! There were so many things that could have, that could still go wrong. He was a fucking idiot. "Sakura!" My voice seemed urgent, and she really needed to listen to me! "You are more worth than he'll ever be; you are one of the most important people in my life."
Her enchanting eyes were wide when she stared at me. Her hands stopped stroking her big tummy and fell lifelessly against her fragile looking body as she mumbled a destructive sentence, refusing to believe my words. "I am not important, not to him! It was an absurd thought to think that he'd choose me!"
"You know as much as I do that it's not true! I scolded her like a young girl who was not listening. Her tears suddenly stopped and she grimaced as she remembered something painful. I was happy that she was not crying anymore, but her whole face was red. I did not want to look at her anymore; it hurt to look at something so beautiful and so hurt. It was unfair.
She sighed, her voice calmer than before. "He told me to get an abortion!" She hissed her eyes narrowed drastically as she glared at me. "I would've done anything to be with him, but he did not want me. I was unneeded; he already had the perfect life." She lifted her arms from her sides, only to point towards a photo of them from a few years ago, holding each other tightly.
"I was happy and I knew he was also. He was just another type of happy than I was. He only wanted some fun, an adventure away from home not an out of wedlock baby." He sighed again, more tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to wipe at them. "I gave him everything, besides money, that he could want. Every desire and nightmare he had, I was there for him but I was naïve."
Her tears cascaded down her face again, she looked defeated. She was everything but naïve, she was actually extremely wise and to have to question that because of a dumb man? "He was married, his wife was probably flawless. I should have attended that wedding, maybe then I would know why he chose her. Is it weird that I've never met her before? Sasuke and I have known each other since childhood? She must be everything I never was."
She quickly clutched onto her enlarged tummy, a soft smile tried to hide her tears again. "I love him so much." She frowned, her head lolling towards the sides, a manner of shaking her frown away. She wiped away more tears, trying to hide her weakness after breaking down but she still was not healed. There was still something bothering her, I could see it. "I'm so scared. I can't go through this alone, I'm not strong enough."
I hastily pushed myself off the settee; the sudden feeling of nausea overcoming me as I flung myself towards her. I crushed her into my arms, concealing her tightly against myself. I could feel the twisting knots in my stomach and I was going to vomit soon. How could someone do something this painful to a beautiful person? Bad things always happened to good people, what a vile fate was that?
"You should not be scared! You are not alone, I'll always be there. I promise you." She nodded meekly against my chest, my jackets getting wet as she cried again, letting every thought disappear and her emotions took over. I wanted to cry with her, but I could not. I simply let my hand caress her head, trying to sooth her. Something needed to be done, and only I could fix this ugly situation.
But how could I?
That door never looked so big before. The ink-coloured crystal glass, tainted with dark red spirals that made the glass opaque to his employees. He loved to have this privacy; it was the one thing that he respected more than himself. He thought highly of privacy because of all the paparazzi that always seemed to follow him, seeking out his imperfections and corruption of the high clan.
He also placed boundaries within a relationship that held terrible consequences when crossed, but that would not be my problem for much longer. I was finally done with him; I had no reason to be with him anymore and I could not be happier about that fact. I founded something better, someone that loved to argue with me, a person who riled me up and I could take advantage of him and he'd take advantage of me.
His whole office was dark and gloomy. The darkness completely enveloped the entire room, it was almost suffocating. There was only a small light that could be seen through the mountains of paperwork that needed to be reviewed, edited or signed. A small slit of light shone through the black curtains, trying to invade the emptiness with a little bit of happiness.
His office was immense. It was furnished with dark leather chairs that faced towards his black metal desk. The long metal braided up towards the glass as a massive snow-coloured rug lay underneath the chairs. He had a variety of shelves and bookshelves and plants and extremely luscious, colourless paintings that costs a small fortune. Everything in this office was achromatic.
He was far hidden behind the mountains of work that sprawled across table chaotically, the soft buzzing noise his laptop made echoed throughout the badly lit room as he clicking from typing reached my ears. The whole room smelled of him and sweat. It was a rich scent of various spices, it was an unknown cologne. The room was a great reflection of his personality, but something seemed off.
It looked darker, angrier and smelled like sadness. I have not seen my husband in a few weeks, and it was usually a normal routine for us since our wedding but that was about to change. He changed, he was sappier than normal and it was irritating at hell. I've had spent a lot more time with Sakura the past few weeks, desperately wanting her not to be scared and to help to get ready for the baby, but the past few days I have not spoken to her.
I needed to end this before I moved on. I wanted to reorganize my whole life and by doing so I had gotten a divorce attorney. Suigetsu wanted to represent me, but it would not look good having an affair with your attorney. I had to decline. I knew he wanted to get Sasuke away from me and Sakura, but this was something I needed to do without him. I was not inclined to anything with a divorce; I signed the prenuptial agreement willingly.
I closed the door silently, locking it behind me. I needed everything to be quiet and private, and it to have it stay between me and Sasuke for the moment. Ami, his secretary would try to spy on this conversation and probably blab about it to everything she comes across. She has been in love with my husband for years, a girl who did not understand the word 'no' and she has always tried to come between me and Sasuke. She'd have a field day if she overhears this conversation.
"I am taking to visitors today, leave." His deep voice pierced throughout the room. He sounded tired and displeased; I could feel the stress radiating from him. I knew he was not sleeping, there could have been a problem with work or he was anxious about Sakura and knew her due date had passed. He has always been troubled with insomnia, the dreams about his brother must have returned.
I ignored him; he did not direct those words towards me. He was foolish enough not to notice who came into his office. I was in a dreamlike state, everything felt like a surrealistic reality. I was too giggly to comprehend how the next few days would play out, how he'd react. I did not care. I was getting a divorce from the man that never loved me, a man who only used and played me.
My body trembled when I stood directly in front of his overloaded desk. I wanted this over with as fast as humanly possible. I carelessly threw the papers in front of him, right in his line of sight, making the elegant movement of his hands stop. I refused to take no for an answer and he could tear at the papers as much as he wants, I'd just come back with another set that he had to sign.
"What the fuck is this? I do not have time for useless crap." He slowly lifted his head and glared at me, his beautiful onyx-coloured eyes showed distaste from interfering with his life. His gaze hastily lowered towards the papers again and he shop up from behind his desk, grapping onto the papers and pulling his glasses from his face. His beautiful scowl made me almost laugh. "Fakkude wa, korera wa nanidesu ka?" He growled, already knowing what the papers were for.
I gulped, my voice was suddenly gone. I did not want to laugh at him anymore, I was afraid of the man staring at me. He was intimidating and made me quiver at times. I've only ever been scared of him when he was angry and it had escalated to him frowning, it was a fact that I'd never admit to anyone. It was unethical to fear your own husband, especially if he has never tortured you before. He used to be a violent adolescent.
"I want a divorce." I could barely hear myself. What was wrong with me? For months I have been waiting for this day and now I have lost my boldness. I wanted this; there was no doubt in my mind about that fact.
"Excuse me?" He growled again, making me flinch away from him. His angelic features twisted angrily as he violently threw the papers down onto his desk, almost cracking the glass from the impact. I wanted to run away from his office, I did not want to see him again. I needed to get him out of my life and immediately. He was not good for me and it was not worth to keep him in my life. He liked to frighten people.
He glanced towards the papers again before flipping through them, intensely scanning through its contents. He grabbed a pen abruptly and scribbled his signature gracefully. His handwriting always did stun me, it was opulent in nature. It was beautiful and elegant, a lot better than my handwriting. I scowled at his calmness, what had happened of his anger?
"Wondered when I'd get these." He mumbled impassively. He really hated showing emotions, even before his brothers' death. Now he was like a lifeless puppet without a master to help him move. It was sad and I suddenly wanted to hug him, to comfort him. No, I'd never do that. He passed my level of help and I refused to try and heal something that did not want to be healed. I'd never again try to repair something that did not want my help.
"How long have you known?" I was glad to have a voice again, more relaxed now that he signed the papers me and my lawyer worked on. He snorted; it was very unusual and smirked mockingly towards me. I raised one of my eyebrows and crossed my arms, not caring about my attitude and his thoughts on me. In a matter of a few months, I would be free of him forever.
He strutted back towards one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. "About Suigetsu and you, for months." He casually sprawled himself against the chair, uncaring and mockingly cocky. I wanted to shoot him in the face, it would be easy but I'd never get away with something like that. He was too powerful for someone not to notice. Someone really needed to knock him off this pedestal.
He had known about everything then? How long has he have known and what exactly did he know? A man as powerful as him must've known about everything, I had no reason to hold back if he had known the whole time. After I met Suigetsu I started to raise my opinion, uncaring about what other people thought about my words. He did not look displeased at all, knowing that his wife was cheating, he seemed smug about it. Fucking bastard.
"Haruno Sakura wa dōdesu ka? If you have known about me and Suigetsu for months then you must've known about me and her? Was she also a fuck toy like me? Was she so unimportant that it was not worth your time unless it was to suck your cock?" I spat, knowing that I was hitting him below the belt. I was beyond the normal point of anger. I wanted to fight, I wanted him to feel like the piece of shit he was.
He grimaced at my words, the hatred evident on his face. I could as well have poured eroding acid onto all of his pet snakes; he would've looked at me with the same type of loathing. He eyes burned with anger; otherwise he was almost complete passive. His posture went rigid and I knew he wanted to throw something at me. "How the fuck do you know that name, you cussing bitch."
I screeched, my voice cracking under the pressure of being that high. "She is Suigetsu's little fucking sister, idiot!" I swallowed hard, trying to sooth the aching. "But you probably already know that, don't you Sasuke? You're really a sick bastard." I mumbled, my voice almost completely gone as I coughed, trying to gasp in as much air as I could. My cheeks felt wet and I quickly moved to wipe them away. They were unneeded.
I had no reason to cry over this man, today was a happy day! I was freeing myself from someone that only caused me pain. I could feel his anger as his heated glare never wavered from my face, barely controlling himself not to kill me. He could easily overpower me and he would make certain I suffered. No, there was still a good man underneath him. I did not have the time to search for that man. I had my own life to go live.
"You don't know a fucking thing. I have my fucking reasons for doing the crap that I do!" He tried not to scream and I looked at him in awe. This was the most I've he has spoken to me in the past months. I really hit a raw nerve and I wanted to smile at that fact. I wanted to make him cry and beg he deserved what was coming towards him.
"Fucking reasons? You gave her nothing but fucking lies! You've abused an amazing person for your own fucking pleasure!" It was not enough, my words could get him angry but not the type of angry I wanted him to be. I knew what I needed to say, and I smirked in pleasure. "Your brother would be ashamed of you! You've turned into what he fucking hated most, you -!" I could not finish my sentence.
He was in front of me before I could blink both of my arms tightly in this grasp as he pulled me towards him. He growled, bearing his teeth at me, his face was full of pure hatred towards me. "DO NOT speak further, you'll regret it!" He grimaced, his grasp tightening around her arms. "Don't speak about my brother, you know nothing!"
My voice was once again gone, the fear bubbling over my confidence. I wanted this reaction out of him; it was my entire fault for getting him this worked out. I probably should not have mentioned his brother, but it was already too late. "I know that you love her." I whispered, tears running down my cheeks. I frowned at his shocked expression; he did not expect me to reply.
He was about to say something, but the buzzing of my vibrating phone interrupted him. I yanked my arms away from him in his shocked state, quickly pulling my phone from my bag. I flipped it opened, not looking at caller ID as I tried to wipe away the remaining tears and the tear stains. I recognized the voice and smiled gently; his voice was urgent but still calmed me. It made me forget about Sasuke, only standing behind me.
I slowly breathed big breaths, taking in as much needed air as I could. "Yes asshole, I'll be right there."
I snapped the phone closed, frowning as I grabbed the divorce papers from his desk, quickly placing it in my bag. I did not spare Sasuke a glance as I ignored him and swiftly moved towards the door of his office. I had no time to waste, I needed to get out of here but I stopped before leaving his office. I cocked my head to the side, sending him an icy glance and hoped that what I was about to say would get a completely different reaction from him.
"I know you don't care, but since you love her and it's your baby. Sakura has gone into labour."
Fukku! Anata shitsureishimasu. – Fuck! Excuse you.
Hāpī – Harpy.
Chōdo kare no chichioya no yōna sentōki – A fighter just like his father.
Ani – Older Brother (When talking about your older brother)
Nanojo wa Karin yori kireidenakereba narimasen! – She must be prettier than you Karin!
Fakkude wa, korera wa nanidesu ka? – What the fuck are these?
Haruno Sakura wa dōdesu ka? – What about Haruno Sakura?
A/N: This was one hell of a bitch to rewrite! I rephrased and completely rewrote everything from scratch. Took me four bloody days to just do this one, now for the other one (yeah!) and to finish the one-shot that I started, but obviously never finished. I hope this is more realistic to their personalities in the manga/anime. I know that some stuff is off, but I tried.
This will mostly be a two-shot fic, maybe three. It depends on the second chapter.
I love your reviews!
PS~ If you're a bleach fan, and like Byakuya/Hisana go check out my fic: Castigration.