Disclaimer: Would you sue if I lied?
Warnings: This is slightly, or maybe half-CRACK and perverted. You have been warned.
NOTE: This is actually a series of one-shots with the theme of 'Kidnapping'.
Written by purpleblush017
CASE 01: Patience is a virtue! Believe it!
"Is this strong?"
"Hm. Depends by your notation of strength, that is."
"Oh, it's very strong alright, very much."
A quirked eyebrow.
"Okay, strong as in strong—ANBU standards."
"That changes everything. We have special ones for their kind. You know, things that shut your chakra points that leave you unable to use it. That kind."
"I'd love to see those, please."
"I'm sure you would. Here, how about this one?"
"I don't know, it doesn't look very trust-worthy to me. I bet he could outdo those in just an hour. And I intend to keep him until next month. Or so. Or maybe till next year."
"Hm. A really special one you have there. Very special indeed. So, how about this kind? Though they don't come in cheap, but I have to tell you, these babies are really, really good stuff. One of our bestsellers."
"I see. It looks odd and yet…Holy hell! Did it just suck my chakra?"
"Good stuff, didn't I tell you?"
"I'd definitely take that one!"
"Good decision. Smart one, aren't you?"
"I know. And, uhm, could you throw in some handcuffs too?"
She placed her pale, cold fingers on the tip of her lips and shivered. The coolness of the night was overwhelming. And Haruno Sakura took this moment to show off her superb intelligence. She forgot to bring a coat.
Very clever of her.
Ignoring her forgetfulness, she recomposed herself to do what she planned to in this shivering weather and dark place.
Inhaling a deep breath, she started. "Yuhoo, doggy, doggy. Where are you?" It might have been her imagination when she heard the echo of her voice ringing through the woods. After no answer, she started walking briskly.
"Doggy, doggy, arf! Arf! Are you there?"
The sound of crickets answered her.
"Seriously!" she stomped her new knee-length booths. "Doggy!"
And then there were rustles heard coming from the bushes. Her heartbeat fastened. A hand instinctively placed on her left holster, ready to pull out that sharp metal to protect herself from the upcoming, if ever, danger. And said danger appeared from the bushes, clad in his dark, brooding smexy glamour. A frown forming on his smooth and enticing lips.
"You're late." He stated bluntly, which he did in a sexy way.
"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura instantly flung to glomp said man and gave him a peck on the cheek. Sasuke remained impassive though he bent a little to ease her disposition from hurting her neck because he was a head taller than her. Sweet, sweet Sasuke-kun. He didn't even bother pulling her away.
"You came in late." He fashionably said, destroying the lovey-dovey game she was pulling. "You didn't get lost, did you? Or was that because of your short legs?"
She backed away slightly, hands still lingering on his chest where his muscle-toned skin was hidden beneath his shirt. She made a huffed grunt. "I was not! Seriously, didn't you hear me calling? Because I was!"
"As far as I'm concerned, my name is not 'Doggy'." He snorted. His eyes staring at a far distant, a small blush forming on his cheeks. "Giving me stupid pet names has to stop, Sakura."
If she knew any better, he was enjoying the way she treats her. From treating him like a 'baby' to tolerating his 'manliness'. Because really, his parents died early to give him the pleasure and experience.
"If you just let this relationship—our relationship out in the open then maybe I'd consider it."
He grunted that grunt again. "We're not talking about this again. I already told you—"
"—in due time, Sakura, blah. Blah. Blah." She impersonated his voice, which he would be very proud of if they weren't in an argument. "I know, you've told me a hundred times! But hey, isn't a month already enough?"
Sasuke held her hands tightly, obviously troubled if he would pry it away or just let her warmth stay on his chest. "I will not be some trophy prize that you would flaunt in front of everybody."
"God, you sound like a sissy!" she took her hands and backed away. His brows met one another as he unspokenly missed her warmth. "I would really flaunt you in front of everybody! I'd do that, with linked arms and kissing in public! Like hell, what kind of woman wouldn't!? Really! But you! You are not some trophy prize! I am! If there would be someone here who should feel gleeful in this relationship, it had to be you, damnit!"
Obviously, she had hurt his ego. "I don't have to be 'gleeful'."
She stomped her feet, causing a crack and she wasn't even tapping on her super strength. "You do! You leave a woman on a freaking bench after she was willing to give up everything for you! And then after saving your sorry life half-dug on the grave, you demand her to go on a nightly excursion with you, saying that it's a freaking practice for your second goal! You then ask her to keep it a 'little secret' when you do know that you just gave a tiny hope and chance for love and romance and then shit, you really think she's supposed to be the one lucky for it!?"
"Yes." He breathed.
She roared in frustration. "You're driving me insane!"
He smirked. "And I take pride in that."
"I deserve to have you! I do! After all that I sacrificed and did! I deserve you!" she screamed, throwing a tantrum. "I deserve you!"
Sasuke stared at her. And stared even more. What could he say to that? What could he possibly say that would come out as cool and as Sasuke-like?
"I've had enough, Sasuke-kun. I'm not going to play charades any longer! No more!"
Alarmed, he reached out a hand towards her, gripping her wrist. "You're breaking up with me?" he sounded doubtful. Because who would dump the great and not to mention sexy Uchiha Sasuke, who is really hot?
"I have limitations too, Sasuke-kun." She softly said with a smile on her face, which caught him off-guard. And before he could see it, the sweet smile that played on her lips became a malicious grin.
And then everything went black.
When Uchiha Sasuke's eyes shot back to reality, he realized two things: One, Haruno Sakura was certainly one crazy woman not to be crossed with.
And two, he was stark naked.
"Sakura-chan!" the happy and energetic voice came echoing in the training grounds. And she couldn't care less. Her nails were filthy as the metallic color on it appears to be fading. It had to be done, damnit!
"Sakura-chan!" the blonde dope appeared to be miraculously beside her in an instant. Wasn't he just running towards her a second ago? "Sakura-chan!"
She was still eyeing her nails.
"I went to teme's house to borrow money cause' you know, I'm pretty broke right now because my frog wallet, oh thy precious wallet is lost and I bet Kakashi-sensei's behind it. That old coot, I'll show him one day— So there I was, knocking in Sasuke's apartment, hoping to be helped by his best friend! But guess what! His house was robbed! Everything in there was a mess! And you know teme, he's a freaking neat-freak! And— Sakura-chan! Haven't you heard me?! Sasuke-teme's gone missing!"
Naruto was hoping that she'd flip and run towards oblivion trying to search in vain for her one true love. But then, surprises were part of everyday life.
Instead, she crossed her legs and kept thinking on what color would suit her nails.
"Uh-huh. That's really great, Naruto."
"I see that you're back."
"My love pet had been pretty wild lately. And I need a new supply of stronger equipment. The old ones can't keep him in shape any longer."
"It's only been four days. And yet—"
"I know, I know. You see, he's really strong as in strong-strong way. And has stamina. Lots of it. Not that I'm complaining, but…"
"I understand. Would you purchase the same old ones?"
"Nah. I was wondering if you have anything new that could make me really happy."
"I was wondering when you'd ask. We have new ones that came today, though it's still in the 'developing' stage. I could give it to you in half-price. But don't tell anyone. It's not supposed to be for sale yet."
"Wow! Lucky me!"
"Here. Come back and tell me what you think of it. How effective it was and all that."
"Even if it was effective, you know I'd be back."
Uzumaki slumped as their mission finished. "Sasuke-teme," he half-muttered. Though he would kiss Sai before he even admits it, he misses the company of the bastard slash best friend slash rival named Uchiha Sasuke. "Ne, Sakura-chan," he turned to his left to look at Sakura.
She gave him a smile. "What, Naruto?" She's been in a good mood lately.
"Do you think Sasuke-teme's safe? I mean, did he run off to some pedophile to seek power again? You think he did that? Do you really think he would leave this village again?" Naruto babbled on.
She smiles that malicious smile again that makes Naruto's insides tingle, telling him that she spells danger. "I don't think Sasuke-kun would leave this village anymore, Naruto."
"But Sakura-chan! Where is he now?! I haven't seen him for what, almost a month! I hardly recall him going on a mission of sorts that would take months to finish! And I don't know why he would go 'missing-nin' again. ANBU's been going crazy without their captain! Oh, and by dear God, they are blood-freaks!"
"He may be a cocky son of a bitch, but really, he's happy, wherever he is. He's really blissful." She flips her long pink hair.
Naruto stops walking abruptly and asks, "How do you know!?"
"Oh, Naruto." She smiles that glowing smile again. "I just do."
"Is that one safe?"
"Not much."
"Awesome. I'll take two, please!"
"Kakashi-sensei? You want a word with me?" Sakura fidgeted. "Did I do something wrong?"
Sakura eyes her Genin sensei and notices how he stares at her seriously. Sometimes, she had a hunch that Hatake Kakashi always knew everything. Everything. How he gets needed information is always a mystery. His sources were his very own.
"Sakura," she notices that he had put aside his material reading just to talk to her and she realizes that this must be something really big, because this sensei of hers never tore an eye from his book even when enemies attacked. "About Sasuke."
She stops fidgeting and tried to act cool. "What about Sasuke-kun, Kakashi-sensei?"
He even pocketed that orange book! "Naruto's worried."
She snorts. "He's always worried about trivial stuff."
"Maybe," he sits up straight and relaxes on the tree branch. "Maybe you would like to give him at least some assurance. He's both your best friend."
She looks at him, mortified. This was definitely one of those times! Does really Kakashi know everything? Everything including—
"But honestly, I couldn't believe you could pull it off. It's been more than a month now and still…" he gives her a smirk, she was sure. "You're here, running away with it."
She composes herself for a defense. "I'm not so certain of what we are talking about here, Kakashi-sensei."
But the old man disregards her statement, "And if this is any consolation, you make me proud! Even I envy that lucky bastard!"
Did Hatake Kakashi just praise her?
Oh hell he just did!
"You're early."
"There's been a change of plans. Give me two of those which you gave me yesterday."
"Someone's burning for some hot wild sex right now."
"You have no idea."
"Hi there, love. How was your day?"
She kisses him, her tongue invading his warm mouth. Their tongues dance together as her clothes magically toss themselves to the ground. She pressed on, as her weight builds on his stomach. Her soft chunky breasts pressing on his smooth chest. He does that wiggling thing again. Which always causes her to giggle.
"Stop that." She giggles again. "No, no. I'm not going to unlock those chakra-proof chain on your wrists. Don't give me that look! I'm serious; the last time I did, you almost killed me."
He snorts. "Is it really possible to die from heavenly pleasure?"
She presses her cheeks onto his and whispers huskily, "For me it was."
He groans the moment she touched his erect groin, aching to be inside her. "Then, let me kill you."
She laughs. "Sasuke-kun, you're clearly a little overexcited today, aren't you?" She fondles and he groans even more. "What brought this on?" He avoided her gaze. She understood. "I thought we got past this last week, don't you remember?" she cooed.
Sasuke gritted his teeth as her tongue encircled his earlobe, moving downwards to his neck. Those hot wet kisses gave him goose bumps, in a lustful and pleasurable way. And he moans for sanity.
"Now, I don't understand what you're trying to say, Sasuke-kun." She teases as her feather-light touches caress his body, exploring him where she leaves nothing of any importance. She devours him like a predator and being the hormone-drive man slash pet that he was, he writhers in like a really good prey.
The chakra-proof chains that were binding him—his hands and his ankles, keeping him out of control were brand new. Something she must have slipped when he was sleeping last night from the three-hour long excursion they did. And he thinks how she walks the next morning because they were doing it—she was doing it the hardcore way. Like she was another person. Not that he was complaining or anything.
It was just…hot.
And his superiority complex being flushed right down the toilet was hurting him. Really, he just wanted to grab those healthy boobs of hers, spank her ass and screw her senselessly again and again here in the bed, in the bathtub, in the balcony, on the desk, everywhere.
In his own way.
Really, he's not complaining. He's just…a little hurt. Because he was supposed to be on top and not beneath her!
But as she eases herself on him, sliding him onto her wet core, riding him like there was no tomorrow, savaging him like crazy—at that specific moment, he doesn't really care.
Because he was evidently enjoying himself as he comes more than four times. He does enjoy.
Because if you ever had your wildest fantasy came true right before your very eyes, would you bother stopping it?
Uchiha Sasuke didn't.
"Sasuke-kun, Kakashi-sensei gave me little chit-chat and guess what! He envies you! Isn't that lovely?!"
Sasuke smirks.
The dominatrix type of woman and add the fact that you like and possibly love said woman, the wonderful foreplays, not going to work nor thinking about work, eating and bathing with kinkiness and most especially, sex everyday, every now and then.
That is really something to envy about.
Because really, who wouldn't?
Sakura is seducing Sasuke.
And it's working.
And there is another amused store clerk!