Text Message
Chapter 4 :
Top Of The World

"Sasuke Uchiha! What did I say?"

"I actually don't remember…"

"I told the entire class that if you're going to ask someone to Prom then you can't let it interfere with school let alone the entire Konoha population! Do you have any idea how many people were watching the News when you asked Miss. Haruno to the dance?"

Shikamaru and I were, once again, eavesdropping on people through their doors. Only this time, it wasn't Mrs. Pineapple and Barbie we were listening to, it was Kurenai-sensei bitching at Sasuke for the "News fiasco".

"I'm sorry…"

"You're sorry? I shouldn't even let you go to the Prom for what you did!"


That was it. Without thinking I basically ripped the door off its hinges and barged in with Shikamaru hiding behind my back (WUSS).

"Sakura?" Sasuke turns away from Kurenai-sensei to stare at me in confusion.

"Kurenai-sensei, you can't do that!" I was on the verge of tears from anger (but seriously, who does she think she is?!).

"Sakura Haruno, were you outside of my door, spying? And, why shouldn't I punish him? He made our entire class look like immature idiots!"

"It's not his fault. I… I put him up to it. I told him to do it!" Kurenai-sensei's face turned red, obviously tired of this whole situation.

"Then maybe I should just expel you both from the Prom." She looked satisfied, completely opposing the looks on our faces.

"I hope you're both happy. Now leave." She stopped glaring at us to get back to some grading. Sasuke got up from his chair and walked passed me out of the door, not even bothering to look at me.

"Sasuke, wait!" I stood, confused and silent, with Shikamaru looking over my shoulder.

"What got into him?"

"I don't know…" I smelled salt. And that's when I realized that I was crying.

I got back to my room and threw my books on the bed, my body following. I was sobbing uncontrollably, unable to stop the bawling. Shikamaru offered to come keep me company but I really just wanted to be alone. I honestly didn't know what I was thinking, barging in there like that! I wasn't even mad at Sasuke or Kurenai-sensei, I was mad at myself.

"It sucks, doesn't it?" Karin was leaning against the doorway, a slight frown on her face (I didn't even notice her come in).

"What do you want?" I had no patience to deal with Karin (do I feel bad? Hell no).

She strutted in (you're not hot!) and took a seat on her bed, "I heard Sasuke is going to dump you."

Okay, what the hell? The whole Sasuke incident happened 5 minutes ago! How can she even expect me to believe that?

Still… he did seem pretty mad…

I wiped the tears from my eyes and met her gaze, "And who told you that?"

"Well…" she took a big inhale, "Ino heard from Temari, who heard from Hinata, who heard from Tenten, who heard from Kakashi-sensei… which I'm not sure how he got involved in all of this…" She paused for a moment with her finger pressed up against her chin, like she was pondering something.

"Okay, okay! I get the point…" If this is true, news sure does spread fast.

"I don't think he'll do it."

"What? Don't you want him to do it?" I sat up and gave her a skeptical look.

"I've already accepted the fact that Sasuke will never love me… but it's not too late for you." She looked brutally honest (which scared me a little…) and I think she is sincerely not trying to screw me over.

"Why are you helping me?" Hey, it's not my fault I'm a tad dubious. I mean, this is Karin we're talking about!

"I gotta admit, it's been pretty entertaining watching you two pine over each other awkwardly. I don't want the fun to end already." She smiled. I smiled. It was kind of weird. We hadn't smiled at each other like this for years.

I thought about what she said for a second and knew that this was Karin's way of caring for someone. I didn't think she was capable of something like this…

The sound blasting into my ears from my iPod isolates me from the world outside. I took what Karin said into consideration and concluded that I needed to run. I run whenever I need to think or clear my mind of everything. The song ended and randomly selected the next one. Everything We Had by The Academy Is started playing. I frowned and moved the hair out of my face. Suddenly, everything that Karin said vanished. I was no longer confident that Sasuke and I could last, and I think this song was to blame.

You were the only face I'd ever known.
I was the light from the lamp on the floor,
and only as bright as you wanted me to be.
But, I am no gentleman, I can be a prick,
and I do regret more than I admit.
You have been followed back to the same place I sat with you drink for drink.
Take the pain out of love and then love won't exist.

Everything we had, everything we had.
Everything we had, is no longer there…

The sound echoed in my head, and my feet moved along the sidewalk to the beat. I got to thinking about everything. So what if Sasuke breaks up with me? Better now than when I fall for him too hard.


I was fine before Sasuke came along anyways!


I can always find some other super hot guy that likes me!


"Shut up!" I abruptly stopped my running and yelled. Who was I yelling at? I don't even know. Maybe I'm going insane. I spotted a bench and sat, the cold seat feeling good against my hot body. My breathing was ragged and I noticed I gained some attention with my little outburst; people all around stopped what they were doing to stare at the crazy pink-haired lady. I paid them no heed and focused my attention on the pineapple head coming towards me.

"I know that face." He sat down next to me and stared up at the clouds.

"And what face would that be?"

"Your denial face. I thought we already fixed your little problem, Sakura."

"Shut up, you know what's wrong this time…" My eyes welt with tears. Why do I keep crying? It's not like I actually loved the guy.

Shikamaru fell silent. We both stared at the clouds for a while. I liked the silence (of course Shikamaru loved it too) and the tears eventually dried in my eyes and receded for the time being.

To: Sakura Haruno
From: Shikamaru Nara
September 6, 12:14 pm

I giggled lightly to myself at my friend's selfless act. But I felt kind of bad. Things have been all about me lately (let's give Shikamaru a try for once!).

To: Shikamaru Nara
From: Sakura Haruno
September 6, 12:15 pm

To: Sakura Haruno
From: Shikamaru Nara
September 6, 12:15 pm

"That's what I'm trying to get people to realize!" I blurted out, staring at my phone.

"Heh, sorry. That was taking too long anyways." I stuffed my phone back into the pocket of my running shorts.

"Yeah… I just gotta figure out how to ask Temari. I don't want to do anything too troublesome…"

"JUST DON'T DO IT ON THE LOCAL NEWS CHANNEL." I yelled at him, shaking his shoulders wildly front to back (DON'T DO IT SHIKA!), "And make sure you don't let her ruin it for the both of you after that…" the sadness was back, and Shikamaru knew it.

"Hey, how about after I ask her and she says yes, you go with me to pick out my tux." Shikamaru was trying to get my mind off of it and I thought it was really sweet of him to do so (he's such an awesome best friend!).

"Sure, pansy." I said, sticking out my tongue and grinning.

"I'm the pansy?! Look who just almost cried- OWCH!"

"So, how did you get her to say yes?" I asked, leafing through the tuxedos hanging from the clothes-rack.

"Well, she already totally digs me, so all I had to do was say, 'go to the Prom with me' and she squealed, ran to her room, and bragged to Ino," he sighed as his lazy sigh and sunk down into the armchair, "I'm gonna be hearing about this in the morning."

I pretended to be listening to what he said but the words never made it to my brain, "So, are you going to be classy and expensive or a cheap-ass?"

"It's like you don't even know me. Just get me the cheapest." I was prepared for him to say this and already had the most expensive tuxedos in the store around my left arm, "No. Here, try an Armani."

"Are you kidding, Sakura? I can't afford this!" He tried to debate but I had already thrown him into the dressing room with my tuxedos-of-choice. I sat on one of the dressing room chairs outside of his door and picked up a magazine.

"So… have you heard from Sasuke over the past couple of days?" The whole place seemed to silent itself, waiting for my answer (I knew this was all in my head, of course).


"Text him."

"What? He won't text back." I stared at the phone's screen, as if waiting for him to contact me first (keep dreamin', kiddo).

"Just try. It's not like it can make things any worse." If anyone else gave me this idea I probably would have told them to blow it out their ass and throw a stapler at them but since it's Shikamaru I guess I'll give it a try. I trust him (what is wrong with me?).

My fingers felt like strangers to the cool keypad of my phone, jabbing the down button until I reached 'Sasuke Uchiha' on my contacts list. I pressed 'Options' and 'Send TXT Message' and began typing my message.

To: Sasuke Uchiha
From: Sakura Haruno
August 9, 5:42 pm

"What did you say?"

"I said 'hey'." Simple yet powerful (or I'm just on drugs. I can't tell the difference anymore).

"Simple yet powerful. Good." I smiled in triumph and jumped a little when my phone violently vibrated in my hand.

To: Sakura Haruno
From: Sasuke Uchiha
August 9, 5:42 pm

My eyes darkened and then glistened with more tears. Shikamaru stepped out of the dressing room in the first tux. He noticed me and rushed over, his socks slipping on the hardwood, "What is it?" I showed him my phone and smiled a sincere (but really fake) smile.

"I'm fine. Go try on the last one I gave you." I forced another smile and he frowned.

"Alright…" He walked away, looking very uncomfortable walking around wearing a suit and tie.

"So… are you going to answer him?" This is weird. Usually Shikamaru tries to get out of the middle of things!

"I guess…"

To: Sasuke Uchiha
From: Sakura Haruno
August 9, 5:45 pm

This is a nightmare!

How can things change so fast?

Not even a freaking day ago I was on top of the world!

To: Sakura Haruno
From: Sasuke Uchiha
August 9, 5:45 pm

Wow, so this is what Hell looks like...

To: Sasuke Uchiha
From: Sakura Haruno
August 9, 5:46 pm

"How about this one?" Shikamaru came out again.

Wearing a dress.

I have the best friend in the world.

I sat in the café, awaiting Sasuke's arrival. I was nervous. But prepared.

He walked in and slowly made his way to my table, giving me and intense stare, making me more and more nervous every step he takes.

But he wasn't the only one coming towards me, Karin was following Sasuke to the table, jogging a little to catch up with him. Before they both sat down Karin latched onto his arm.

What. The. Fuck.

"Hey Saku!" Karin smirked evily.


"Okay, what the hell is going on here?" I didn't mean to be so blunt but i can't really help it!

"Sasuke-kun and I have an announcement!"


Sasuke stayed silent while Karin rubbed her slutty face against his arm.

"Sasuke and I are back on!!"



"Sasuke... how could you?"

Again, he didn't even flinch.

"Karin... what happened to all the stuff about how you thought Sasuke and I could last?"

"Well," she pondered, "that was before Sasuke asked me out for coffee!"

I was out of there quicker than Chuck Norris ever could.

Tonight is Prom Night. Honestly, I hope everyone going dies like in the movie (except for Shika of course).

"So... how do I look?" Shikamaru turned 360 degrees in his tuxedo.

"Not as good as you did in that dress you tried on." I smiled for the first time all night.

Shikamaru was in my room with me. Karin had already gotten picked up by her date (who I've never seen before in my life) and headed off for the Grand Hall where the dance was being held.

Three knocks were heard on the other side of the door and Shikamaru went to answer it.

"Wow... you look great..." Temari walked in wearing the most beautiful jet-black gown I've ever seen. It's sleeveless so it's a good thing she has huge boobs because otherwise it wouldn't stay up and it shows a little cleavage but not too much that she looks like a slut (take some notes Karin). There is a long slit up the side, showing most of her left leg and mid-thigh high black boots that I so need to buy (though I doubt I could pull it off at all). She was holding a fan up in front of her face and she had her hair down (which I've never actually seen but it looks super good). I feel so intimidated wearing my cupcake PJs without any pretty make-up and bright red lipstick.

I think I was checking out Temari more than Shikamaru was...

"Well, see you later Sakura..." Shikamaru came up to where I was sitting and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Temari started walking to the door but stopped and turned to me, "Sakura... if I had the choice between you and Karin, I wouldn't even have to think about it. If Sasuke doesn't realize that and just wants that slut then you shouldn't even bother thinking about the poor bastard."

I smiled at her and Shikamaru pushed her out of the door, eager to get down with his bad self (?).

Well... it's just me and my iPod now, staring at the cieling.

I thought I heard a knock at my door but I just ignored it, afraid I was going insane. But it happened again. Okay, fuck sanity, someone is at my door!

I took out my ear plugs and heard some super loud banging at my door.

"What?!" I scream, swinging open the door.


"Sasuke?" I almost fall over. What the fuck is he doing in my room wearing a tux and holding the most beautiful tulips.

"You have no idea how much it has killed me the past couple of days pretending I chose Karin over you..." He look exhausted, like he had just run a marathon.

He leaned into kiss me.

"Woah woah woah. Wait just a darn minute." He looked surprised that i didn't kiss back.

"What do you mean?" I eyed him suspiciously, not understanding any of this (what the hell is he talking about?!)

"Well... when I asked you to the Prom over the News I knew I wasn't going to be able to go if I did something that drastic. I also figured that you would try to defend me and would also get exempted. But I still really wanted to ask you that way so I just pretended to be mad and pretended to like Karin so that I could surprise you tonight..." He gave me a cute little smile.

Wow... that would just be the most perfect plan except for one little problem...

"Let me get this straight... So for about a week, you pretended to hate me- basically giving me a stress hernia- and on top of that, you pretended to choose the one person I hate over me- almost giving me a heart attack- just so you could show up to my door on the night I've been looking forward to for my entire life to blindside me and tell me that you have been lying to me this entire time?"

"...Well... I wouldn't put it that way..."

"YOU'RE SO SWEET!" I almost tackled him onto the ground in a giant hug.

"I figured we could have a little Prom night of our own Sakura..." He handed me the flowers and went over to my boom-box, putting his iPod into the dock and turning on a slow song. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in to his body, snaking his arm around my waist, he pulled me in close and lead me into a dance. I was so happy that I didn't even realize I was still wearing my cup-cake pajamas.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I didn't even notice I look so terrible!" He pulled me back in and leaned down so that his hot breath was against my ear.

"I've never seen you look so beautiful..."

And on that note, he captured my lips into a possesive kiss.

It feels so good to be back on the top of the world again.

So, was it worth the SUPER long wait? (heh, probably not...)
Lol, sorry about that guys... I kind of forgot about you for a little... but it's also because I've been super busy all summer
(some people actually have friends...) and now that school has
just started again. But I hope you like Sasuke's little surprise (:
Now REVIEW or else I will kill you all. Seriously though.

Love you long time.