![]() Author has written 19 stories for Saint Seiya, and Naruto. Houhouhou!!! Damis' speaking! This crazy girl writes from Spain, belongs to the 4th Zodiac house, even if my heart rests in Gemini. I was born some June day in 1986, and... well, I'm a graphic designer and a frustrated artist!!! Things I love to read about: basically everything that cause quite an impression in me. So... I really enjoy drama, angst, and... well, if things don’t get somekind of violent and messy, probably they are boring me n_n’ Saint Seiya: I'm deeply in love with Gemini Saga, but Kanon and Aioros are my men too. (Ok, Aioria and Milo are next!) I can't stand the bronze Saints. Deal with it! I really like the classic manga/anime, but I totally LOVE The Hades Chapter. I like Lost Canvas and Soul of Gold too (even if I hate that Lyfia/Aioria thing). I didnt like Episode G and... well, Next Dimension and Omega should burn in hell. Oh! And I'm reading Saintia Sho right now, but I don't think its my thing (Ok, Ok... maybe I enjoy too much the beatiful drawings of Saga. Specially when he is naked!!!) Naruto: God, Is it posible to be more perfect than Hatake Kakashi? Don't think so. I really loved the Anbu Arc, and I have a thing with Yondaime, Jiraiya-sama, Gai and Tenzou. They are my team! And I cannot resist a good Anbu fic. Bleach: I used to love this manga very much, but the end was a mess. Anyway, my favourites: Abarai Renji, Urahara Kisuke, Kyouraku Shunsui. Harry Potter: Basically, everything with some good Snape scenes on it. I totally love this character, and I love the stories about him and the DeathEaters. Books & Adaptations: Song of Ice and Fire, Tolkien Universe, Harry Potter, greek & nordic mitology, ETA based novels (historic spanish SHIT.) TV Shows/films: Sherlock from BBC (Brainy is the new sexy!), Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale-Nolan's Universe, nothing else), Lost, Vikings (Lord Ragnar Lothbrok), I f*cking love Loki, from Marvels MCU and of course, Tom Hiddleston. A true crush. By the way, The Night Manager and The Hollow Crown were marvellous. Others: Castlevania anime, by Netflix. I really love the team: Trevor, Sypha and Alucard, but this last one is special... I can’t resist a good drama. Oh!!! I'll never write any yaoi story, I respect the genre but it’s just not my thing, even if I can read some story now and then. CURRENT STATUS: My muses are slowly dying. ¡IMPORTANTE! DONDE TODO EMPIEZA Donde todo empieza (Co-escrito con Sunrise Spirit bajo el nickname Sociedad de Malvadas) Capítulo 63: Indivisa Mantent REPLYS A REVIEWS Me gustaría deciros a todos lo mucho que aprecio vuestros comentarios. Siempre tomo el tiempo de contestarlos uno a uno y por eso, en algún caso, me da rabia no poder hacerlo: A todos esos anónimos que me han escrito y no han podido ver su respuesta en caps nuevos... aquí les dejo mi más sincero agradecimiento. REVIEWS "Por Siempre" Mago de Hielo: Mil gracias por tu comentario. Estuve mucho tiempo inactiva aquí, y leeros me anima mucho. Disfruto especialmente de las historias sobre amistad, me encantan, aunque siempre le añado drama, que al fin y al cabo, es lo mío. Por lo que dices de la advertencia, bueno, me sucede lo mismo. He leído algunos fics yaoi que me han gustado, pero deben ser muy muy muy buenos para eso, y lo cierto es que la inclusión de la advertencia nos ayudaría mucho. Veré si puedo enviar una sugerencia. Gracias de nuevo! Namarie!!! |