Reviews for Basic Training
Aslan's Princess chapter 1 . 5/3
An interesting and sad story. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect though I expected Othello to play a part somehow, just not how it turned out.

It was interesting to see Sherlock treat this scene different than he normally would. I thought at first it was because it was a child. Near the end, I realized that he saw what could have been if he hadn't been urged to close off his heart and emotions. A very pointed lesson that I wish Donovan and Anderson would have learned in the show.

Congratulations on a marvelous, bittersweet story.
PopeyeKw chapter 1 . 11/17/2019
I thought of myself as a Freak until my early 20s. I‘m not a genius, certainly nowhere Sherlock‘s level, but I am very, very intelligent. Furthermore, I love learning and knowing things. Apparently, that disqualified me as friend material. Imagine my surprise when I found others like me at University! Your story just broke my heart, and I loved it. Thank you for sharing your insight and skill.
alexandrawowk chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
If you wanted to rip my heart out and make me stop to think about my existence in the world... you succeed With flying colours.

This was thought provoking and heart breaking. Good on you for your beautiful language and sorry telling abilities.

Thank you.
IloveHeat chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
Hello !
Where do I start!this not only sad but totally true and insightful! I feel like most of us forget that some people can be different and genius but we try to apply our own limits and regulation on them where they need another set of set of that to manage there life I mean(our social and cultural guideline if I must say so ) ! I guess this would really stick with me for life thank you very much I’ll try as much as possible to be like a John not a Sally
Sedgester chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 1 . 3/10/2018
I'm crying :'(((( Your title is very misleading, I was not expecting this deep sorrow and horrible truth. It cuts so deeply, it literally pains my heart to see Sherlock empathise with the boy because he knows and he understands and that's awful. What a terrible pain to remember, for anyone. But thank you regardless for such a painfully beautiful story :')
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
Thank you! Oh, wow, this was so tragic and beautiful! I am SO happy someone wrote a fic about how disgusting ‘that word’ is and what the consequences are and will be. I’m so close to crying right now. Sally totally deserves that for the way she treats our Sherlock!
outlaw author chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
One of the best pieces of Sherlock fanfiction that I've ever read. Fantastic.
Suealpacamama chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Excellent! Well done!
Arianna Silvia chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
This is wonderful. I like the paralels between the boys history and Sherlocks and how you decided to point them out. The reactions of Sally and the others were quite well writen.
Reading this had been a pleasure.
TheSidneyPhoenix chapter 1 . 8/15/2017
This was so sad! I almost cried, it was so well written, I don't Think I can give it enough credit.
Kotori-Sensei chapter 1 . 5/8/2017
Brilliant. Very, very sad, and eye opening at the same time.
the owl's tune chapter 1 . 3/20/2017
Wow. I don't know what I was expecting from this story, but certainly nothing this brilliant. Everything's expertly done-from the pacing to the dialogue, from the descriptions to the characters-just-wow. I think the characters might be more three-dimensional in this than in the actual show. I love this portrayal of Sally.

On top of all that, the control of information (when we're let in on certain things) and the attention to which characters notice different details are brilliant. Not only THAT, but the case itself is really smart.

I'm saying it's brilliant. And smart. Brilliant and smart.

Excellent job. :)
alphawolf96 chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
this is so true, kids gifted like that are almost never understood by other kids and this a common result of this misunderstanding.
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