This is my first fanfiction in years. I've had the urge to write for a while now and just never got down to it until now. I wrote a Prologue to a story that has been in my head for quite a while now. I want some feedback to see if I should really out the effort into writing it out or if it is best left for my enjoyment alone. Tell me what you think and if you want more! I do not own Naruto in any way, shape, or form. I f I did Sakura and Kakashi would have had tons of babies and lived happily every after.


"I know in my heart that I've never loved someone as much as I love him... and the fact that he will never feel the same is a slow death to every hope I've ever dared to dream."

Sakura looked back at the words she last wrote in her diary the summer before. That day she made a vow to herself that if she was still in the same situation a year from now she would finally break free from the tortuous life that she lets herself lead. You see, Sakura has a great and terrible secret.

Impossible, some would say. Not our intelligent, loving, and caring kunoichi! Not the beautiful young woman that vowed to never give her heart away as recklessly as she did in her youth! Sadly, our leading lady has done it again and with the one person she should never have looked twice at. Ahhhh, but I am getting ahead of myself. You, my dear reader, must have asked yourself what Sakura has done...who has she fallen so desperately in love with and what has happened to have lead her to this state?

Well, I can only say you would have to read on to find out the fate of our beloved kunoichi. As for her lover? I think you know him quite well... tall, mysterious, a pension for being forever late and a deliciously sinful habit of reading porn in his free time. "Oh no... not him, what could she be thinking!," you say as you gasp in fascinated shock. Yes, Sakura's new favorite form of self harm... Kakashi Hatake.