Author has written 1 story for Inuyasha. Basics Gender: Female In Real Life, I'm a lowly University student trying to understand what Linear Algebra is used for. (Not much apparently, other than causing poor students to fail.) Favourite fandoms Sherlock (Mostly the BBC 21st Century reboot, but also the RDJ movie, and Garnada series, and the original Books) Favourite pairings (in no particular order) Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (The ORIGINAL slash pairing [book]) Story Idea(s) ...Will never happen. I do not have a way with words. Sure I could talk your ears off in person, but on paper? That's a different story. That is why I hardly ever review, or even why I don't try to write anything. That one story I posted? I did that because I felt obligated to have at least something here. If I could write, I'd write an epic length involved alternate universe/time travel for Harry, or maybe where XMen First Class meets Future XMen. Perhaps about the destined relationship between Spock and Jim as they explore both Space and the depths and chasms inherent between people who, despite vastly differing origins, belong together. I'd love to shove Sherlock&John in with Holmes&Watson, and explore each point of culture differences. Perhaps Jack would find a way to save Ianto, or maybe the Doctor would show up? Daniel would be kidnapped to another dimension where his brain would save the day while proving how BAMF an overlooked archaeologist can be. If only I could write. Well, at least I have plenty of time to read. You know, I really wonder, who would read my profile? I have one measly little one shot that no one reads. Who in their right mind would visit this page? You. Yes, you there, Reader, why are you reading this? Go look at My Favourites or something. |