Reviews for Cosmic
Beside Moonlight chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
Oh yay... planets.
PBIceCream chapter 1 . 8/20/2013
That was absolutely amazing and beautiful, thank you!
kirkr0se chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
Having read this piece, I feel fairly positively inclined towards it. However, two things that aren't quite sitting well are that, as far as mind palaces go, this is possibly not the most logical setup, and that a complete restructure seems somewhat un-characteristically impulsive of Sherlock.

I feel that the latter explains itself, but to clarify the former: the genius of mind palaces is that they take advantage of spatial awareness and sense of direction, which is generally quite a major part of how we interpret the world. That's why we model our information based on buildings or building-like-structures. The issue with using the Solar system as a palace would be that it, on the whole, lacks dramatic landmarks and impressions, and that he has mostly not experienced it spatially.

However, accepting that these two aspects are crucial for the setup of this piece, it was rather nicely done. The motifs and emotion were sound, and while the pace, balance and structure could possibly have been more effective, they did their jobs.

I enjoyed your perspective on Sherlock.
Nic an Ri chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
. . . Wow! Why am I surpised? I shouldn't expect anything less than perfect from you (Thats what this is you know, perfect). Once again you have blown my mind with your creativity and amazing writing skills. "Earth is improtant, and John is too" Love this line it made me so warm inside :)
Nimueiswriting chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
Ey, i really like your idea for this fic. Organizing the Mind Palace amoung the sun, planets and so on. And how you've describe it :)
This is a good ffic! :)
From Rue with Love chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
:O This genius! Are you sure you're not secretly the real Sherlock? XD Seriously, though. Definetely a favorite here. ;)
Firedance28 chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
Oh that was lovely!

Honestly, you managed so much in this I almost can't believe it. Deep character analysis, a look at his past, a very unique and interesting plot...

I mean really, it's phenomenal. I love it. Also, putting John on Earth is adorable. I really just love this so much.

Thanks for this beautiful piece,