Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Big Bang Theory.
Her Name Is Becca
But You Can Call Her Sly
She Lives In Canada
And She Loves Well Written Fanfiction, Novels, Manga, Computers, Capital Letters, Surveys, Constructive Criticsm
But She Hates Bad Fanfiction, Idiots, Bigots, People, Narrow Mindeds, all lowercase letters, ALL CAPS, Flames, People That Don't Review
She Usually Reads Harry Potter, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Dresden Files, Star Trek, Hetalia, X-Men, and Buffy Fanfiction
She Sails Most Ships
But Her OTP's Are Dean/Castiel, Harry/Draco, Bobby/John, Ksquared, Christophe/Kyle, Germany/Italy, FrUK, Russia/Canada, Prussia/Canada
She Absolutely Adores Slytherin!Harry, Creature!Harry, Intelligent!Harry, Intelligant!Naruto, Intelligent!Inuyasha, Reunited!Lyra&Will , Powerful!Fang, Light!Anakin, Redeemed!Pyro, Evil!Sam, Crossover, Genderbender, Mpreg AU!Highschool Fics
And She Cringes At Mary Sues And Gary Stus, Most OC's, Kenny Bashing, Idiot!Harry, Idiot!Naruto, Cured!Pyro, Bitch!Marie, Fallen!Castiel, Badly Written OC Centric Fics
She Admits That She Is A Grammar Nazi, A Lurker, Overly Eager To Reply To Reviews, A Slow Poster
Her Favorite Quote Is "Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face" From The Dresden Files
She Wishes To Improve Her Writing , (I Can Has Reviews? Plz?)