
Gilbert was used to being thrown to the curb. From bars, from women's apartments, from the library after playing a prank at the check in counter. But, for the life of him, he couldn't remember a time when he'd been thrown out on his ass by his own brother.

Gilbert tried to hold in a giggle as Ludwig's clear blue eyes burned with rage. His face was red, either with anger, or embarrassment. "C'mon, Bruder, it was just a party!" his words only seemed to make Ludwig angrier. He stood up and sauntered over to his brother, draping his arm over broad shoulders. "Get loose. Let's party. Then we can have fun alone tonight."

Ludwig stiffened, and shoved his brother away. "I don't want to get loose! I don't want to party! And I most definitely don't want to have fun with you alone!" Ludwig turned on his heel and stomped angrily back into his house. He disappeared for a moment. "And take your taco salad with you!" the plate was tossed out after Gilbert, as well as Antonio and Francis.

Francis shared a look with the Spanish man beside him. "See ya man, I don't want Germany's wrath on my head." he snuck away.

Gilbert pouted, not sure what to do. He had no where to stay, he'd driven Austria up the wall last time he'd mooched off him. Germany was his last bet. He knew Ludwig couldn't stay made at him too long. But with German Stubbornness like his, that could last for a few months, even if he was no longer angry.

Brushing himself off, the Prussian stood up again. He had an idea and all he would need was a convenience store.


Gilbert found himself on Ludwig's front door several hours later. He knocked, a confident smile plastered on his face. The second his brother peeked out to open the door, he slammed it shut again with an annoyed sound.

"Oh come on Bruder!. You know you're not angry at me anymore. Let's just kiss and make up!" there was another disgusted sound behind the door. "Alright so we can skip the kissing part." Ludwig didn't answer. Gilbert figured it was time for his trump card. "I've got beer!"

Blue eyes appeared from behind the slightly opened door. "What brand?"

Gilbert grinned. "Nothing but your favorite." Ludwig's eyes narrowed. He cracked open the door a little more. "And I brought you some sausages too."

"Do you promise not to drive me crazy, get drunk, mess up the house?" Gilbert shrugged. "And will you stop hitting on me?" Gilbert grinned.

"I can't say for sure but..." before Ludwig could slam the door again in disgust, the Prussian pulled out his final trump card. "I've got strudels!" Ludwig gave him a look before allowing him inside. "Forgiven?" he asked.

Ludwig grabbed a strudel from the plastic box, eyes closing in pleasure when he tasted the delicious apple strudel. "For now." Gilbert grinned and sat beside his brother on the sofa with triumph.

"So I'm sure you won't take offense when I tell you that when you eat apfelstrudels you look really sexy." Ludwig immediately went stiff, blue eyes turning on his older brother.


Minutes later, Gilbert was on the curb again, evening falling. He knew he shouldn't have said anything, but Ludwig's reaction was worth it.

"And you can take your strudels with you!"


lawl. It stemmed from a msn convo. Apfelstrudel means apple strudels in german.