Reviews for Lost
DJmiso chapter 44 . 10/22/2019
maybe seeing all this spam in yer mail will push you to make the next chapter. i shoulda held off longer! qq but this hasn’t been updated in years. will you ever return? poor danny, poor guy can’t seem to ever catch a break. i love this story all the same, though. vlad is an ass, he needs to be dealt with and i really want danny to make up with his mom. she doesn’t really deserve all that flak he keeps giving her. also, will you make his secret be revealed to the world? yer an awesome writer, it would be a shame to see this story just waste away. i’ll conrinue to hold out hope that you return one day. you have a crown to obtain anyway.
DJmiso chapter 43 . 10/22/2019
it’s official. you are the bestest danny phantom author ever to grace this fandom. i have had the most awesome pleasure of reaching yer fanfics. i always have to take a break from them at times because one, these are so intense, i need to some time to recover from them. and two! there arent that many well written danny phantom fics out there! i gotta save some of yer stories for the future fer when i can find nothing else. and i’m so glad i held off on this one. is there a story that can top this? not imo. where is yer crown? can i make one fer you?
DJmiso chapter 24 . 10/21/2019
valerie/danny for life! qq
DJmiso chapter 21 . 10/20/2019
Why is he such an ass? An overly evil ass. I'm trying not to let you ruin that image of a nice a vlad for me!
DJmiso chapter 20 . 10/20/2019
I really? I was thinking vlad managed to make more clones already.
DJmiso chapter 17 . 10/20/2019
I forgot to mention last review: Raskin is an ass. See, even my phone hates him.
DJmiso chapter 16 . 10/20/2019
Daaaaammmmnnn. What the heck am I reading, Riverdale!? That's a good thing, tho!
DJmiso chapter 15 . 10/20/2019
Are you sure yer not the queen of angst? If not, why?
DJmiso chapter 11 . 10/20/2019
Mrs. Kimble keeps reminding me of that one teacher from order of the Phoenix. Omg, what was her name again? I only remember her as the Pink Toad. Uhhhhh, damn, I must have really hated her to forget her name like this, LOL. Anyway, I was hoping Vlad would be nice for a change. I've gotten to like him when he's nice, it seems a bit more fair to him since he is a lonely old man, imo, anyway.
DJmiso chapter 8 . 10/20/2019
Yo, what is it about windows and looking out of them. It's everywhere! Lol.
DJmiso chapter 7 . 10/20/2019
Don't drink, Danny. If not for yer liver, then do it to avoid getting a beer gut. You don't want a beer but. You look lovely and a beanpole. That got me thinking, who the hell is drinking beer in the house. Besides Danny. Jack? Maddy? Speaking of Jack, he hasn't said a THING yet. What's on yah Jackie!
DJmiso chapter 4 . 10/20/2019
"Great. Probably explained why I had trouble thinking. I was a retard." I laughed way more than I should have reading this. I was in tears, bruh! XD I don't know why, but it was so funny to me. Also, Danny said ghost portal. Right when he was mentioning the pulling from his room. Unconscious thinking on Danny's part or was it an accident on yours? Did you mean to put that?
DJmiso chapter 3 . 10/20/2019
Yo, I even forgot for a while that this was Danny, lmao. How the heck. XD
nvn chapter 1 . 9/6/2018
this was my introduction to fanfiction 10 years ago. haven't escaped since. worth it.

roughly once every year i get back to this fic fondly. it, and your other works, are great. you moved on but clearly left an impact on us and we wish you all the best in the future. thank you for sharing your stories with us! cheers #neverforget
TheSmilingRose chapter 44 . 8/3/2018
WOW. This... this is ART. I was sucked into the story from the beginning to the end. I just couldn’t set it down! I constantly wanted... no NEEDED to know what was going to happen next! This story is so beautifully put together and very well written. The way you wrote Danny was Astonishing! It was like I could FEEL what he was going through. You made him seem so REAL! I was angry when he was, sad when he was, and I... goodness! This was SOOO good! EVERYTHING was so well thought out and creative! I would absolutely LOVE for more. I know this was written awhile ago, but it’s never too late to finish a piece of art! I hope you get the inspiration to finish some day! I’ll definitely read it! :)
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