Reviews for Reign of Power
WereHarry chapter 1 . 7/16
eh, is harry a werewolf and/or did he have a werewolf inheritance?
eeveejacob chapter 16 . 7/6
I despise Dumbledore, seriously
I'm really enjoying the story, thanks :)
cameronaho chapter 29 . 7/2
Absolutely Marvelous. Truly unique and cliche at the same time. I would honestly love a sequel and be happy if there never was one.
himalay.senapati chapter 5 . 5/26
Matt chapter 6 . 3/28
I've been trying to read this story, but the constant misspellings and bad grammar have just made it too difficult for me to continue. I don't understand why you couldn't have found a beta to help you clean up your errors before putting the chapters online.
The Punmaster chapter 29 . 3/23
I... I have no words, no description, not even the capability to understand how this book, this ending, these possibilities make me feel. I cannot say whether this book was good or bad; whether this ending is satisfying or empty. I can only hope that I read such a book again.
The Punmaster chapter 18 . 3/23
AWOL stands for Absent WithOut Leave, though I'm sure dozens of others have commented this exact thing.
tashriia chapter 29 . 3/21
wow. I dont know how I missed reading this before, but we. great story, thanks for sharing.
vampdreams chapter 29 . 2/19
Oh my God
This was beyond brilliant
I hope Harry has a better time of it this time around
I honestly don't have words
Not only was your plot unique in a pile of similar plots
Your writing is captivating, you really have a way with words, i know I've said this before
From beginning to the end... Absolutely lovely!
Great work and thanks for sharing _
vampdreams chapter 7 . 2/18
I don't usually comment on individual chapters, except the last
But damn, do you have a way with words!
rgjflood chapter 29 . 1/31
This Tory broke my heart. I don’t think I will be able to read it again though with all the stories in it, it could stand for another reading. It just hurt too much to read through the 1st time. I only finished it because of my curiousness and that fact it was well written even if it had a few grammatical and spelling errors in it. Very interesting, though a bit fast paced.
ShnabS chapter 7 . 1/30
ShnabS chapter 5 . 1/30
For fucks sake, you couldn't proof read it, eh? So many fucking mistakes in spelling...
Romily chapter 17 . 1/20
Only cause it really bothers me when authors do that. Ginny‘s name is not Virginia.
Besides that i love the story - just wish you wouldn‘t switch where and were all the time :)
gginsc chapter 29 . 12/27/2019
Strange and a bit hard to follow, but I like it. It would be nice to know what Harry's new life is going to be like.
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