Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Twilight. Hi, Sorry for the total inactivity recently, RL took over and destroyed most of my bunnies for my current stories but threw a load of new one shot Torchwood bunnies at me instead. I'm trying to get back on track with Wrong Weasley but having reread it my writing style has changed a lot over the last few years so I may need to rewrite the chapters I already have before I can continue. Not sure yet if I will or not but is a distinct possibility. Equally, Out of a Bottle is suffering from a lack of inspiration as I seem to have written myself into a corner. I'm trying to get back out and continue but my muse is being stubborn so no promises of a date for the next chapter. I also have a possible longer bunny that keeps wanting to be written and that I might co-write with my beta if I can get her to agree. Again no idea when that will happen. On the plus side I am thinking of posting some of my Torchwood stuff here now there is a category for it, and I seem to be writing much more Torchwood than anything else atm. Anyway, hopefully I will get some writing done soon, so keep your fingers crossed. And thanks to all the people who keep adding my stories to their favourites etc, knowing people are reading really keeps me going. |
amitai (30) Emma Barrows (64) griseldalafey (32) Isildwen (7) Lady-Treason (0) | Mrs Ronald Weasley (92) Rhyllen (0) RossWrock (2) Ru-salki99 (0) | SilverWolf7007 (49) Thaanzer (3) Twinheart (2) |