Reviews for Triumph Out of the Bitter Taste of Ashes
Guest chapter 55 . 2/5
Honestly felt like I wasted my time reading this not only was the story confusing as hell it focused on Ron and Draco relationship more than sshg itself when you made it seem like it would be about sshg and it seemed like everything was about Ron/Draco/Harry more than what Hermione was going through it was like nobody actually care what she was going through they were just there (not trying to be rude just felt misled and seemed like it was gonna be more about sshg and how Snape was helping didn’t like how you portrayed Snape. Honestly think this would have been a better story if you separated Ron/Draco with their own story. Really felt bad for Hermione and she deserved a better ending
GhostGaze chapter 55 . 12/9/2019
So I know it's been ten years and all, but you think you could hook me up with an epilogue since the sequel never came to be? I thoroughly enjoyed this story, thank you for sharing your creativity with us all.
Aedori chapter 55 . 8/29/2019
It feel like this fic ended rather abruptly. The author note said there would be a sequel, but over 5 years later and there isn't one started. Good fic other than the fact that I feel like it is a "part 1" versus a complete stand alone story.
littleladyangel chapter 55 . 6/25/2018
I was not anticipating this story being so beautiful 3 I loved it!
Sab81790 chapter 55 . 9/20/2017
It's a wonderful story and very well written, however if I had known it wasn't complete I would have never read it. You really should put a warning somewhere, I mean you haven't even started a sequel. I hate reading abandoned give.
omfaye01 chapter 3 . 8/31/2016
I'm really glad to have found your story. You're a brilliant writer, and I look forward to reading more by you! I love believable and unique original characters, so this chapter just made me want to jump for joy.
Sammypenny chapter 22 . 9/23/2015

I'm really enjoying your story so far. I'm surprised by how much I like the interactions between Draco and Ron. I'm on chapter 22 at the moment and it's really bothering me that I don't understand the following passage:

Granger sighed. "It doesn't. The only thing in genetics that *can*, is the presence of wizarding ancestry far enough back it's been forgotten - which if the theory still holds, still leaves out male muggle-born - or spontaneous genetic mutation."

Severus smirked, but had only opened his mouth when Granger cut him off.

"Don't even think it, Professor. That's beneath even you!" she retorted, sounding angry, but looking faintly amused.

He watched her wryly. "Even me?" he asked, his voice dry.

Granger ducked her head, but not before he saw the blush begin, and a sheepish expression cross her face. As soon as it had come, however, it was gone, and the girl plowed ahead, apparently very willing to simply ignore the gaffe she'd made.

Severus wasn't so sure he was. Never the less, he held his tongue, in favor of a sneak attack at a later time. Besides, he had a better question to ask.

What was Snape going to say? I don't understand the joke and it's really bugging me that it went over my head. Please rescue my sanity and explain it to me.

LovesRickman chapter 55 . 6/28/2015
Absolutely enjoyed this fic! Dramatic without tipping into melodrama.

Missy aka LovesRickman
Guest chapter 19 . 5/4/2015
ohmygawd she doesnt remember shes pregnant... PLEASE dont make her have this baby! it will fudge everything up!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/4/2015
instead of stars, try italicising the stronger words...
but i am still liking this story :)
Guest chapter 5 . 5/4/2015
ginevra. ginny's name is Ginevra molly weasley. not verginia
Sraelynn chapter 6 . 11/17/2014
Sorry if it seems I'm only insulting your intelligence. I swear I'm not! But why did you make blaise a girl? Blaine is a boy
Sraelynn chapter 5 . 11/17/2014
I believe the books revealed her real name is ginerva weasley
jensteed chapter 55 . 7/31/2014
Such a great story, I know it's been years but I hope you're still thinking of writing a sequel? Pretty pretty pretty please ;)
jensteed chapter 53 . 7/31/2014
I really liked the birth scene (though I wish all my births had been that quick, lol) Her reactions really had me giggling, when you're in that situation you never know quite what you're going to say next. And poor Severus, of course you get to take it all out on the fact I think that's one of your only perks at that point in time? But he was so far out of his element and didn't have a bloody clue what was happening.
Awesome chapter, I loved it :D
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