Author has written 16 stories for Star Trek: 2009, StarTrek: The Original Series, and Supernatural. Hello to the internet at large! A little about me: I had actually never written fanfiction before March of 2010. Whenever I tried, I would fail almost immediately and go back to original fiction. Then Star Trek: TOS happened. Now I can't stop. I'd seen most of NG and VOY, and then the 2009 movie, but something told me I should go back to the source. Lo and behold, I was floored by the sheer chemistry of the original cast, especially the holy trinity of BAMFs at its heart. Also, young Leonard Nimoy mmmyes... Spock/Kirk is my OTP, and from what I understand, it's also the original slash ship. Thinking about a bunch of 1970s housewives snail-mailing their smutty K/S fanfiction back and forth makes me unreasonably happy. We'll see where this gateway drug to fanfiction takes me. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do! Random notes: I don't believe in posting WIPs. Mostly because I can't guarantee I won't get bored halfway through and abandon the attempt, and I'd hate to leave readers stranded! |