Author has written 9 stories for Looney Tunes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Vocaloid, and Love Live! School idol project. Hey everyone, I'm Angel Veins but you can call me Angel. Welcome to my humble abode where all my fangirling comes to life. Prepare yourself for laziness, some writing, and then some more laziness. My main writing projects at the moment revolve around Vocaloid, Love Live and Sailor Moon. Ships I Support and Will Write About- Vocaloid: MikuxLuka (OTP) MikuxLen MikuxRin MikuxRinxLen (By which I mean both Len and Rin with Miku, not Rin and Len seperately with each other cause no) MikuxIA KaitoxMeiko KaitoxGumi Love Live: All ships spike my interest so I'll only list my favourites HonokaxUmi HonokaxEli HonokaxMaki HonokaxTsubasa NicoxMaki NozomixEli RinxHanayo Love Live Sunshine: All ships spike my interest so I'll only list my favourites ChikaxRiko ChikaxYou MarixDia MarixKanan YohanexRiko YohanexMaru RubyxMaru Sailor Moon: UsagixMamoru (OTP) UsagixRei UsagixHaruka HarukaxMichiru Theme Song: Raspberry Monster by Hatsune Miku Miku has had such a massive influence on my life, and I honestly don't know how I'd live without her. She's always been there for me. I love her so much, and I want everyone to know that. Twitter: @AngelVeins I'm usually active on this site a lot of the time (I just never update due to laziness), so feel free to PM me or shoot me a request for a story! I can't promise that it'll be done quickly, but I'll definitely get it to you! A.V |