New story time.

Once again this is another un-beta read story, so sorry for any mistakes

Hope you all like it. It is going to be a few chapters until I get to the actual Miku x Luka romance, so these first few chapters may be a bit boring, but please bear with me.

Here it is, let me know what you think, and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Today was the day, the day that she got to meet the world famous Hatsune Miku. Ever since Megurine Luka received the call a week ago had been bouncing off the walls with excitement, constantly pestering her cousin and roommate Miki.

Luka had been instructed to drop all of her current clients if she were to work with Hatsune Miku. She felt bad about letting her students down, but when Mr Hatsune dangled a pay check three times bigger than what she was earning from all her students in front of her, she took the job immediately. Acquiring the knowledge that she would be teaching her idol only sweetened the already decadent deal.

To Luka, Hatsune Miku was the epitome of perfect, everything about her seemed flawless, her looks, her personality and not to mention her superb vocal skills. One could say that Luka was a fan, a big fan. Second only to her roommate Miki, who has been attending Miku concerts religiously for the past three years, often skipping out on school and homework assignments just to be there.

So as Luka woke up on Monday morning, bright and early, she was very excited. Her normally cool and almost business like composure was gone for today, only to be replaced with that of a giddy teenager, a giddy teenager who was obsessing about meeting their long time idol. Seeing as Luka was twenty-two, she shouldn't really be a fan of someone like Miku at her age, but she and many other people her age were; the teal haired diva had taken the world by storm and had captured everyone's hearts.

"Luka Luka Luka are you excited." Miki screamed as she ran through the corridor into the pinkette's bedroom, the sound of the alarm clock told Miki that Luka was awake, and that she could now enter after waiting somewhat patiently for quite a while.

"Jesus christ Miki, have you ever heard of knocking before barging into someone's room." Luka shrieked as she covered her mostly naked figure with her arms.

"Whoops… sorry, I'll wait in the hall." Miki shook her hands apologetically before giving a courteous bow and leaving.

"That girl is gonna be the death of me." Luka mumbled to herself before grabbing a blanket and wrapping herself in it. She walked over to the door and cracked it open slightly, peering through. "You nearly gave me a heart attack." Luka scolded. "What did you want?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to know if you were excited." Miki's expression quickly changed back forma frown to a wide grin. "Today is the day you meet Miku." She added.

"Of course I'm excited, I've been talking about her all week haven't I?" She asked rhetorically. "I need to shower or I'm gonna be late." Luka spoke quickly as she was very pressed for time. "Can you make me breakfast please?"

"I can try." Miki offered. "But you know me and the kitchen aren't friends." She joked.

"Well try your best." Luka smiled sympathetically before running into her en suite bathroom.

Miki walked off nervously, slightly worried about burning the apartment down like she nearly did the last time.


The piercing electric beeping roused a sleepy headed Miku from her peaceful sleep. Today was the day that she got her new tutor; the sixth one in two months. Miku thought that the day would pan out just like any other day; she would have a shower, eat some breakfast and then crush the soul of whatever sad sack tutor her father had hired for the week. Unsurprisingly, the latter activity was her favourite.

Miku wiped the sleep from her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows. She surveyed the bedroom of her expansive penthouse apartment on the 25th floor of the crypton towers apartment complex. The space was relatively new to her seeing as she had only lived thee for a few months. She soon settled in once it had been furnished and painted in her favourite colour teal.

Looking over at her bedside table, a note, left by her butler Constantine caught her eye. It read "Gone to pick up your dry cleaning, breakfast is ready, just turn the oven on. I'll be back after your tutor session."

Miku sighed. "Alone again." She muttered to herself. Even though Constantine was just one of her father's employees, she did enjoy conversation with him; she enjoyed be able to speak with anyone for that matter.

The tealette pulled herself out of bed and walked through her vast, empty and downright cold apartment towards the kitchen. Following her butler's instruction, she turned on the expensive oven. A light illuminated the contents; an American style breakfast consisting of pancakes, eggs, bacon and of course leeks. To Miku, no meal was complete without her precious leeks.

The cooking time was around ten minutes, so Miku decided to take her shower first and eat after. Whilst walking back towards her bedroom she was struck with a full body shiver. "Must be a draft." She mumbled monotonously, even though she knew the cause was the sheer empty loneliness that she felt almost every morning.


Luka stepped out of the shower, hurriedly drying herself. "Already eight o'clock." She noticed the time on the digital alarm clock on her bedside table. "Damn I'm gonna be late."

Luka loved her luscious pink hair, the only problem was the seemingly infinite amount of time it took to get ready, and today time really wasn't on her side. "Miki get in here!"

The sound of crashing plates came form the kitchen. "I'll clean that up, I promise!" Miki shouted back.

"Don't worry about it, just get in here!" Luka reiterated franticly.

Unusually heavy footsteps for such a petite girl could be heard as Miki bounded down the corridor towards Luka's room. She bursted in shoulder first, carrying a plate in one hand and a bowl in the other. "I made you breakfast." She smiled sheepishly. "You've got a choice between burnt toast and soggy cereals." Miki offered.

"Um- thanks." Luka smiled half heartedly, trying her best to refrain form hurting her cousin's feelings. "I think I'll just skip breakfast today."

"But I tried my hardest." Miki pouted and put on the puppy dog eyes.

"I know you did, it looks… lovely." Luka lied. "I don't have time for breakfast, I'm gonna be late."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Miki asked as she set the failed attempts at food preparation on top of Luka's dresser.

"Could you… help me… with my… hair?" Luka panted as she ran about her bedroom, gathering the items needed for today's tutoring session.

Miki went to her bedroom and returned quickly with a brush and a blow dryer. "I'll work on the left, you do the right." Miki suggested.

"Thanks, I owe you one." Luka smiled in relief. They both got to work on the soggy pink locks, blow drying and brushing simultaneously.

"Just get me some cherries before you come home." Miki laughed.

"Sure think kiddo." Luka replied playfully, making a mental note to stop by the grocery store on her way home.


After enjoying a long relaxing shower, Miku made an attempt on her breakfast. All the leek had been eaten, but the rest was left relatively untouched because she wasn't hungry. This lack of appetite was attributed to nervousness.

Miku always got nervous when she met new people. Having poor social skills and a closed off personality meant that she was uncomfortable around strangers; there was no eye contact, conversation was stunted and things were generally very awkward for her.

This wasn't helped by the fact that the new stranger was a tutor; someone that she would have to spend a lot of time with. All her old tutors were either balding fat men or stuck up old prudes; not really the type of people that a seventeen year old superstar diva can really get along with. Miku resigned herself to the sofa and flicked on the TV. Unsurprisingly, her newest song 'world is mine' was on one of the music channels. Miku sighed and sank into the comfortable chair, waiting for her dose of disappointment and discomfort.


Luka arrived at crypton towers at 8:55; just five minutes before her session was due to start. She parked her convertible sports car and made her way briskly to the main entrance of the ominously tall building.

The pinkette was taken aback by the lavishness of the main lobby. She was quite well off financially, and was upper-middle class, but this was unlike anything she had ever even dreamed about, let alone seen. "No wonder it's so expensive here." she thought.

Her usual white blouse and black pencil skirt made her feel very under dressed. It was usually too much, but everyone at crypton towers was dressed exquisitely, even the maintenance and cleaning staff were dressed to kill. She felt very poor, very cheap, and was now even more worried about meeting Miku.

She walked up to the front desk, trying her best to forget that she looked like a mere peasant compared to everyone else, and was greeted by a wealthy looking receptionist with short brown hair. "Hello miss, how can I help you today?" She asked politely.

Luka tried her best to sound important and sophisticated; she tried to stay composed against her excitement and anxiety. "I am Hatsune-san's tutor; I was wondering what f-floor she was on." Luka cursed herself for the little slip up.

"Really?" the receptionist sounded genuinely surprised. "You are nothing like the others."

"Others?" Luka asked politely, slightly worried by the plurality. "How many have there been?"

"I think five, maybe six. I have lost track, they come and go so frequently." She revealed.

"Why does she need so many?" Luka questioned.

"I'm not sure, but I've noticed that they all seem pretty… demoralised after a few days." The brunette's information shocked Luka. Was her idol some sort of psychopath that enjoyed degrading her tutors?

The receptionist saw a wide eyed and very anxious Luka, so she tried to reassure her. "I'm sure it will be fine, you seem like a nice person, and someone Hatsune-san can relate to." She smiled softly. "All the other tutors were just stuck old people, not the sort of people Hatsune-san would like. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

"Oh good." Luka relaxed at the information. Her relief was short lived as she noticed the large ornate clock on the wall. It said that it was already 8:58; she only had two minutes left. "What floor is Hatsune-san on?" Luka asked again, albeit less politely.

"She is on the 25th floor, sorry for keeping you waiting." The brunette pointed over towards the elevators. "You can use that one to get to her floor.

"Thank you." Luka bowed and quickly made her way to the gold plated door of an elevator and pushed the jewel encrusted button. "Wow this place is fancy," She mumbled to herself.

As Luka was waiting for the doors to close, the receptionist spoke again. "Good luck."

The doors came together before Luka could respond. She desperately wanted to know the meaning behind those words, but it was too late, she was already ascending the floors and because of time, she wouldn't be able to go back and ask. She was forced to analyze the words, which only conjured dreadful scenarios in her mind.


The doors finally slid open after a long journey with her thoughts. Luka was faced with a small hallway area adorned with paintings and potted plants, the thing which caught her attention was the single, solitary door opposite her. "Hatsune Miku's door." She giddily whispered to herself.

She walked up to it slowly and paused for a moment to steady herself. "Calm down Luka, keep it together." She mumbled as she noticed her hands trembling slightly. She brought a shaky hand up and balled it in to a fist, knocking lightly on the door.

After a short wait, none other than the world renowned Hatsune Miku appeared in the doorway. She was wearing a crisp white school shirt, black skirt and black thigh high stockings; similar to the ones she wore on stage, minus the teal detailing. The other similarity was her hairstyle; she had it in twin tails, one protruding from each side of her head, just like she did during a performance.

The sight made Luka lose it completely, the giddy teenager inside of her had just won the battle with her rational and composed personality. Without thinking she began to speak. "Oh my god. You are Hatsune Miku; I'm your biggest fan." Luka squealed with excitement, her voice reaching pitches that only the girl before her could really achieve. For the moment Luka had completely forgotten the job at hand.

"Great, another fan." Miku thought sarcastically, without looking up from the floor, she began to speak very quietly, very monotonously; almost as if the phrase was rehearsed. "I don't know how you got up here, but I suggest you leave before I call security." Miku began to close the door on the crazed fan, remembering that she was forbidden to talk to strangers by her father.

Luka stuck her foot in the doorway, successfully stopping it from closing. Miku spoke again, just a blandly as before. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I have a tazer and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Wait, I think there's been a misunderstanding. "I'm not a crazed fan… well I am, but I'm also your new tutor." Luka explained.

Miku hadn't looked at Luka by this point; she heard the crazy screaming and knew she had to turn the person away, she thought it was just another rabid fan. But when Miku heard the woman speak again and her voice want masked with high pitched screaming, Miku was instantly captivated by it. Luka's voice was unlike anything Miku had heard before; it was absolutely sublime.

Miku released the door letting it swing open. Her eyes began to relinquish their grip with the floor as they ran up the stranger's body. For a shy and awkward Miku, it took quite some time before she was able to look the other woman in the eye, but when she finally managed it, she was captivated again, just like with her voice. The deep teal orbs drew Miku in; she just couldn't look away.

"I'm sorry for my outburst, let me introduce myself. I'm Megurine Luka; I'll be your new tutor." Luka stuck out her hand, offering the tealette a handshake.

Miku couldn't do anything. She saw the hand in front of her out of the bottom of her eyes, but she was frozen, incapable of returning the handshake. Her eyes were still locked with Luka's, and she was trying to contemplate why a young, tall and downright gorgeous pink haired woman was standing before her.

"Hatsune-san… is anyone up there?" Luka jokingly asked as she leaned around slightly, staring back into Miku's eyes from different angles.

It took a few more moments for Miku's brain to reboot. She managed to tear her gaze from Luka's and she re-fixated it with the floor. "Sorry, I just… your eyes are so pretty." Miku breathed dreamily; unaware of her tone of voice until she had finished speaking. A heavy blush rapidly spread across her face.

A light blush also appeared on Luka's cheeks. "A compliment form Hatsune Miku, my life cannot get any better." She thought. "Thank you Hatsune-san, I appreciate it." Luka giggled slightly, still buzzing from the compliment and the general situation. "I like your hair, it's just like it is on stage."

Miku didn't know how to proceed. She had never conversed with someone like Luka before, and she had very little experience talking with anyone else for that matter. Nevertheless, Miku felt oddly comfortable. She felt safe, she felt warm, and she felt right in the pinkette's presence. "Thank you Megurine-sensei… your hair is very nice too."

Luka blushed again. "Please, just call me Luka, there's no need for the formalities." Luka replied immediately. Once she finished talking, her eyes widened slightly. "What the hell was that?" She thought. "I always make my students call me Megurine-sensei, what's going on." She pondered.

"Ok then, I guess you should just call me Miku." The teal haired young woman rationalized. "Do you want to come in?"

Luka was snapped out of her train of thought. "Yeah, we should probably get started." Luka followed the tealette into her apartment where she was once again taken aback by the lavishness, just like in the lobby. The space was huge; many times larger than her own substantial apartment, and all the appliances and furniture were brand new and top of the range.

She sat on a large teal sofa and unpacked a few items from her bag. "I need to do a little assessment to see where your strengths and weaknesses are." Luka had now completely regained her composure and was back in teaching mode. "What do you feel you need help with?"

Miku raised her gaze, but not enough to look into Luka's eyes; she couldn't afford to get lost in them again. "I'm kind of struggling with math, and my English is a little rusty." She admitted.

"Doesn't seem too bad, just math and English. I reckon I can mange that." Luka replied.

By now, Miku should already have been working on a way to destroy her teacher. But with Luka, something was different; she couldn't put her finger on it. Whatever it was made her feel somewhat strange, she was still shy and nervous, but for completely different reasons. "Can I get you anything before we get started?" She asked politely, quickly giving herself a mental slap. "What's wrong with you Miku? Why are you acting so weird?" She mentally asked herself.

"I'm fine, but thanks fot the offer." Luka smiled at a slighty disheartened Miku. "What do you want to start on?"

"I guess we could do english first." Miku sugested.

The two women got to work, Luka was dishing out mountains of information that Miku happily absorbed, along with all other aspects of the enthrawling woman beside her.


The tutor session was nearing its conclusion and Luka had left the subject of english to work on math for the second half of the lesson. It hadn't been entirely educational though, because Miku's was someone she could relate to, the conversation was a lot easier than with her previous teachers. They often diverged into various topics, with Miku's music career coming up most frequently.

Miku could already feel herself evolving as a person. Luka made her feel more confident, not just with her schoolwork, but with herself and who she was. She was starting to come out of her shell, she was now confident enough to try things that she was always too scared to do, even if it was as insignificant as making eye contact, or starting up a new topic of conversation. Those little things were big hurdles for her, and she was happy to finally be able to do them.

"... We call the gradient M, and the general formula for a straight line is Y=MX+C." Luka explained.

Miku had zoned out during co-ordinate geometry, trying to figure out what was different about Luka, what was it that gave her butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah I think I get it." Miku lied, not having heard a word of the entire topic. "We might need to go over it later though."

Luka looked at her watch and saw that it was already 12:57. "We wont be able to today though, look at the time." she said, showing Miku her watch. "Where on earth did four hours go?"

"It's one already." Miku was incredulous. "We've only been going for like an hour."

"It seems like it, but i guess it's true what they say, time flies when you're having fun." Luka laughed.

The butterflies in her stomach picked up speed. "You were having fun too?" she asked cutely, scrunching her nose.

"Of course I was having fun, its been amazing getting to know you." Luka replied very matter of factly.

"It has been great to get to know you too." Miku admitted.

"Oh, I hardly believe that." Luka chuckled. "I'm just your tutor."

"But you're such a nice person." Miku responded quickly. "It's really nice to be able to talk to someone my own age for a change."

"What about your friends, you know, from school and stuff?" Luka questioned.

"I've never been to school before, I've always had tutors." Miku sighed, her happiness was fading. "I dont have any friends as a result."

"But... you're Hatsune Miku. You're the most popular singer right now, you must have leigons of friends." Luka was confused, she also didn't put much thought into what she had said. Implying that Miku should have swarms of friends when she admitted to being friendless, would probably hurt her feelings.

And that's exactly what it did. "M-my father... he says that I can't have any friends." Tears were begining to collect in her eyes as she remebered how terribly alone she felt. "He says that it's too dangerous, but he doesn't care about hurting my feelings." Miku was on the edge of tears.

"Oh my god, that's so upsetting." Luka said solomnly. "Have you really never had a friend?"

"No, not unless you count the butlers and servants I've had. But they were just my father's employees." Tears were slowly creeping down her cheeks. Having never told her story to anyone, she didn't realise that it would evoke such emotions within her. The tears could be restrained no longer, they fell quickly, staining the expensive white school shirt.

"Sorry, I didn't realise... Sorry." Luka found herself on the brink of tears aswell, the sight of the distressed tealette stirred something deep inside her. She pulled out a tissue from her bag and wiped away the tears from the diva's face.

The first contact shocked her, it had been so long since Miku had shared and intimate moment with someone, the sensation felt foriegn. She quickly relaxed, and the tears subsided when Luka's hand cupped her cheek. The warmth was so inviting that she forgot herself. She nuzzled into Luka's hand, wanting desperatly to feel the warmth, to feel the affection.

The two women stayed like this for a few short moments, whilst Luka felt a wave of emotion wash over her. She reluctantly pulled her hand away, only for it to be grabbed by the dainty little hands of Miku, "Just a little longer." The tealette begged in a whisper.

"I'm sorry Miku, I have to go, It's one o'clock." Luka was thankful that she had an excuse to leave, she was too ashamed to tell her the real reason for her sudden departure. " I don't want to leave you like this, but I have to go." Luka choked as her throat tightened with emotion. "It's not fair on you." She added in a whisper.

Luka hastily gathered her things and made a beeline for the door. She burst through and sprinted to the elevator, just making it through the gap before they closed. She took one last look at a teary eyed Miku, who was standing in the doorway. For the whole journey back down to the lobby, Luka was consumed with guilt and emotion, she was ashamed of herself for thinking like that.


What was Luka thinking? What made her so ashamed

You'll have to read the next chapter to find out

Did anyone like it? I'm sorry it's so short, i kind of rushed it to get it out before school on monday, I'm also sorry for any typos or mistakes.

Please leave some feedback and let me know if you want me to continue with this.