Together Forever
Chapter 15
Note: So this is caught me by surprise and it's going to catch you guys by surprise as well. I've finished this story. In other terms, Kotori's perspective is now over. As I was writing this, I knew that there wasn't much left without making this chapter feel like filler and useless words so I decided to finish it here. As suggested, I'm going to continue this story by writing it in Umi's perspective. I feel that it's a good idea and it lets me continue writing about my two favorite girls being together. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the finale and be sure to let me know what you guys think about the story and future hopes about Umi's perspective.
I saw the look of shock on her face and I knew that I had to leave. I turned and tried to run as fast as I could, but Umi-chan was too quick for me. She was already right behind me with her hand clenched around my wrist.
"Let go of me Umi-chan," I said with held-back tears.
"I can't. I have to talk to you. This is not what it looks like."
I couldn't muster the strength to answer so I continued to face away from her and make every effort I could to escape her gasp. Unfortunately, she was too strong that I was overwhelmed. She pulled me towards her and the next thing, I knew, she was kissing me on the lips. Unlike the ones before this one, this one tasted bittersweet. I couldn't last under her control for very long so I did everything I could to push her off of me. When I did, my strength failed me as tears started to fall from my face.
"Kotori, please let me explain myself. If you hate me after it, then I'll never bother you again." She reached out her hand to me and I took it.
We headed back to the park near our house where we sat down on the bench and Umi-chan opened herself up to me.
"When I was younger, I met this girl who I immediately fell in love with. That was the same girl you saw me with today."
"So you're going to tell me that we're done with this, aren't you?"
"No." She placed her hand on top of my mine and refrained from avoiding eye contact with me. "I need to tell you why I won't leave you. As the two of us got closer, I thought she was the one for me. However, she was only staying in this country for a short time. She eventually was forced to move back to Russia when she turned 16. I was only 15 at the time. I wanted to follow her, but she told me I couldn't. She told me that she wasn't the one for me. She said that she didn't deserve my love and that I'll find someone else to love the way she wants me to; someone who I'm truly meant to be with."
"So you're only with me to fulfill her wish."
"No Kotori. I love you… more than anyone or anything in this world. I met with her today to tell her that I found the one for me. I told her I met you and that I'm now the happiest person in the world. If I hadn't have met you that fateful day, I don't know what I'd be doing right now. Do you understand now? I love you and I want to be with you forever."
Every word that came out of this girl's mouth was something out of a fairy tale. She knew exactly what to say and how to say it and there was absolutely nothing I could do to combat it. She was perfect and there was no denying this fact. How could a girl like me find someone as perfect as her?
I slowly wiped my tears from my face and smiled at her.
"I love you too Umi-chan."
Nothing stopped us after that. We ended up graduating and going to the same university. Aside from our classes, there was nothing that we didn't do together and never once, did things ever feel stale or boring between us. Umi-chan always kept me company and I did my best to give her the same amount of love that she gave me.
Of course, Umi-chan graduated on-time, but I needed an extra year. That was when things got challenging for me. My classes were so difficult and I didn't have a lot of time to complete everything I needed to. That's why I'm thankful for Umi-chan being by my side. She was with me every step of the way. She encouraged me and helped me with everything so I never felt like I wasn't good enough. That same question I asked before continued to linger in my brain.
How could a girl like me find someone as perfect as Umi-chan?
I eventually managed to graduate and Umi-chan was there to support me as I walked for my degree. The two of us were so happy that we decided to take a trip to America. Unlike Japan, there was so much nature and so much space to do things that we didn't even know what to do with our time. We visited all of the big landmarks and national parks and amazed me that a country could have all this room. This trip was also where Umi-chan and I started to become more intimate. I knew that I could trust her so I decided to give myself to her. Our trip lasted a week, but when we got back, Umi-chan did the most unexpected thing ever.
She took me back to our old high school and led me to the roof where we first met. She got down on one knee and asked me to marry her. Of course, I said yes and the two of us had never been happier.
Our lives were a long and prosperous one until our old age. Umi-chan was a super healthy girl while I didn't care much about my own personal health. I eventually contracted breast cancer and the stage of its cycle was too far to be cured so I spent most of my time in bed. However, Umi-chan never left my side. She tended to my every wish just to make sure that I was happy. This was when I looked back on my life and wished that I could do more for this girl. She was amazing and perfect in every way and yet, she was making me think I wasn't good enough for her. I always tried bringing up the topic, but she would always stop me and tell me that she was the happiest person in the world.
When my time reached its end, Umi-chan admitted me to a hospital where we spent the rest of our time together. I grew weak and helpless. All I really remember was Umi-chan sitting by my bed holding my hand and reassuring me that everything was going to be better. It was hard to know what would happen after this, but I know I could trust her.
"What is it, Kotori?"
"I… I love you."
"I love you too." She held my hand even tighter.
"I'm sorry," I said softly.
"There's nothing to be sorry for. What are you talking about?"
"You deserved someone more than me… Yet… You decided to stay with me."
"Of course I stayed. I love you and nothing could change that."
"Umi-chan… I'm s-scared."
"Don't worry. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
"What's going to happen to me?"
"Don't be scared. You know what? I'm going to make you a promise that'll defy all laws of life. I will find you in the next life. No matter where you are or where I am, I'm going to find you and continue to love you until I cease to exist. I promise, and you know I don't break my promises."
"Umi-chan, I…"
Suddenly, the light faded and things became cold. My time was up. I closed my eyes and took one more deep breath. When I opened my eyes again, I was given life once more. However, I had no memory of anything. It was a new family, new atmosphere, and no knowledge of anything. I was truly a newborn baby.
I was an outsider my entire life. I had a few friends, but I never felt like I fit in. I didn't really have any ambitions or goals that I wanted to accomplish. It was almost as if I was adrift in time, cursed to wander endlessly.
Why was this happening to me?
I finished high school and went off to a university where I studied fashion. I don't know why I did that. I just had a knack for making clothes and having look somewhat decent. Some of my works even got recognized and put out on display for the public to see. Having my stuff put out got foot in the door for some of the best clothing lines in the country. This was my first time being overwhelmed with emotions. I had no idea I had this kind of potential and now that it was possible, I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by.
I graduated college and filled out my job application that I pretty much was guaranteed to get into. Once I got the job, I was hard at work coming up with the next best thing to strut around the streets. All the while, I felt like something was missing. I pitched every idea and all of them went through. However, it just felt like I needed something else.
One day, I was walking through the park simply enjoying the view of life. It was so cool to see some of my designs being worn by those people in the park. This put a smile on my face and made me continue with my daily journey. However, a voice from behind stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Kotori? Are you Kotori?"
I turned and saw a beautiful girl standing a few feet away from me.
"That's me. Do I know you?"
She suddenly walked up to and grabbed my hands. At first, I was disgusted with a random person approaching me like this, but that quickly dissipated. This feeling felt familiar. Actually, it was the very feeling that I felt was missing.
"W-Who are you?"
"I can't believe I found you."
That's when she placed her hand on my cheek, leaned in, and kissed me on the lips. That sensation of having someone's lips pressed against mine felt so familiar. Why couldn't I put my finger on it?
After a few seconds, she let go, leaving me casted under her spell. I know this feeling. I have to do know this feeling.
"I told you I never break my promise."
Suddenly, it hit me. I placed my hands against my chest and started to tear up.
"I'm here."
That's when my memories came back and I remembered everything. The perfect girl. She was standing right in front of me, defying the laws of time and life itself. I couldn't hold back anymore. I jumped into her arms and squeezed her as tight as I could. This was that feeling.
"How did you find me?"
"I never lost you."
"I love you, Umi-chan."
"I love you too."
End of Kotori's Story
Ending Note: I hope you enjoyed the story and be sure to stick around for Umi's perspective.