Author's Note: I took a looooong time to update, but I didn't forget about the story. Sorry for the wait!



Not a chance.

I gotta hand it to him though, I kind of admire the balls it took for Shadow to even suggest something like that. I might be impressed if I weren't so grossed out.

He looks surprised when I laugh at him, like he genuinely didn't expect that reaction. What did he think I was going to do, run into his arms and profess my undying love for him? Has he started watching cheesy rom coms since I left him? I don't have time for this.

I don't stop him when he starts following me again, why bother? I think my cackling was a pretty clear answer to his suggestion, not my problem if he can't take a very obvious hint.

"So that's it? You laugh and walk away? I guess I should've seen that coming," he starts, and I want to respond so badly but maybe if I ignore him he'll go away. It's worth a shot. This new method seems to throw him for a loop, he keeps following me but doesn't say anything for several uncomfortably silent seconds.

"The silent treatment from Sonic the Hedgehog? I don't believe it." I can't stop myself from shooting him a dirty glare, but I manage to keep my mouth shut. This is harder than I thought.

We keep walking in silence for what feels like forever and I'm itching to tell him to get lost. I thought he would've left on his own by now but he's as committed to following me as I'm committed to trying not to look at him. I could make a run for it, but Shadow would probably be just persistent and creepy enough to follow me.

Feet on grass. That's the only sound I hear for what's probably a grand total of five seconds, but feels like five hours. I'm so unaccustomed to, well, not talking, that I struggle to find something to focus on when I can't focus on my charm. I'm pretty sure he's still trailing behind me, and I'm just itching to glance back there, but then what? He has to go away eventually, but how long is that going to take? He knows me well enough to know that the awkwardness is driving me crazy, that's why he's being so persistent.

He thinks he's so damn clever.

I'll show him. I'm not going to say a word. He's right there, but I won't even notice him. Totally forgettable. Like an actual shadow.

I've been unintentionally exerting so much effort trying to devise the perfect way to get my shadow to fuck off I haven't even been thinking about where I'm going. My feet have been carrying me somewhere but my brain forgot to give them directions. He's got to be getting irritated by now, right? I know I am.

"Hey, Sonic! Wait up!"

I hear someone, probably an adoring fan, calling me from a distance. I've walked far enough out now that there are a decent amount of people around, so I'm not sure where exactly they came from. I steal a quick glance at my unwelcome companion and he does the same to me, then stares off in the direction the voice came from. I follow his gaze to see Amy jogging toward me.

I should probably find a new place to relax.

"Oh, what's up, Amy?" This is actually perfect timing, for once. Talk to Amy. Act like what's-his-face isn't even there. What's-his-face gets uncomfortable. What's-his-face leaves. Sonic wins.

"Hey, Sonic. Hey, Shadow," She smiles widely at me, then tilts her whole body to the side to greet him, waving enthusiastically. I don't hear him respond, he probably just nodded or something. What, is he too cool to say hi to people, now? Give me a break.

His lack of response does give me an idea, though.

"Shadow? What're you talking about, Amy? Shadow's not here," I put on my best confused expression. Amy's genuine confusion almost makes me laugh but I maintain my composure. She looks from me to Shadow as if she's trying to figure out which one of us is crazy-her or me.

I hear Shadow shift behind me before I hear his grumbling laugh. "Don't pay any mind to him, Amy. Sonic and I got into a little disagreement, so he's in one of his moods. Isn't that right, Sonic?" He moves almost as close to me as possible on that last line, leaning in so close I could turn around and bite his nose off, but I settle for pushing him off of me. Sleazy bastard.

"Oh, even the happiest couples fight sometimes, it's no big deal. If there's anything I can do to help just-

"Thanks for the offer Amy, but it's a little late. We broke up weeks ago," I state casually. She actually looks a little bummed out, as if this affects her at all. I know she still likes me, but I also think part of her always got off on the idea of Shadow and I being together. Some weird fangirl thing, I don't get it.

I can't wait to hear how Shadow tries to explain this one. Is he gonna blame this on 'one of my moods,' too? Asshole.

Neither of them says anything at first. I don't know what Shadow is doing because I refuse to look at him, but Amy just looks mildly uncomfortable. I can tell she really wants to pry, but won't because Shadow is here. If he wasn't standing two feet from her she would've launched into a million questions already.

What happened?

Did he cheat on you?

Did you cheat on him?

Do you need a shoulder to cry on?

Are you into women at all, or are you and guys just a thing, now? Didn't you use to date that squirrel girl? She was never right for you anyway, if you ask me.

Amy manages to bite her tongue, but the second Shadow's not around I know I can look forward to the interrogation. Great.

"You two can stand around and stare at each other if you like, I'm outta here. See ya, Amy," I say, speeding off without waiting for her to respond.

Purposely acknowledging Amy and ignoring Shadow. Immature, but effective. Maybe. If it pissed him off, even just a little, I'll be happy.