A/N: To be honest, I'm a bit nervous about starting this fic. It's the first time I'm writing for the supernatural genre, but I'm willing to give it a try. I mainly stick to realistic stories, so it's a big change on my part. I'm hoping that I'll at least be able to make it decent.

Also, those who don't like stories with sexual themes shouldn't read this fanfic. I know I had loyal readers who read Warming The Cold even though they were uncomfortable with smut, but eh… this one will a bit more sexual. Just thought it's fair to give a proper warning this time.

Unfated Passion

The war between the humans and demons always had been tenacious. Even after several decades, both races never found peace with each other. Hatred and fear were the two predominant emotions humans felt towards demons. Even though they were less numerous than them, they were stronger. Contrary to them, they had magical powers, automatically making them more prevailing than they were. Demons often mocked them for that simple reason, calling them weaklings who could barely defend themselves with vulnerable weapons. They were seeing themselves as a superior race, as one that could destroy them and take control of the world easily. The only reason that stopped them from doing so was because their population was not big enough to start a war. It was to believe that they lacked emotions, especially compassion, and empathy; they were never hesitating before killing a being, easily making them an odious and evil kind.

They could not be trusted.

It was what Hatsune Miku, the daughter of a royal family and future heiress of the throne of Dregalla Kingdom, strongly believed. To her, demons were spiteful beings that didn't deserve any sympathy. It was why she was fervently against the alliance that her father planned to establish. She could still not accept it. She could not accept the fact that he dared to invite the King and Queen of the demon realm to have dinner with them to try making peace with them. Apparently, they were both willing to make an agreement with them to stop fighting and eventually share their territory. Many of the inhabitants were against his decision, fearing that it was only a trap set by the demons to annihilate them. It was an idiotic decision ―one that could cost many lives. Miku could not understand her father's optimism about them making peace when it was obviously an impossible dream to achieve ―or nightmare in that case.

"Could you please stop fidgeting, Princess? You're making it harder to brush your hair," The young maid murmured, running the brush through the long luxurious teal hair, making her sigh almost enviously as she felt how soft it was with her fingertips.

"Rin," Miku spoke with noticeable exasperation. "I told you many times to call me Miku. There's no need for formality when we're alone."

The maid nodded uncertainly. It was obvious that she was uncomfortable about the thought of calling her by her first name, especially since she was frowning in such an indiscreet way, showing her displeasure about the situation without hesitation. She started tying the princess' hair in her usual twintails, pursing her lips in a thin line.

"I just thought that it would be rude of me to call you by your first name. Are you sure that it's alright?"

Miku closed her eyes and took a breath. Everyone in the castle was treating her like she was some sort of divinity ―even Rin, her best friend, did at times. She hated it. She never asked for that damned title. She wanted a normal life. She feared the moment she would become Queen more than anything else; she didn't want to deal with all the boring politics, and she didn't want to be trapped inside the castle's walls all her life.

"Do you hate father's decision? About him wanting to make peace with the demons?" Miku finally asked, wanting to change the topic.

She could see Rin's face darken slightly through the mirror's reflection. She already knew the answer to that question, but they both never dared to bring it up ―perhaps because it was a very sensitive topic for the maid. The princess knew how much she hated demons, and she could totally understand why she did. They heartlessly killed and tortured her family in front of her when she was little. It was already a miracle that they let her alive; they thought that it was even more torturous than death since she would have the tragical memory of her family's death until she would pass away herself. Thinking about it was making Miku's blood boil in anger.

"I… I don't think I have the right to give my opinion on it," Rin whispered sorrowfully.

"You do!" The princess retorted almost furiously, before exhaling deeply. That topic was toying with her nerves. "You're scared, aren't you? I am too, and I promise you that once I become Queen, I'll make this nonsense stop. I won't let any of those demons cross our Kingdom."

Their land was just next to the demons' realm. As a result, not many dared to live on their territory as they heard the several rumors about those cruel monsters secretly inhabiting the place, making it the Kingdom with the fewest residents. Maybe it was why her father desired peace ―maybe he thought that it would encourage people to move in and for them to be less scared. However, Miku thought that it would only have the opposite effect.

"I wish my father wouldn't oblige me to have dinner with them. I have never seen demons in my whole life, and I have absolutely no desire to do it now. I feel like this is not going to turn out well."

Rin gave a nod to approve with her statement, pulling on her dress to replace it.

"The King and the Queen are… sex demons, aren't they? I heard that they can control anyone's mind within their reach, easily making them the most powerful beings alive."

The princess bit on her lower lip in thought. It was another reason why she feared that meeting. Succubi and incubi were probably the most frightening kinds of demons. They were powerful enough to make any humans bend to their will. Nonetheless, they could only use their power on one person at a time; it was making them vulnerable when there were many people around, which was a bit reassuring considering the several guards that would be present. It wouldn't be clever of them to try starting a fight.

"It doesn't matter. I will make sure father changes his careless decision during dinner."

"Thank you… for disagreeing with him. I believe in you more than I believe in him."

Miku smiled confidently. She knew that it would be easy to change the King's mind; she was sure that he would do it after meeting the two royal demons. There was no way that they would both stay calm and agree with the peace he was offering. Maybe it would also be the perfect occasion for them to get rid of them ―though, it was probably not a wise idea since it would most definitely start a war. It was a complicated situation and they couldn't allow themselves to make thoughtless decisions.

Rin heaved a soft sigh and forced a smile, her blue eyes immediately revivifying.

"Anyway," She cleared her dry throat, wanting to get rid of that gloomy mood by changing their minds. "You're going to meet that famous nobleman tomorrow, right? What was his name already? Kaito… I think? I heard from the other maids that he's very handsome and kind. He's probably not one of those men who will only care about your royal status. I'm sure he will be a great match for you!"

Miku lowered her gaze. With all the drama going on with the demons, she had almost forgotten about her first meeting with her future husband. She had no desire to get married especially since she was only sixteen, but she knew that it was a necessary step for her to eventually become Queen ―she couldn't lead an entire Kingdom all by herself, after all. Her father was the one who chose her future husband, and she had no other choice but to agree with it. She had never been the one to be interested in romance. As a result, she didn't mind to have an arranged marriage ―as long as he treated her well, she would be fine with it. She highly doubted that she would ever fall in love anyway since she was trapped inside the castle, making encounters with different people harder.

"I wish for you to fall in love with him. I mean, it must be painful to live your entire life with a man whom you have no romantic feelings for, right?" Rin asked, cocking her head to the side, her blonde locks following her gesture.

"I don't really care," The princess answered with honesty. "Romance is quite futile compared to what our future has in store for us."

"I… I suppose you're right, but I still find it tragic."

"Rin, do you seriously take importance in those silly things?" Miku inquired with friendly amusement in her voice.

"M-Maybe a little bit? I mean, I'm not even sure that I'll ever find love since I'm trapped in here as well." The blonde murmured before realizing her mistake, her small body tensing up ever so slightly. "A-Ah! It's not like I don't like serving you, I do! And I'll always be grateful to your family for taking me when I had nowhere to go. It just feels a bit lonely at times, I guess…"

The tealette knew it was not the time to be selfish, but she wished that Rin didn't have such thoughts. She wanted her to be entirely comfortable living in the castle, and she wanted her to stay by her side as long as possible since she was her only genuine friend. Still, she smiled softly at her, knowing that selfishness wouldn't bring them anywhere.

"If you want, I'll free you from your duty once I become Queen."

Rin's eyes widened. She soon shook her head violently, disagreeing with that unforeseen decision.

"Please, don't! Like I said, I'm completely happy here! I have proper food and a comfortable bed. I don't think I'll have that if I leave the castle… But thanks for your kind thought, Princess, I really appreciate it."

Miku felt relieved that Rin was still willing to stay by her side. Still, she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at her friend's persistence about not using her first name.

"If you call me Princess again, I'll make sure not to bring you those cheesecakes you love so much anymore. You're already lucky that I do. Mother would be mad if she learned it."

The Queen often told her not to spoil the maids since they were only here to serve them and that they should already be grateful enough to have somewhere to sleep, but Miku always disagreed with it; they were human beings like them, and they deserved to be treated properly.

Rin grimaced and crossed her arms over her chest, sulking.

"Please, everything but that."

The tealette chuckled. Her best friend was the only one who could brighten her days so easily. She was very thankful to have her as her personal maid. She was the one who taught her what friendship truly was. People mostly only cared about her royal status; they were always feigning their interest in her. They were envious of her title; it was why friendship with those green-eyed noblewomen was intolerable. Furthermore, they had no idea how boring and exhausting being a princess truly was.

"Anyway, I should go. My parents are probably waiting for me. Maybe I'll try to bring you dessert."

Rin's face immediately brightened. It was so easy to make her happy.

"It would be very much appreciated!" She exclaimed a bit too cheerfully. Then, she soon composed herself as she realized that maybe it wasn't the right moment to get that excited over cakes. "…Good luck with those disgusting demons."

Miku didn't think that it was a matter of luck. She would have to be careful with her choice of words, especially if she wanted to persuade her father to change his decision. She went downstairs, her long dress trailing behind her. She greeted the several maids with polite nods. They were almost bowing in front of her. She could effortlessly notice the concern in their eyes. It was obvious that they were scared at the thought of demons visiting the castle. She could understand their fear.

Once she entered the dining room, she was greeted by her parents smiling tenderly at her; they probably thought that she wouldn't have come. She took herself a seat and avoided staring at them. She wanted them to understand that she wasn't pleased with their decision of inviting the King and Queen of the demons' realm to have dinner with them. Did they even eat the same food as them? It was just making her realize how there were so many things that they didn't know about those evil creatures. She supposed that it was mainly because adventurers weren't brave enough to travel into their land ―or more like they barely made it out alive.

Her parents didn't seem to be stressed out. It was most likely because they felt reassured to have their finest guards beside them. Miku couldn't still help but to feel anxious. She had a very bad feeling about the meeting. Things certainly couldn't turn out as expected. Demons were well known to be mischievous and manipulative.

After a few minutes of complete silence, they finally heard the main doors open. The tealette immediately stared at the two arrivals; they were closely escorted by several guards, making it hard to have a proper look at them. One of them, most likely the King of demons, had long purple hair tied in a single ponytail, eyes like the color of amethysts, pale white skin, and a mysterious smile parted his lips. The only thing that differenced him from humans was his majestic horns on the top of his head. He was wearing elegant red clothes. His shirt was wide open, revealing a package of muscles. The rumors about incubi and succubi barely wearing clothes weren't false. Miku even caught, out of the corner of her eyes, maids staring at him with immense adoration. It was insane how, a few minutes ago, they had been completely scared at the thought of meeting them, and now they were watching the King with hearts in their eyes. She supposed that sex demons had that shocking effect on people. It was no surprise anymore why they were easily able to bend anyone to their will.

Then, Miku finally had a proper view of the Queen as the two demons sat down at the table. Her breath immediately got caught in her throat at the sight, her heart skipping a beat; she had silky-looking pink hair, crystal blue eyes, long and natural eyelashes, a doll-like face devoid of any perceptible flaws and perfect pink lips. She had a mysterious and charming aura enveloping her. Her horns were similar to the King's ones; although, they looked thinner than his. Her velvet red dress, easily matching with the male demon's clothes, was impeccably fitting her well-developed body, showing a lot more skin than Miku thought was necessary. Her alluring beauty was enough to make the guards visibly tense up, their eyes all directed on her.

Upon realizing that she was getting stared at, the Queen looked up at her, their eyes meeting for the first time. Miku felt like her lungs stopped working properly; she could barely breathe, an asphyxiating warmth enveloping her. Her heart was also throbbing loudly into her chest.

A smirk immediately parted the succubus' lips, her eyes flickering with mischief.

Was she making fun of her?

Before she had the time to feel insulted, the incubus cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, grinning.

"Thank you for inviting us in your estimable home." He finally spoke, his seductive voice naturally sounding melodic. "As the new rulers of our land, we desire peace with humans more than anything else. As a result, we want to let you know that, first of all, we are very happy with the alliance that you are suggesting us."

Miku noticed that her parents were both edgy. She didn't know if it was because of the aura of superiority that the demons were emitting, but they were definitely uncomfortable. The princess instantly felt concerned; in the state that her parents currently were, she doubted that they would be able to make any proper decisions. Those two demons looked extremely powerful; she felt like they could manipulate anyone with words. She would have to stay on alert; she couldn't let herself get seduced by them.

"I guess we can start with proper introductions," The incubus smirked, noticing that every human at the table was left speechless. "I'm Gakupo, the King of our land, and sitting beside me is Luka, my dear and lovely Queen."

The female demon didn't say anything. Her eyes were directed at no one in particular, making her even more enigmatic than she already was. Miku frowned. She could easily tell that something was wrong.

Her father then proceeded to introduce them. However, the tealette was eyeing him darkly, not wanting him to give them her name since she didn't trust them in the slightest. Much to her disapproval, he completely ignored it;

"…And this is Miku, my daughter, making her the future Queen of our Kingdom. She still has much to learn before becoming the next ruler. Therefore, I invited her to have dinner with us to take note of the current events."

The two demons stared at her unimpressively. The princess managed to glare daggers at them, wanting to show them her suspicion towards them. She was trying her best to avoid staring at the Queen as she was effortlessly able to catch her off guard. The incubus didn't seem emphasized by the lack of trust that she was showing. He even looked a bit entertained by the situation, his self-assured smirk widening.

They then ensued, and started enjoying the warm food. It looked like demons ate the same things as them. The King seemed to enjoy the wine too, his eyes showing pure keenness.

"My, this is excellent wine! This might even be the best one I ever tasted!" He exclaimed to show his enthusiasm. "If our alliance ends up working, humans, I bet our kind will absolutely love the food you are owning. It will most likely increase your Kingdom's wealth since I heard it's not doing so well right now. From what we saw, a lot of your inhabitants are homeless."

Miku felt anger building up inside her. She was deeply annoyed at the way he was talking; their poor situation seemed to amuse him greatly.

"Isn't that your fault in the first place?" She snapped, unable to restrain the boiling emotions inside her. "We're fearing you. It doesn't help that we live right next to your land. I heard all sort of stories about your kind ravaging our people's homes for no reasons."

A long silence then ensued. Gakupo didn't seem pleased about the fact that a mere human decided to speak to him in that way, his smile disappearing for a few seconds. Then, his gaze lowered as if he was suddenly ashamed, but Miku could tell that he was only feigning it.

"We are very sorry about the trouble we have caused you in the past. We promise you that if the alliance works, we will severely punish those who dare to hurt humans."

"I don't believe it! Demons are well-known for having manipulated us countless of times! What makes us think that you suddenly became trustworthy? Nothing can prove us that you're actually going to respect our treaty!"

"Miku, that's enough now!" Her father spoke sternly, punching the table with his fist. "If you are going to be rude to our guests, leave at once and let us take care of the situation!"

The princess immediately shut her mouth and stood up abruptly. She felt like her parents were getting manipulated by his words. It was insulting; she was completely defenseless towards the dangerous situation that they were facing. Normally, her father would have noticed that the demon wasn't being sincere ―he was a clever man, it was why she rapidly came to the conclusion that he was under the demons' spell. She remembered the rumors about them being able to control one person's mind at a time; it wouldn't be surprising if they were currently using their power on her parents and left her unaffected.

The Queen of demons looked up at her. Miku then held her shadowy stare for a few seconds. She felt like the succubus was the most dangerous one out of the two. She hadn't spoken a word since she was here, but just looking at her was enough to completely enthrall her. Her legs felt wobbly and a strangling warmth was assaulting her whole body, her heart pounding fiercely. It was a very odd feeling ―one that she didn't wish to explore further.

Brusquely, she stormed off the dining room, fists clenched. She deeply wished that there was something she could do, but she was only the princess; she couldn't make decisions. Everything was resting in her parents' hands, and it was what was so terrifying about it, especially if her assumption about them getting manipulated was right.

She entered her room, slamming the door behind her. She then took deep breaths. She hoped that it was all a horrible nightmare and that she would wake up soon.

"Miku?" Rin's high-pitched voice immediately interrupted her dark thoughts.

"Come in."

The petite maid entered inside without hesitation, concern plastered on her dusky face. She could tell from the princess' grave expression that the meeting didn't turn out well. She didn't dare to speak ―as if she was too scared to hear about the bad news that Miku was obviously about to tell her. Rin hesitantly went to sit beside her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, unsure if she was even allowed to touch the princess, but the tealette didn't seem to mind it. On the contrary, it looked like it was helping her to relax a bit.

"I think they're using their power to manipulate my parents' thoughts." She finally admitted to her best friend, looking down at their feet. "The King of demons was making fun of us. He wasn't being genuine about wanting to create an alliance. That much is obvious. I can't believe my parents fail to see it…"

Miku regretted saying it the moment she saw how troubled Rin seemed to be, eyes widened in fear. She knew how much her best friend hated demons because of what they did to her family, and she deeply wished that she had the power to stop them, but they were so much stronger than she was.

"Don't worry, Rin. I'll find a way to stop them." She murmured even though she wasn't certain that she would be able to. "I think… the Queen is the one we have to fear the most. She… she was able to fog my mind even though I'm certain that she wasn't using her power on me. W-When she's looking at me, I… I can't think straight and I feel like I would be willing to do everything that she asks of me even though I don't want to. It's really frightening..."

The maid remained silent. She was probably too shocked to say a word. Miku knew well enough that nothing could reassure her at that point. Maybe she should have kept it to herself, but she had wanted to share her fear with someone else, and Rin was the only one she could trust. She couldn't even trust her own parents anymore. However, how could she gain comfort if her best friend was as scared as she was about the situation? She wanted someone to tell her that everything would be fine.

As expected, the blonde stood up, her lower lip trembling.

"I… I'm sorry, Princess, I need some time alone."

Miku felt hurt. She wanted to be selfish and order her friend to stay with her even though it was obvious that she needed to be alone. She knew that the reason why she was so upset was because it was bringing her so many bad memories ―the same ones that were traumatizing her and that probably would for the rest of her life.

The tealette heaved a sigh and laid down on her bed. She was sure that those demons had an important weakness. She would have to find it. It was already disheartening to think that they had so little information about them while they seemed to know everything about them. It was no wonder why they thought of them as weaklings, as beings who were completely vulnerable against them.

She then heard the door of her room open. Alarmed, she turned around, her eyes widening in shock as she met with those secretive crystal blue eyes. What was the Queen of the demons doing in her chamber? More importantly, who allowed her to come in here? How was it even possible with the guards protecting the entrance? Certainly, they wouldn't let her in like that.

She hopped out of bed, her stance lacking assurance.

"W-What? Who gave you the permission to come in here?" She asked, her throat tightening as she found herself unable to meet her gaze. "Guards!"

After a minute of complete silence, Miku realized that they weren't going to help her. What did she do to them? Her heart started beating faster into her chest at the realization that she was completely alone with that dangerous demon.

The succubus dangerously approached her, her walk fast and stunningly gracious. Mesmerized, the princess took a few steps back, wanting to keep a fair distance between them. She tried her best to not stare directly at her.

"I came here in peace." Luka declared solemnly, her mature and sensual voice deeply resonating within Miku. "I have no desire to start a war that we are certain of winning."

"S-Stay away from me..." The tealette murmured breathlessly as her back finally reached the wall. She had tried to sound stern, but the quivering in her voice had betrayed her.

Upon realizing that the princess had no wish to listen to her, the succubus grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at her. The moment their eyes met, Miku felt like her entire body froze in place, her heartbeats accelerating hazardously. An engulfing warmth filled her, her mind starting to become completely blank. Feeling like her legs were about to give up on her, she held into the female demon's dress tightly. She could barely breathe. She wasn't an idiot. She knew what was going on; that demon was using her power on her. As much as she would like to fight it, she found herself unable to do anything, her eyes staring at those perfect lips with strong desire. Before she realized it, she wanted to feel them on her neck, she wanted her to completely ravage her.

"I'm sorry," The Queen apologized genuinely. "I wanted to settle this in peace, but you're a stubborn one. It's the only way to make you listen to me."

The tealette nodded shakily.

"Y-Yes... I… I'll do anything for you…" She whispered urgently. She did not have her proper mind right now and her body was shuddering constantly.

"My King made plans to kidnap you. He wants to anger your parents. He thinks it will start a war worth our powers. You should be careful in the next following days. It will happen when you will least expect it."

Luka then pulled away from her, already preparing herself to leave.

Miku immediately came back to her senses, her mind still a bit confused. Was the King truly planning to kidnap her to start a war? She had expected them to be untrustworthy but to that extent? She clenched her teeth in anger. What was telling her that the Queen wasn't manipulating her right now? Didn't she just use her power on her? And why would she betray her King? There were so many questions that were popping in her head right now. However, before she could take her anger on her, the pink-haired demon left as fast as she had come here.

Miku growled. She was feeling completely defenseless. She couldn't have done anything when that succubus used her power on her. She had been completely captivated. She would have been ready to do anything Luka would have asked her to do. It was insane. How strong was she? And she had the feeling that she didn't even use her full power on her.

More importantly, she had an aftertaste; her body was still feeling insanely hot, her heart pounding. She came to understand one thing: incubi and succubi had the power to bend anyone to their will for the simple reason that they could provoke strong sexual desires. She had remembered wanting to feel her lips against her whole body, and that she would have done anything just for it to happen.

It was truly humiliating...

If there was going to be a second time, she would make sure not to stay defenseless. And she wouldn't let the King kidnap her that easily.

A/N: Because stories where the princess can't defend herself can be a bit boring.