Crisp, autumn leaves descended onto the pitiful appearance of a young teen.

Honey blonde hair, long and tangled, scruffy and knotted. Her bright blue eyes continuously sprouted salty tears that left tear tracks down her heavily flushed face. A face that did not appear one bit healthy.

The skin was lacking a certain luminosity; it was dull and lacked the youthful glow most youngsters held. Instead, the skin resembled that of a sickly, bedridden patient their haggard, unwell state gifting their skin with sallowness.

She lay on the cold grass, under a large tree, staring upwards at the grey clouds lingering in the sky and forewarning rain.

Never had she once considered or thought of herself ending up in such a state.

Hurt beyond belief and betrayed by those she cared and loved for.

To be tossed away as though she were worthless, a speck of dirt ruining the otherwise perfect picture.

That was it, in simple words. And how could such a thought have ever crossed her mind in the first place?

She had no reason to suspect malice or hatred from those she considered friends, from her lover. Afterall she had always been there for them and them, her. They had all looked out for each other, they'd forged such precious, unforgettable memories together, they held each other's ground and loved each other when so many others hadn't, disregarding them, laughing and jeering, too busy mocking them to take a second look; not even a small glance.

Only a layer out of so many, did they take a glimpse at.

So what had gone wrong?

When had things taken a turn for the worse, when had the bonds they held start to weaken, to decay and rot, until all they held was...nothing.

Shattered and dispersed, only to be picked up and reformed; reformed and emerged as something completely different.


When had love turned to loathing?

When had there ever been any ill intent or malice towards the other?

Had it been festering all these years, until it reached its peak and they all concluded, it was time to let it out?

Or had it always been here? Had the obvious signs of hidden contempt always been there and she - as usual - had been blind to what lay right in front of her?

She was almost afraid to know the truth.

And though she'd stumbled upon the harsh truth, viewed the scene displayed before her did nothing to wash away the cold state of disbelief she was trapped in.

She sniffled. Rubbing her red eyes, she sat up, looked around her.

It was only three in the afternoon, yet darkness was already starting to permeate the sky, not unusual for autumn weather.

Standing up, she brushed off the stray leaves that clung to the soft cotton fabric of her clothing. Her stomach rumbled loudly, though fortunately for her there was street food being served not far from where she stood and there was yen in her pockets.

Wiping the tear residue from her face, she made her way over to the stall.

The man behind the table of the stall shot her a concerned glance but did not question her, thankfully. She ordered, handed the required yen and waited.

She watched hungrily as the takoyaki was skillfully prepared because no matter how devastated she may be, no matter her mood; she would always take up the chance to eat good food. Nothing could deter or ruin her voracious appetite.

She was what one called insatiable, gluttonous even. And, yes shocking - she did happen to know the meaning of those words no matter what others may think.

She salivated as her eyes caught sight of the fresh takoyaki, the man handed it to her and she eagerly accepted.

Golden brown, lovingly dressed and garnished. She couldn't wait to taste the sensational flavours of diced octopus, tempura scraps, batter, green onion and pickled ginger together.

Yes. delicious as always.

They'd taken a lot from her, emotionally. They managed to suck a lot of happiness and enjoyment out of her life in a whopping short amount of time.

But no one was going to take the pleasures of food away from her and the joy she derived from it

She sat on a bench, eating her takoyaki sloppily.

How was she going to explain this mess she thought, sulkily.

Food gone, she dispensed ger tray into a bin, before walking away with her hands in her pockets.

Time to go home she thought.

She could just picture the incredulous look on Luna's face as she attempted to explain how her Senshi and boyfriend had betrayed her.

And for the first time in awhile, Usagi was sure Luna would be completely on her side for once. The thought was somewhat reassuring yet it did little to brighten her mood and help stitch her heart back together.


OMG! Updating this after 3 years. There were 4 chapters to this posted... I deleted them all and this is the brand new prologue. Extremely different to the previous one. This story is going to be written completely different if you didn't get that from the summary. I hope you enjoy this small tidbit for now.

I think this may be my main focus - when it comes to my fics. Who knows.

Please leave a review, I'd like to know what you think! You can comment suggestions/ tips for this story, but if you have anything to say about new fics/prompts for me...please read the brief guidelines I have for requests on my profile. Do not write REQUESTS in reviews only pm them. Otherwise, review as you wish - constructive criticism is appreciated, flames however not so much.

Thank you - 4th March 2018.