A/N: Another piece for MamoUsa Week 2019. Today's theme is First Kiss!

FloraOne helped me out with this one because she is the Sailor Moon Fan Fiction Fairy Godmother (as accurately dubbed by TinaCentury)!

Theme: Kiss

Usually it was Sailor Moon that was stumbling around barely dodging projectiles. Today it was Tuxedo Kamen. Really Sailor Moon would have been better off, not to mention far far safer, if he had skipped this one altogether.

He had only a moment to enjoy her arms circled around his waist, before she violently shoved him out of the path of what must have been the youma's tenth blast aimed for him. He landed on the ground. On his side. Hard. She danced around his prone form, and shot off her own counterattack over his top hat.

The attack landed beautifully, pinning the malicious creature between Venus's light and Mars's fire. Her senshi guardians made short work of the beast.

Confident they were out of danger, he allowed himself to flop completely to the ground, lying spread eagle on the cement – torn between laughing at himself and screaming in frustration. That was just the kind of day it had been.

Sailor Moon was kneeling at his side a second later, her face crumpled into a concerned frown.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" she gushed urgently, shifting back and forth and wringing her hands as she hovered over him.

He stared at her compelling swirling eyes. "Hurt me?" he repeated dumbly. Kami-sama, is that what she thought?

"Sailor Moon, calm down!" Venus called, an amused smirk in her voice. "You totally saved his ass! And he knows it!"

"Are you okay?" the blonde at his side asked gently, ignoring her friend's teasing.

"Thanks to you," his whispered back, "no more than my ego suffered any harm."

She offered him a hand. He took it gratefully, and her strength sent him surging back to his feet. She gave him so much momentum that he stumbled forward into her arms, and she was steadying him once again.

They both looked up at the same time, and he found himself hypnotized by her kind eyes that swirled with feelings he could not identify. Her face hung only centimeters away from his.

He cleared his throat. "Thank you for saving me this time."

She smiled, bringing a brightness to her eyes. Her gaze darted to his mouth. Before he could react, she leaned forward, and her strawberry-red lips met his own.

Feeling shocked and unprepared for the eleventh time that evening, he didn't immediately respond to her feathery light touch. But just as she started to pull away, he leaned into her wanting to share her life breath for a split second longer, to taste the sweetness of her lips, to revel in the warmth that flooded his being like he had finally come home. He hadn't realized he had been lost until she found him.

"You're welcome," she whispered.

Before he recovered she was gone, leaving him standing alone staring into the empty dark night. The cold air penetrated through his tuxedo and cape and brought him back to himself. How had she vanished so quickly? Is that what it felt like every time he disappeared into the night like smoke?

A full nine hours of sleep, and his normal morning routine were not enough to break him from the haze that Sailor Moon's soft touch had left him in. He was still thinking about the encounter sixteen hours later. He traced his own lips for the fifteenth time with a finger absently, wondering when he might see the Lunar Guardian again.

A high-pitched scream of a child in distress pulled him from his musings. He looked up to see a boy no older than ten attacking another child around the same age.

He moved to intervene, but Usagi was already there - standing in front of the small boy who cradled his hand.

"Juichi-kun!" she scolded. "I've told you before, this park is here for everyone. Aki-kun has as much a right to climb these trees as you do. You can't attack anyone who refuses to adhere to your sign!" she shouted righteously, pointing to a cardboard sign that declared trespassers forbidden. "Do you understand?" she finished with her hands on her hips.

The kid stared back at her defiantly.

Usagi took a step forward, righteous anger pouring from her petite frame.

The boy scowled, panting furiously, but Mamoru was pleased to see the child eventually give a slow nod.

Usagi turned back to the injured boy. "Are you okay?"

While her back was turned, the first boy charged her.

Mamoru took three bounding leaps to close the remaining distance between them and took the blow. If he had been closer, he might have been able to deflect it entirely, but as it was he just absorbed the head butt with a grunt, even as they both went sprawling to the ground.

Usagi whirled back around. "Are you kidding me?! Juichi-kun! Come back here!"

But his attacker was already running off.

"Leave him," Mamoru stated, rising to his own feet.

She eyed him for a moment before turning her attention to the injured child. "Aki-kun, I think your wrist might be broken. You should go to a doctor."

"Let me take a look," Mamoru suggested. He kneeled down and took the wrist in his hands, channeling just a bit of golden energy. Usagi was right - the wrist was fractured in two places. "I think it's just dislocated," he lied. "It may hurt a bit for a second, but I can pop it back into place. Would you be okay with that… Aki-kun, was it?"

The boy nodded.

Mamoru made a show of pivoting the wrist slowly - the boy biting his lower lip. Mamoru channeled more healing energy and sealed the tiny wrist bones back together. "See there! It's as good as new!"

The boy moved his own hand experimentally, and his face bloomed into a relieved smile. "Thank you!" he beamed at Mamoru before he turned to Usagi. "Thank you Usagi-chan!"

"Of course, Aki-kun," Usagi acknowledged with a smile. "Now, go play!"

Mamoru smiled, watching the kid run off. He turned to see Usagi considering him, something almost familiar about the concern in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "You're bleeding." She brought his arm to her face, scrutinizing the scrape on his elbow.

He laughed. "I've had far worse."

"You didn't need to take that hit," she chastised gently, dabbing at the wound with her own handkerchief. "I had it under control."

"I have no doubt," he said sincerely. "Maybe I just wanted to feel useful."

"He was just a kid."

"A kid with a nasty temper."

"His parents have been fighting," the blonde girl confided. "He is just looking for someone to lash out at."

"Better at me, than you," he told her with a grin.

"My hero," she said sarcastically. "Thank you for saving me," she added more softly.

Looking back, he didn't know what he was thinking. Perhaps, the encounter paralleled the battle the evening before too closely. Perhaps, he was still obsessing over a kiss shared with another righteous heroine in his life. Perhaps he wasn't thinking at all.

He just leaned forward and kissed her.

She froze in shock for a moment. And he regretted the move. He should've asked for permission or something. He had no right.

But then, she was kissing him back. And he shared her air, he tasted the warmth of her lips, he felt so safe and accepted in her care. He felt like he was home.


She pulled away and his eyes opened slowly. They stared at each other in shock.

Sailor Moon hadn't been his first kiss. He knew that everyone was different. But this wasn't. If he closed his eyes it felt exactly the same.

The silence stretched between them like an endless chasm. He needed to say something. Anything! It didn't matter what.

"You're welcome?" he offered, in reference to her original thank you. But he felt uncertain. She had been much better at this the night before.

The silence stretched out between them again like a canyon.

"Sailor Moon?" he prompted. It was foolish to address her as such when they were both out in the open like this, but he had to know. And his mind would tolerate no delays.

She tensed, her eyes opened even wider with her incredulity. It was all the confirmation he needed. He reached out and took her hand, terrified she would run from him.

He need not have worried. She brushed a lock of raven hair from his eyes.

"Tuxedo Kamen?" she asked, quiet and uncertain.

He nodded.

She stared at him, as unmoving and blank as a white board. She didn't even blink! He tried hard not to fidget. And just when he was ready to bolt convinced his identity was mortally offensive, she melted and came alive.

"Oh my god! You just kissed me!" she screeched.

He smirked. "I did."

"Tuxedo-Kamen and Mamoru-baka are the same person! He is you and you kissed me!"

"You started it!"

"I - I…" she stammered, and then her face lit up brighter than a full moon. "I totally did, didn't I? I didn't think I could pull off something that cool."

He squeezed her hand, and pulled her closer. "You were beyond amazing last night. I was a mess."

Her smile softened, but somehow felt even more intimate. Like it was meant only for him.

"Well, that's okay," she assured, caressing the side of his face with two fingers. "You were kind've an adorable mess."

"An adorable mess?" he repeated, not sure he liked the description.

She shrugged, her smile growing in intensity exponentially as the distance between them narrowed further. "It's not like I have room to talk. I'm usually the mess."

He shook his head, disagreeing. "You are not…"

But she interrupted him.

And he was lost once again.

Or rather the opposite.

He was found. She had found him.

And he was home.


A/N: I plan to have another short piece out for MamoUsa tomorrow for the Fight/Make-up Theme, but it will appear in my Box of Chocolates series instead of here because it's not a reveal. I think I may also have one for Saturday, but it's way less fleshed out at the moment, so we'll see.

You can also find me on Tumblr under the same name - kasienda.

Reviews are love!