Clouds of Depression

Authors Note: Heyooooo! It's me CJNOV with my first fanfic evahhh! Like, after reading Love Live Fanfics for like a year i've decided to make my own account and start writing fanfics myself... Hopefully it isn't horrible... or you know... terrible.. and yes i'm just new to this kind of thing so suggestions will be welcomed! Remember to Rate and Review :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Love Live or anything involving anime T_T

Not much to say it was another day; the alarm clock ringed and woke up a certain ginger, who was awoken from her peaceful slumber. She woke up, and jumped out of bed and stretched a few times, only to notice that she was late as she was frozen in shock as she looked at her alarm clock.

She quickly ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower, not before slipping to the cold wet unforgiving floor. She dried herself with a towel and got dressed for school, she rushed down the stairs nearly tripping in the steps;

She quickly gobbled up her breakfast and drank her orange juice and left for school.

"I'm going to School Mom!",she yelled before running off to school.

She ran all the way to school, as she approached the school gate she saw Umi and Kotori walking together, she was about to run towards them and hug them both from behind, but decided not to as she saw their hands interlaced with each others,she decided to walk behind them but in a much slower pace, letting the two go ahead.

She hated this feeling but it was a feeling she had to get used too, for she knew it would stay with her until the day comes when somebody will finally take the pain away and mend her broken heart which is a day that will never come for Honoka.

Class was about to start as Honoka sat down on her chair for homeroom Umi approached her alongside with Kotori.

"Honoka, are you alright?" Umi asked with a slightly worried expression on her face as she saw Honoka having a gloomy atmosphere which is unusual for the ginger to emit.

"I'm fine.. I'm fine, I woke up a little late and had to run to school." Honoka lied, knowing that telling Umi what's really bothering her would complicate the situation rather than solving it.

Umi wasn't convinced by Honoka's answer, knowing the her childhood friend well; she knows that simply being late no matter what couldn't cause her to have a severe gloomy atmosphere but she decided to let it slide rather than push the ginger more.

Umi went back to her chair as the bell rang for homeroom to start.

The day seem to quickly go by for Honoka, as her thoughts drift her away from class and from reality itself as she let her thoughts fill her head with envy and anger.

I was always there for them.. from the day when Muse began to the day when Kotori almost left Muse to study abroad.. I was always there for them and not one day did that change.. not until Muse started to filter me out of the group.. Practices were no longer the same.. They're not even practicing anymore.. Nico and Maki's constant staring and blushing.. Nozomi kissing Eli on the cheeks..Rin and Hanayo laughing and hugging each other.. and lastly to Umi who is always blushing to Kotori's compliments. They forgot about ME.. The one who supported them.. The one who made this group in the first place..

"Honoka!" Umi yelled in a angry toned voice.

"Kyaaahh!" Honoka yelled as she was startled by the sudden and loud shout by Umi, as she came crashing down from her chair to the hard tiled cement floor.

"Umi-chan! You meanie.." Honoka pouted as she rubbed her head to soothe the pain that was throbbing at her head.

"How could you lose focus like that!? You do know that exams are next week and your grades have been terrible." Umi scolded Honoka.

"Umi-chan." Kotori said while holding her lover's hand in an attempt to pacify her girlfriend's rage for the ginger. "Honoka probably has a lot of things on her mind maybe you should let her go this once."

Umi decided to drop the subject but not before glaring at Honoka in which Honoka flinched at.

The bell rang and it was time to for Muse to practice for their upcoming Love Live competition. Honoka grabbed her bag and quickly dashed out the door and ran to the school gate to quickly evade the members of Muse from capturing her.

Honoka after panting heavily with sweat raining down from her forehead like a tropical typhoon would, she decided to sit down at the bench of a nearby park to regain some of her energy.

It was fall for Japan... Autumn leaves falling down from trees with colors consisting of shades of brown and light yellow with children around the park running around the park playing tag with each other and playing around in the park playground.

After resting for a brief moment, Honoka decided to venture around a bit for old times' sake. She walked at a brisk pace.. Not knowing why herself.. She saw things that reminded her of her happy and carefree past, like the tree she managed to convince Umi and Kotori to climb along with her despite both of their protests or that exact tree where they first met the shy yet reliable Umi. It was happy memories coming to her one by one as it replays through her head like a video tape. She finally couldn't take it.. and sobbed.

She felt the saltiness of her tears as it runs down from her eyes to her mouth but she felt something stroke her face.. she felt the tears that she shed dried up.. She looked up and saw a face she wasn't expecting to see.

"You shouldn't be crying with that beautiful face of yours." The voice said in a calm yet comforting manner.

"Kira Tsubasa?!"

A/N: Ahhhhh... My first page to my first fanfic... I'm sorry if this would be really terrible to some of you guys... Like i'm still a newbie to the whole writing business.. I decided to go with a TsubaHono fanfic because i don't really see it as often as the other common ships such as NicoMaki NozoEli etc...

So i hope you guys enjoy! I would love to hear suggestions and reviews! Don't forget to review! :D