Summary: At the age of 12, Serena's mother told her the truth about why they had to remain hidden. At the age of 18 he came for her with painful and bloody consequences. Now, Serena's only chance to be free is to take down the man who wants the one thing from her that she will never give. But that means trusting someone she has never met. But Serena has no choice, because when family betrays you, sometimes a dangerous stranger with the same goal is the only one you can risk trusting.
Author's Chapter Notes:
I began writing this one after I broke my ankle and spent the 3 months on crouches as I was writer's blocked on A Wolf's Cry.
I was almost finished the first draft of chapter 1 when my computer decided it needed a trip to the computer doctor.
By the time I got my computer back, I was over my writer's block, so I had to put Mafia Legacy aside for a little while.
But now A Wolf's Cry is finished, I have half a chapter writen for Heart's Sight - so expect Chapter 1 to be post someone time the next few months, no I have not given up on it. Not yet anyway - but Mafia Legacy is the one my fingers want to write.
Chapter 1 will be posted by the end of January. I hope.
I might not be good at making deadlines, but I always come through.
Eventually. I do not start something I do not intend to finish.
Have a great 2015 everyone! And be safe these holidays.
There was nothing, nothing but yet at the same time there was so much. Too much. All she could see was darkness which not one speck of light penetrated, even though the intense head did. There was so much pain but despite her situation there was no fear for herself. No fear of anything any more, not now, not after what her eyes had witness in the previous twenty minutes.
Serena could see not see but she could hear it all, the deafening roaring that filled her ears. It was so loud that Serena couldn't even hear her own muffled screams over it; Serena never knew fire could be so deafening.
It was so hot, even as far back as she was, but all she wanted was to run towards it, even as the two sets of strong thick arms pulled her away. She was blindfolded, gagged and had her wrists bound together in front of her but still it took the two beefy men to drag her back.
Serena didn't care that the were the men worked for the one man she'd feared ever since the age of twelve when her mother had told her the truth about what she had spent the last ten years hiding them both from.
Serena didn't care that they were the ruthless killers from her nightmares. All that mattered was getting back into the house even though she knew that it was already too late. Too too late.
Too late because the habitants of the two story suburban home, that they had just brought and moved into, had been dead before the gasoline fuelled fire had been lit. Serena knew that because she had watched them die, a bullet to the head for each of them.
They had been her dear dear friends. No, they had been more than that. They had been her family.
Family that had been executed in cold blood by her own father.
Her father who had finally found her.
Chapter End Notes:
Mafia Legacy Chapter 1, coming soon to a computer screen near you!