I do not own TMNT or any of the characters or anything related or in common with it. If you have any problem with me just wait! I'll let you know when I care.

"Fine" Raph's voice was thick and tough as the short and stuffy word left his lips. Leo's eyes narrowed on the tall dark green turtle in front of him.

"Fine" Leo whispered back hurt as he never thought the word would leave his lips. Raph and Leo both stared at each other before Raph grunted turning around he walked out the door. Mikey and Don both threw each other worried glances before nodding at each other. Don ran after Raph while Mikey followed Leo into the kitchen.

"Leo! Hey, Leo please slow down!" Mikey called quietly as Leo immediately ran to the kitchen, and started to grabbed things from cabinets and stuff.

"I didn't cook" Leo tried to chuckled but came out as a dry huff. Mikey walked by Leo and watched as he began to open packs and mix things together. "What would you like to eat?" Leo turn to his head to Mikey and smiled gently. Mikey held a sad glint in his eyes as he reached forward to wipe the tears away.

"Leo" Mikey whispered as Leo dropped his head and bite into his lip. Leo slowly stopped mixing and set the spoon down and slowly slide down to the floor, Mikey following shortly. "Leo, please don't cry" Mikey said as Leo buried his face in his hands and let the tears flow out, Mikey frowned and dropped his head he hated seeing his brother cry especially his older brother. He was alway so strong and proud and calm, and to see him break down just hurt his heart. Bringing himself closing to his crying brother he rested his head on Leo's trembling shoulders and brought his arms around Leo. Pulling him close, he rubbed his cheek against Leo's stained ones, wishing he could make this whole situation better.

"Raph! Raph wait, Raph! stop." Don had been calling to Raph for the last 2 minutes as the hot head marched around the garage and was looking for his helmet. Which by the Don has been holding for quite some time. Finally when Raph found Don's voice mildly annoying did he turn and snare out a WHAT. Don's sudden demanding voice caught in his throat. He's seen Raphangry many times but never like this. This was someone new someone they never knew about and Don felt terrified. His eyes held anger, hurt, discouragement, abuse, and hatred, they look like they belonged to a murder. Don took a deep breath and found his voice,

"Raph please come in and fix this you both messed up why don't you-"

"No! Don i'm not going back in there!" Raph shouted back anger filled to the brink in his voice.

"Raph please just try to calm down and then come back and fix this whole mess" Don pleaded Raph shook his head and growled he walked to Don. Don felt himself take a step back every step Raph took towards him, until his back hit the door. Raph towered over him with a blank face but murderous eyes, reaching forward Raph took his helmet and glared at Don.

"I am fixing this mess by finishing" Raph snacthed the helmet out of Don's shaking trembling hands and made his way to the motorcycle and drove out leaving smoke in his wake. Don dropped his head and rubbed his face with his right hand while his left went to grab the table to keep him up on his two feet.

What the hell was going on?