A/N: I'm sorry, that took long enough, but I should be able to update more regularly from now on.
Here's a summary of recent events if you guys don't remember the story all that well;
After Luka saved Miku from Gakupo's attack, they escaped from their respective territories with Gumi. They want to take shelter in Gumi's village since the villagers there accept both humans and demons equally. However, after Gumi got manipulated by Lily, Gakupo is now aware of the village's hideout and is most likely planning a future assault for two reasons; he's against peace between humans and demons, and he hates both Miku and Luka so he desires their deaths more than anything else. Though, he is currently busy with the war in Miku's kingdom, so Miku, Luka, and Gumi have no ways of knowing when and how he will attack Gumi's village.
As for Miku and Luka's relationship; things are still ambiguous between them. Miku has obvious feelings for Luka, and Luka knows about them after she forced Miku to tell her. Luka isn't certain where her feelings stand yet, but she's still aware that what she feels for Miku is special and is willing to understand what exactly her feelings for her are.
That's basically it. Once again, thank you all for the reviews! I can't say enough how much I appreciate you guys' support. And huge thanks to Chrislayer-Sama for being such an awesome beta reader!
Unfated Passion
Miku tried to suppress a yawn. She didn't want to show any signs of exhaustion when afternoon had barely even begun yet. They had been traveling for a few days already, and the princess was tired of having to sit on a horse for several hours a day. Not only that, but they rarely ever stopped at villages to take breaks anymore; as a result, they had to sleep on grass every night, and it was torturous for her back that throbbed for a warm and fluffy bed. Gumi didn't seem to care much; she even mentioned that it was a better alternative to the cold and hard floor she used to sleep on, right next to Lily's bed; that damned succubus who used to treat the poor girl like she was a mere dog; one that she could maltreat however pleased her.
As for Luka, even though she appeared more open about showing her most concealed emotions, she was still, unfortunately, quite aloof. These days, she and Miku were scarcely talking to each other, and when they did, they limited themselves to short discussions about the destination they were heading to. They also didn't have any sexual intercourse since the last time at the tavern where Miku served as Luka's meal under the table. Despite the occasional cold behavior from the succubus, the human was nevertheless content with how things were between them; even though they didn't talk much, Luka would sometimes convey her emotions by presenting her with the softest of looks. Also, when Miku was shivering from the cold during their nights outside, the succubus would silently come closer to her to share her warmth. It was those sweet, little gestures that quickly made the teal-haired girl's heart act up all over again.
On a more positive note, they would be arriving at Gumi's village very soon. According to the hybrid, they would be there in a few hours. Miku was both immensely anticipating it and looking forward to it. It was probably nerve-wracking for the three of them; after all, they still had no idea if they would make it in time. It would be devastating to discover a burned village with corpses being the only occupants.
Luka looked oddly tense as well. Miku could tell as she clung to her on horseback. Her muscles and back were rigid, and her face showed shattering determination. The princess was wondering why the other woman was so troubled. It was somewhat uncharacteristic of her… was she seriously worried about the people's safety or was she scared that their only hope of being together could be ruined? Either way, it was apparent that she was perturbed, and Miku could only share the sentiment.
For all three of them, their anxiety just seemed to get worse as the forest they were heading to finally entered their field of view.
"Is the village supposed to be in this forest?" Luka asked, fixing her icy stare on Gumi.
"It… it should be." The trembling girl confirmed. "I…I will take the lead once we're t-there since it's easy to get lost."
Noticing Gumi's nervousness from how much her voice was breaking, Miku decided to give her a soft smile to try calming her down. Her heart was filled with compassion for the poor girl. After all, the situation was most definitely harder for her than it was for them. The village, where she grew up with her parents, might not still be standing, and such a thing would be enough to make anyone greatly concerned.
However, before they entered the dense forest, they decided to take a short break to eat and review the state of affairs. Miku, who constantly exchanged the role of leader with Luka, chose to speak up first;
"Let us suppose that the villagers are still doing all right; we should not waste any time in warning them of the upcoming danger. And if… if we happen to arrive too late, we will have to find somewhere else where we could–"
"There are no other places for us," Luka cut her off abruptly, breaking the naive optimism the princess was showing. "If nobody is alive, there is no plan B. Just face it; this village is the only place that would accept a human, a demon and a hybrid traveling together."
The Queen's words were enough to put everyone in a sour mood… mainly because they reflected the harsh truth that nobody wanted to hear. If the peaceful village was already destroyed, there was no way to tell what would happen to them. Luka would not be able to return to demons' territory safely since her betrayal was likely unforgivable, and Miku would not feel safe in her own kingdom either since the war was at its doorstep, and the King of Demons wanted her dead.
Before the princess could even say a word, Luka continued to talk:
"If it comes to it… if we're faced with the worst case scenario, you and the half-human can live in a nearby village without raising too much suspicion. The hybrid looks like a human, and I doubt anyone would recognize you as the lost princess from a faraway kingdom, Miku."
It was sadly the only solution, but it also meant that they would have to leave Luka behind. Where would she go? What would happen to her? Miku refused to accept such a thing.
The human princess then approached the taller woman, determination and worry flickering in her teal eyes as she tried to meet with her gaze.
"What will you do then?"
"I do not know, but I cannot go back into demons' territory, and humans would never accept me here, so it would be best to go our separate ways if Gumi's village is not an option. You two can still be safe, and I am not here to ruin it for you."
Miku was shocked. She couldn't speak or think properly. Her breath was taken away at the thought of leaving Luka, especially after they had both been through so much. She really couldn't accept it as being the only plan B available. And yet, she couldn't find any other solutions. The succubus had nowhere else to go… it was an inescapable reality.
The teal-haired girl looked down at her feet and bit her lower lip. She was upset. So utterly upset. Luka left her people to save her and be together with her, and now, she would be ready to sacrifice what they had so Miku could have a decent future. The thought of it hurt too much to bear.
"Do… do you truly believe I can accept this, Luka?" The human absolutely hated how erratic her voice sounded. "A-After everything that we went through, I do not wish to be…separated from you. I do not care about my own safety…I only want to be with you."
Miku could notice how surprised Luka was at her bold words since her eyes widened and her body noticeably tensed. After a few moments of complete silence, the Queen finally took a breath and turned away from her as if she wanted to hide how distraught she currently was.
"I would only bring you misery. Why would you want to ruin your short life for someone who barely knows how to love and care? I cannot understand your stubbornness when it comes to me."
"Do not give me that! You… you do care, Luka. I know you do. After all, you are ready to give up everything for me… if this is not caring, then I do not know what is… But, you see, I also care about you, and there is no way I am going to leave you. At least not until I know that you are safe as well…"
Luka's fists clenched. Miku thought she would get mad at her, but she finally sighed and shook her head in disbelief.
"Foolish human."
The sentence was whispered almost too quietly, but the princess swore that she heard a hint of softness and fondness in her usual harsh tone.
"There is no use to dwell on this at the moment when we are not certain of anything yet. Let us resume our journey for now," Luka added while climbing on her respective horse and giving the human a hand to help her up.
Miku wasn't completely satisfied with the answer, but she decided that it was best not to throw a tantrum now. Gumi had respectfully left them alone while they bickered since their conversation had seemed to be giving her even more anxiety, and the princess didn't wish to make things worse for her by excluding her the way they did. It went without saying that Miku also cared about the hybrid's safety, and she had probably sounded selfish by only talking about herself and Luka. She would have to make it up to her.
As soon as they started delving into the forest, Miku tried to focus on the scenery. They were following a tight and almost erased path; one that looked as if it hadn't been used by anyone in years. The princess was also confident that she saw some trees exceeding eighty meters; they were quite impressive to look at. They could even hear a lot of wild animals rustling through the thick undergrowth, and birds chirping along with them. It was quite soothing, and Miku almost forgot about her worries for a while.
However, the princess certainly didn't expect it to take so long to reach the village. They had been traveling in the forest for about thirty minutes now, and the scenery hadn't changed much. Trees were less and less present as they delved deeper into it, and the horses were slowing down because of how unreliable and rocky the path had become. Still, Gumi seemed extraordinarily confident about where she was going, and Miku completely trusted her to lead them to the right destination.
"I… I suggest that we h-hop off our horses and walk from here since w-we'll be there soon." The half-human murmured nervously. "T-They might take more precautions if they see us on horseback. T-They don't like unexpected guests at all…"
The teal-haired girl nodded slowly and swiftly jumped off her horse. She supposed that it was normal that they would be cautious of strangers approaching the village. The villagers' lives could quickly become endangered if rumors about them even existing were to spread to different kingdoms. Anyway, most people thought that it was too farfetched to consider the possibility of humans and demons living together in harmony.
Miku's heart started to beat harder in anticipation as they finally reached a path that led them to an area clear of trees. They could finally spot the small village from afar, and the princess was rather relieved to see that it didn't look burned down. Big logs were surrounding the whole place, which probably made it harder for strangers to set foot in to. Miku soon realized that they were nicely protected, especially after she noticed the two muscled humans guarding the entrance. Even though visitors were most likely infrequent, they seemed to be watching the village twenty-four hours a day.
At least, they could almost confirm that the area didn't seem to have suffered from any demon assault yet. Gumi let out a long sigh of relief, her eyes watering a bit. Even though she appeared to be happy to be back home, the two humans standing at the entrance obviously weren't. They were standing rigidly, noticeably on their guard, as they watched the unexpected guests approach very carefully.
Miku couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. They looked so tall; it almost looked like they could crush her with their giant-looking hands. Luka was standing beside her aloofly, not impressed by the show in front of them in the slightest.
"Are you lost, travelers? I am sorry, but we cannot allow you to come inside. Though, we can provide you with directions if needed." One of the men spoke without examining them much at first, but then, his eyes quickly widened at the unexpected trio. A human, a demon, and… "Gumi!? Is that you!?"
It didn't take long before the two men rushed to her side. They pulled her into a friendly hug, probably overjoyed to see that she was still alive. It almost felt like Gumi was getting crushed by the two tall guards, but she didn't seem to find it unpleasant. She was even smiling from ear to ear. Her relief about finally being home was palpable.
As soon as they pulled away from her, the men scrutinized the hybrid and worry quickly replaced their joy from the unanticipated reunion. They probably only just noticed how pitiful of a state she was in. She was skin and bone; her appearance was comparable to someone who was suffering from a deadly illness. Even if Gumi looked a bit better since she escaped demons' territory, it was nevertheless obvious that she had been through a lot of abuse.
"My goodness, what happened to you, kiddo? And where are your parents?"
The heavy silence that followed meant everything. It seemed like they had no idea that Gumi became an orphan. They had most likely not seen her ever since she and her parents chose to travel, and the news about Gumi's parents' deaths seemed to be affecting them greatly.
"We are sorry, Gumi…" He spoke tenderly and stroked her head. "You must have gone through hell ever since you left..."
"I…I will tell you everything later, but f-for now, I would like to say that it is thanks to t-those two that I am back," The half-human murmured as she pointed towards the two other silent guests. "T-They know about our v-village, but they don't mean any harm."
Miku tensed up as soon as everyone's eyes were on them. They still had a mistrusting look on their faces even though Gumi's words seemed to have appeased them a bit. They were clearly waiting for them to say something, and the tension between the two parties was definitely noticeable. They both didn't know what to expect from the other, after all.
Noticing that Luka had no intention to talk, Miku cleared her dry throat and took the hint to speak up first. She didn't trust the succubus anyway; she was terrible at striking up normal conversations.
"Greetings to you." She saluted them politely as she offered them a sheepish smile. Her nervousness was palpable; she was hiding the shaking of her hands by holding onto one of the horses' reins tightly. "My name is Hatsune Miku, and as Gumi mentioned, we are here peacefully."
The half-human nodded to empathize that they could trust the two strangers. However, before the guards could even utter another word, Luka interrupted them and went straight to the point:
"We need to talk to your chief about important matters."
Miku tried not to wince at the unfriendliness in the demon's voice. It went without saying that if they weren't allowed to enter the village, it would be entirely the cold Queen's fault. Conversing truly wasn't her forte. The least she could have done was introduce herself before jumping straight to why they were here.
As expected, it only made the two men even edgier and more unsure about the situation. They looked at each other as if they needed to confirm what they thought merely by staring into each other's eyes. They finally both shook their heads.
"We cannot allow uninvited guests, especially strangers, to speak to our chief."
Miku knew it wouldn't have been that easy, and it was genuinely disheartening. While she was highly disappointed, Luka only seemed to be fuming at the rejection. She really wasn't taking it well. Her fists were clenched, and her eyes were almost glaring at the two men.
"Listen, it is up to you to believe us or not, but your lives depend on it. If you care about your own well-being and the safety of the villagers, you must let us through."
The teal-haired girl truly wanted to run away. It sounded like a threat even though she was aware that Luka didn't mean to make it look that way, but those two men were definitely going to take it as a menace. However, before any of them had the time to lash out at the other, Gumi swiftly put herself in the middle, serving as a wall between them. It was strangely courageous of her even though she was trembling like a leaf.
"T-They are telling the truth!" The hybrid exclaimed in an uncharacteristically loud voice, going out of her way to defend the strange pair. "Y-You have to let them speak to the chief! Y-Your lives are in d-danger, and they are here to help! P-Please, let them through…"
Miku was sincerely grateful that Gumi had their backs, and it looked like the two men ultimately believed them since they lowered their weapons as shock was quick to replace their anger. They exchanged a worrisome stare. It was hard not to believe the hybrid when she was unusually forceful about the situation.
"All right," They finally gave up even though they gave both of them a harsh look to let them comprehend that they were still not fully trusted. "Let us escort you to our chief since we cannot allow you to roam around freely."
Miku couldn't stop a sigh of relief from escaping her lips. She was so reassured. She really would have to thank the half-human later. She doubted it would have been possible without her help. She would also have to scold Luka for lacking such delicacy. It was more than evident that she was used to seducing others when dealing with essential matters but perceptibly didn't know how to communicate without going with that tactic.
As soon as they stepped inside, the two guards detailed the whole situation to the other men who had been watching the entrance from the other side. One of them was asked to go ahead to warn the chief about their arrival, and he almost ran to do exactly what he had been told to.
Before Miku even realized it, they were sandwiched between guards who were leading them around the village. Gumi was almost instantly swapped away by excited and worried villagers who greeted her almost like she was a Queen. They all looked relieved that she was well and alive. Meanwhile, both Miku and Luka were being treated like they were poor circus animals; people were observing them with both morbid curiosity and mistrust. Since they were living in such a secluded and protected area, the human princess couldn't blame them for being so suspicious of strangers.
Still, despite how stressful it was to have everyone's full attention, Miku nevertheless examined her surroundings. She could already tell that most occupants were humans. Hence, the few demons that were here were distinct; imps and sex demons were most certainly the majority of them. Yet, despite the low population in general, merchants weren't lacking; Miku could see stalls of meats, fish and furs from hunted animals in the forest, fresh-looking vegetables and hand sewn clothes. They unquestionably didn't lack anything. The houses also looked solidly built. The entirety of the village was definitely more impressive than the princess thought it would have been. Even Luka looked bizarrely astonished, her crystal blue eyes widening ever so slightly.
Finally, they reached their destination; they were standing in front of the most imposing structure in the village. It looked almost like a more miniature version of a castle with its stone walls and tall towers. It was nothing compared to what the luxurious princess was used to, but it was nevertheless breath-taking to admire such quality work from such a poor area.
The inside was just as striking; red carpets decorated the floors, and the ceilings were several meters away from their heads. There was a considerable lack of furniture, and every step they took resonated throughout the whole room. There was also an almost intimidating and oppressive silence that filled the air.
As soon as they reached a massive door after climbing several stairs, the guards came to a halt and asked both the human and the demon to stop moving for a moment, which they did without questioning it. One of the men then spoke;
"Your guests are here, chief."
"Excellent, let them inside!" A male voice exclaimed almost too cheerfully.
They obeyed and entered the room.
The chief was sat on a fur covered chair, his pose very relaxed and arms crossed over his chest. Unsurprisingly so, both Miku and Luka were quick to notice that the man before them was an incubus. Despite his strange friendly expression, there was a seductive aura surrounding him; one that only sex demons could have. He had pale pink hair, enticing gold eyes, and horns just as remarkable as the succubus' ones.
"Greetings," The incubus said with a charming smile. "My name is Yuma, and I am the chief of this village. I was briefly told of your arrival here just a moment ago, and I am aware that you are the bearers of bad news. However, before we get into this urgent matter, I would like you to introduce yourselves. It is a bit uncommon to see a human and demon traveling together, after all, and I would like you to clarify how you came to know about this place."
Miku was greatly taken aback; most demons she met never looked so approachable. They lacked mannerisms and sensitivity, but this man was exuding extraordinary kindness. The princess could quickly understand why he became the chief. He appeared to be very likable, and his outgoingness was almost contagious.
Thinking that it was best to talk first, Miku went ahead and introduced herself:
"My name is Miku. I am an escaped princess from a faraway kingdom that is currently at war with the demons. We are a neighbor to their territory, and after failing to strike an alliance with them, times have become rough," She resumed very concisely. "I am hoping I could take refuge here. Even though my kingdom is at war with the demons, I know not all of them are evil, and I mean absolutely no harm to those who live here."
"A princess, hmm? I am guessing you can read and write, correct? It would be quite beneficial for us since we are greatly lacking people with this capability, so if you do plan on staying here, you would be more than welcome to, as long as you share those skills with us. Above and beyond, I can tell that you have no malicious intentions whatsoever."
Miku felt like a weight was removed from her shoulders. Yuma was compassionate and understanding. She already felt welcomed.
Then, his eyes settled on Luka, and he showed a bit more doubt towards her as he seriously and intensely stared at her face. It was no wonder that he showed a lack of trust towards her since she was exhibiting anything but friendliness. She even looked irritated, as if she wanted to talk about the most crucial matter first.
"Luka." The succubus quietly said her name.
Yuma raised an eyebrow at the short introduction. He apparently wasn't content with it, and Miku wished Luka would make an effort to be friendlier.
"Not the talkative type, huh?" He asked before sighing. "You are quite the powerful one, Luka. I can sense it. Give me one reason to trust you."
"I travel with a human, and I saved the hybrid's life. I haven't used my powers on anyone since I arrived here, even if I could. That should say enough," The pink-haired beauty stated nonchalantly. "I am also here to offer my help about the matter we wanted to discuss with you."
Yuma seemed to be deep in thought. His gaze was focused on the floor, his hands joined together. His expression suddenly became grave.
"I think I now know why you are here. The demons know about this place, and they plan on attacking us, am I right? Who told them about our village?"
"Gumi did," Luka already put the blame on the half-human. "Though, she was tricked by a succubus who works with my King to–"
"Your King?" Yuma gasped at the news. He stood up, suddenly alarmed. "No wonder I sensed such superiority emanating from you. You are the current Queen of Demons?"
"Wait!" Miku swiftly interrupted them, knowing where this was most likely going. "Please, do not jump to hasty conclusions! She is not like those vile demons. The King wants war, and she wants peace. Therefore, if things come to worst, she wants to offer her assistance with defeating them in exchange for her stay here."
Yuma was definitely shocked. His face was pale, and his mouth slightly ajar. He took a minute to calm down, taking several deep breaths before he sat down on his chair again.
"Honestly, I have no other choice but to believe you," He murmured as he ran a hand through his hair. "We severely lack men who can fight, and you would certainly be a huge help if you joined forces with us."
"I will do my best. I am partly to blame for what is happening, after all," Luka admitted with difficulty, her gaze diverting. "It is not certain when my King will send his subordinates here, but the war with Miku's kingdom should nevertheless remain his priority for now."
"Still, I will warn the weakest villagers to take refuge somewhere as soon as possible," Yuma said gravely. "For the time being, please keep this between us. Hearing the news from your mouths would only make my people panic." He explained in a serious tone. "I will also assign a house for you two, and I would like you to stay inside until I announce your official stay to the villagers tomorrow. They are wary of strangers, and since everyone knows everyone here, they will get nervous seeing you two roam around freely without knowing who you are. I will provide you with food, water, and clothes until you get more comfortable with our customs and laws. Someone will fetch you tomorrow morning to introduce you to our people."
"You have all of my gratitude," Miku murmured, knowing very well how unpleasant the situation was to him.
Luka nodded to show her appreciation.
"Now go. I will tell the guards to escort you to your new home. Please, wait outside the room meanwhile," The incubus declared; it was evident that he was trying to get rid of them as soon as possible so he could try to come up with a plan about the possible upcoming war.
They obeyed and started going out the room, but the chief stopped them one more time:
"One more thing. You two make such an odd pair. What is your relationship?"
Miku wished she could answer his question, but she didn't even know herself. Things between them were too ambiguous.
After a short and awkward silence, Luka surprisingly spoke in a soft voice.
"We are each other's beloved."
The princess completely froze in place at the unexpected answer, her face instantly becoming beet red. She swore that her heart was going to burst out of her chest. She couldn't believe such a bold statement even came out of the other woman's mouth. After all, Luka was the one who was confused about her feelings and who dared to say that she didn't understand how to love in the first place.
"I see," Yuma spoke with amusement. "It makes more sense now why you two wish to take shelter here out of all places. A human princess and the Queen of Demons… good heavens, this is worthy of a legend!"
Miku didn't say anything out of embarrassment. She wondered if it was Luka's method to appease him even more about them wanting to live here or if she genuinely meant it. She would have to bring it up once they would be alone. Did they go from being each other's bed partners to each other's lovers without her even knowing about it? She didn't have too much time to dwell on it as two guards already started to escort them outside.
Neither of them said a word to the unique pair as they led them to what would be their house from now on. It was surprising that the chief was giving them one of them for free. Perhaps that was how they treated every one of their new habitants. Gumi didn't speak much of the laws and customs, and Miku didn't really know what to expect because of it. However, she was nearly sure that almost everything was different from her kingdom. They probably had more freedom, especially when they had such a seemingly laidback chief.
The house was somewhat undersized, but it could fit two people reasonably well. It was decently decorated with furniture and had everything to live comfortably; from a small kitchen to a bedroom with a queen-sized bed. It would be a significant change from her castle, but Miku didn't mind, especially if it meant she would be free from her duties and that she would get to live peacefully with the woman she liked.
As soon as they were comfortable, one of the guards who accompanied them finally broke the silence:
"As our chief said, you must stay inside until you are told otherwise. Someone should come fetch you tomorrow morning," He repeated what Yuma told him. "I will return with a box of food and clothes in a little while."
With that being said, the two women were left alone with each other in what they could call home from now on. Miku then stared up at Luka with a soft smile.
"I am glad that things worked out in the end," She whispered, meeting with her eyes for the first time today.
"Everything is not yet settled. It will depend on how serious the situation with my King will be."
"I know, but I think we should still take some time to relax. I am all stiff from having travelled this much, and you also look exhausted, Luka…"
Luka was about to protest, but she quickly went against it and only sighed instead. She had probably been about to insist that they shouldn't take things lightly when the demons could be attempting an attack soon.
A long silence ensued. Miku wanted to break it by inquiring why she told Yuma they were a couple. It was making her agonizingly curious, but she was also anxious to know the truth. It might have just been a trick, and she didn't want to have her heart broken by the same woman again. As with each time she was feeling nervous, she started running her fingers through one of her pigtails, her throat tightening and her heart beating at a hundred miles an hour.
"Luka, why did you tell the chief we are lovers?" Miku tried to sound poised, but the shakiness in her voice gave away how she was truly feeling. She was anxious; immensely so.
The succubus pursed her lips.
"Did you not want me to say that we are?"
"No, I…" The petite girl trailed off, blinking as the question was returned to her. "I…I mean, we are not exactly… in a romantic relationship, but…"
Miku really had no idea what she was saying anymore. Luka was an expert at taking her aback so effortlessly. Yet, she felt like her words hurt the icy Queen a bit since she evaded her gaze for a few seconds, her lips twitching ever so slightly.
Luka then approached the younger female and looked intently into her teal eyes, her stare as passionate and as piercing as it could ever be. Her fingers gently brushed the human's cheeks, her thumb caressing the soft porcelain skin carefully. Then, her gaze softened considerably as it held an incredible fondness for the woman standing in front of her.
Miku's breath was taken away from her, as her heart started to beat faster from anticipation. She felt like she was losing herself in Luka's soft eyes. They were conveying such devotion and passion right now. It was utterly breathtaking, and Miku loved to believe that intense stare was reserved only for her to admire. The rare softness that Luka showed was only for her.
"Miku, I…"
The door opened, and the man from earlier entered inside with the promised box. Luka then pulled away from the teal haired human and glared darkly at the guard. She was obviously pissed off that their moment got interrupted so abruptly. Terrified, he swiftly put the box on the nearest table, told them to have a lovely evening and closed the door behind him before leaving as quickly as he stepped foot inside.
Luka heaved a soft sigh and crossed her arms over her bust. It was needless to mention that the romantic mood was ruined. Yet, Miku categorically refused to let it slide; not when the succubus was clearly about to admit something important about her feelings.
"Luka, what were you about to say?"
The Queen closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in frustration. It was as if she was conflicted with herself. It was apparent she couldn't forgive herself for having shown this much vulnerability.
"It was nothing important," She murmured. "We should get some sleep. We might have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."
Miku wanted to protest. She desired to take both of Luka's hands in hers and insist that she be more open about her most concealed emotions, but she also knew that it would be wrong of her and that it would only result in irritating the succubus. It really wasn't fair. Luka forced her feelings of love out of her, and Miku could barely get into the topic without annoying her.
"Fine," The teal-haired princess gave up with a grumble. "Let us sleep, then."
Without even taking a peek at the box that was offered to them, Miku headed towards the bed and undressed from her muddy clothes so as to not dirty the fur blanket. She then flopped down on the mattress with a moan reflecting her satisfaction with how comfortable it felt. She already knew that she would sleep soundly tonight.
Miku then eagerly patted the spot beside her for Luka to join her, which the succubus did without any complaints. She quickly got rid of her hooded robe and finally laid down on the bed. Neither of them seemed to be bothered or embarrassed by the other's nudity. They were at that point where they were used to it. Yet, it still didn't prevent Miku from shamelessly staring at the succubus' unforgivable beauty. She had no flaws; her skin was as smooth as silk, her curves were mature and womanly… her hips were well-developed, and her legs were divinely long and slender. Her breasts were a generous size and felt extraordinarily soft to the touch. Everything about her contrasted against Miku's body since hers was very delicate and thin, and lacked womanly curves. Still, she didn't feel envious of the other woman since she got to touch and admire that perfection, which in the princess' opinion, was much better than having it and not experiencing it for herself.
Just months ago, Miku would have never thought she would ever be in this situation. She never thought that she would develop such carnal desires for a woman, for a succubus, for the Queen of Demons…
"Enjoying the view, little maiden?" Luka asked with a hint of amusement and seductiveness in her voice.
Miku blushed a soft red. It wasn't being caught in the act that embarrassed her; it was the succubus' teasing.
"It is not fair that you are… so pretty." She admitted in a murmur. It made her want to touch her, and feel everything about this absurd flawlessness.
Luka smirked at the compliment. Without warning, she slid her hand down Miku's body. Starting near her collarbone, she went lower until her fingers caressed the skin between her breasts. Miku's breath immediately got caught in her throat. She was unable to suppress a shiver as the succubus' hand deftly touched her in the most frustrating way, teasingly avoiding her most sensitive areas.
"You are very desirable yourself." Luka was still speaking in her seductive tone, her pupils visibly dilating from lust.
Miku didn't have a hard time believing the other woman when she was looking at her so lustfully. However, she couldn't help but ask for confirmation. Her lips pouting in the most endearing of ways, she attempted to meet with Luka's hungry eyes.
"Am I truly…?"
The pink-haired woman's breaths hitched from sudden excitement. Before Miku could even react, the succubus grabbed her neck and unexpectedly pulled her in for a kiss. Despite how shocked she was, the princess didn't waste any time in pressing her lips back against hers, indulging in the incredibly lustful kiss like her life depended on it. She clutched onto Luka's shoulders as she felt her own body slowly being drained of its strength. She felt weak; utterly vulnerable to the softness of the Queen's lips.
"Believe me, I have never felt this much desire for anyone before." Luka admitted breathlessly before gaining possession of the girl's lips once more.
Miku moaned softly as Luka's tongue slipped into her mouth, deepening the already mind-blowing kiss. The succubus was being so passionate and impatient today. She was urgently caressing every inch of the human's skin, deliberately stroking her spine as she knew more than anyone else that touching that spot was enough to turn her on. Miku couldn't stop her body from shuddering exceedingly. The air around them felt hot, almost suffocating.
More; the princess desired so much more than some fleeting caresses.
"Luka…" She whispered with need and desperation as they broke away from their fiery kiss. "Please…"
The princess didn't know what she was pleading for, but all she wanted right now was to put an end to this agonizing fire that ignited her whole body. Though, much to her disappointment, Luka pulled away with a mischievous smirk.
"Have I not said that we should sleep?"
Feeling betrayed, Miku whimpered. She didn't know if the succubus was only teasing her, but the frustration resulting from it was very effective. How dare she do that to her? Especially when the pink-haired woman was the one who started it. The princess' body was on fire. She had a fever that only Luka's touches could cure.
Miku showed her annoyance with the turn of events by huffing.
"Are you truly all right with this? Y-You have not fed from me for a while…"
"Oh? Do you want me to?"
Miku was now fully aware that Luka was teasing her, and it was so exasperating. She tried to glare at her even though the redness of her cheeks betrayed her. She was embarrassed and humiliated.
"You already know the answer to that." Miku mumbled with clenched teeth. She really couldn't take it anymore. If being honest with her carnal urges would be enough to make Luka stop teasing her, then she might as well be bold about it despite her mortification about the situation. That damned succubus… "I do want you to, so hurry it up…"
Thankfully, Luka finally stopped with the torturous act and assaulted Miku's neck with burning kisses and gentle nibbles while her hands boldly started to play with her delicate breasts, her thumbs teasingly stroking the sensitive skin of her areolas. Almost instantly, the princess' heart pounded harder, and her back arched slightly. The intimate touching barely began, and yet Miku already felt like moaning and gasping. Her breaths were fast and unsteady, and her body was desperately craving more sexual caresses.
"I do not think I have ever seen you this aroused over such light touches before," Luka whispered with curiosity and amazement. "You are reacting a lot more than usual… perhaps you do enjoy some teasing."
Miku blushed scarlet and frowned. It was true that the built-up anticipation and frustration helped to make her feel even more hot and bothered, but there was no way that she was going to admit it. Luka was definitely going to pay for it the next time she got to touch her.
However, she didn't have the time to thoroughly think about her revenge once the impatient succubus attacked her chest with kisses. Miku shuddered as soon as she felt her tongue on her already erect nipples. She sucked on one of them, whilst the other received light squeezes, pinches and tugs from the succubus' soft fingers. Luka never really bothered with her breasts before; she often went straight to the point. Though, it definitely wasn't an unpleasant experience for the princess. It was giving her many electrifying shivers, and she could feel her most private area between her legs getting wetter with each second.
"You have such small and adorable breasts," Luka commented before she pulled away from them, seemingly having given them enough attention. "All right, turn around, dearest. I know how much you love it when I do you while you are laying on your stomach."
As embarrassing as it was, Miku couldn't argue. Her body even obeyed before her mind told it to. She pressed her bare upper half against the mattress as she raised her hips slightly. That position was so embarrassing, especially when she could feel Luka's lustful stare on her butt.
"Raise your hips a little more, Miku," The succubus ordered. "Otherwise I cannot have full access to your-"
"D-Do not say that word!" Miku whined, her face getting redder as she buried it in a pillow. This position was extremely embarrassing for the tealette, so she definitely didn't also need Luka to be explicit about it.
"You get uncomfortable so easily."
"Well, not everyone is a perverted succubus." The human retorted back with a growl.
"Such a docile, yet aggressive human," Luka chuckled with amusement. "Come on now, raise your hips."
Deciding that it was best not to complain anymore, Miku did what she was asked to. She clutched onto the blanket tightly and waited impatiently for the succubus to give her that mind-blowing and addicting pleasure that she was craving for. It only took a few seconds before her wish was granted.
Luka grabbed her hips to make her stay still and started to lick her soaked entrance. She hungrily lapped up all the love juice that she could find. Miku bit down on her lip to restrain her gasps. The succubus was so adamant about giving her oral. It was like she couldn't go without it when they were having sex. It wasn't something that the human was going to complain about anyway; oral was her favourite thing when she was on the receiving end, and Luka was giving it to her so well.
Though, Miku admittedly wanted to have sex as passionate as her current depraved state. Even if it felt good, she wasn't up for just some light lickings. But how to admit that without making a fool out of herself? It was still mortifying for her to be straightforward about her sexual needs.
"L-Luka… ahh…" Miku closed her eyes and tried to steady her voice before speaking again. "P-Put t-them… in..."
Appreciatively, Luka didn't make her repeat herself even if it would have been characteristic of her. Instead, she did as she was asked to and stroked Miku's slit with two fingers before she gently pushed them in. As soon as the human felt them rub her walls in that addictive way, hitting the right spots, she started moaning almost uncontrollably. Her mind quickly became blank as all she could feel was an irrepressible pleasure. Even if she was losing her rational thoughts, she could nevertheless tell that Luka increased the carnality of the situation by using her powers on her lightly.
It was precisely what Miku needed. That intense, mind-blowing and agonizing sensation. She moved her hips with the rhythm; desperately trying to match Luka's swift and somewhat rough thrusts. It felt incredible, and she could feel her climax approaching at a dreadful speed. It was both embarrassing and terrifying just how much she was losing it. She couldn't stop moaning the succubus' name like it was some sort of chant. She was aware that most of her shame was gone when Luka was using her powers on her, and she both loved and hated it.
Her orgasm was finally here, and it was powerful. Her whole body trembled, her muscles contracted and her mind went absolutely blank. She even lost consciousness for a few seconds.
"Are you all right, Miku?" The succubus asked as she pulled out her fingers. Much to no one's surprise, she licked them clean.
"Y-Yes…" Miku murmured breathlessly as she tried to recover from the extraordinary experience. She never had sex with anyone else before, but she was certain that it was impossible to have such powerful orgasms unless she was with Luka. "It… it felt amazing…"
"And I am enjoying the taste of your-"
"Luka!" The princess used all of her remaining strength to angrily shout at her. She really didn't want to hear that now. She already felt like dying from embarrassment because of how shameless she was during sex just now.
Yet, Miku felt like she didn't have enough. Her body was still burning with need, and she already missed the overwhelming sensations. Did she want more? She didn't know what was happening with her right now; she was usually all right with only one orgasm, but she desired more of Luka. It was truly startling how she could never get enough of her.
Miku wondered if it would be all right to exchange roles. She also wanted to touch the succubus and explore her flawless body, but Luka rarely let her do that without putting some resistance.
Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask.
"Hey Luka, can I… w-wait, what are you doing!?" Miku yelped as the succubus started her assault on her once more; stroking her clit eagerly.
"You looked like you wanted more."
It wasn't false, but it wasn't exactly what she had in mind either. The princess wondered if the other woman did that because she already knew what she was about to say and didn't want it to get there. It was very sly of her.
It didn't take a long time before Miku was once again lost in pleasure. Luka effortlessly made her climax several times in a short period of time, and it went on until the princess collapsed on the bed and was completely drained of her energy. Once that perverted sex demon started, there was simply no way to stop her, but Miku wasn't the one to protest since she thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.
Though, it was a shame that she fell asleep as soon as she collapsed because she would have loved to spend even more time with Luka.
Luka had expected Miku to fall asleep from exhaustion. It wasn't the first time such a thing happened, and she was aware that humans had less stamina than demons when it came to having sex. If Luka could have, she would have continued for hours, but she really couldn't blame the girl for getting drained that easily. It couldn't be helped, especially since they had such a nerve-wracking day.
The pink-haired Queen stretched her arms and got out of bed. She needed a change of air. Being careful not to wake Miku up from her slumber, she took her hooded robe and swiftly put it on. They were strictly told to stay inside, but Luka needed to get out to alter her train of thought. She was still in a lustful daze, and all she could think of doing was to either wake the human up to ravage her even more or indulge in self-pleasure, but both options seemed too misplaced at the moment.
Luka took one last peek at Miku and was about to walk away, but suddenly stopped in her tracks. There was one more thing that she needed to do before leaving. She grabbed the blanket on the bed and gently draped it over her sleeping maiden. It was quite cold, and it would be bad if Miku were to catch a cold when they had to be at their best health for the upcoming days.
Luka brushed her cheek with her fingertips, a rare, gentle smile parting her lips. It was only during those moments of loneliness that she dared to show that vulnerability she felt towards the girl.
"Sleep well, dearest Miku." She whispered, her heart filled with affection for the human.
The Queen then stepped out of the house and decided to walk around for a bit. Her face was mostly covered with her hood, so she doubted that it would look too suspicious. Moreover, most people seemed to be sleeping at this hour. The only ones who were here didn't seem to care about her presence as they were all minding their own business.
Luka didn't know where she was going. Honestly, she was only trying to get the human princess out of her mind since it was driving her insane, but everything was reminding Luka of her. Miku had the sweetest of smiles, she was always endearingly expressive, and her gaze often held such strong love and fondness, and it was often enough to melt the Queen's heart.
The succubus used to think that there was no meaning to life. The strongest lived, and the weakest died. It was how it always had been for demons, and her parents frequently taught her that she had to be strong and wise to survive, that violence was the way to solve things and that emotions were undesirable vulnerabilities. Luka used to believe in those words. Life was no fun; it was all about showing one's superiority to the world.
However, the Queen now understood that such a thing was absurd. Miku was her strength, the new meaning of her life. She would be ready to do anything if it meant keeping her safe and staying by her side. She never had someone care this much about her, and it was giving her such unbridled warmth and power.
She had fallen in love with the human girl, and irreparably so. There was no mistaking it anymore.