A/N: Each chapter would consist of different pairings although certain pairings may be repeated! I'll put the rating and pairing at the top of each chapter for convenience sake. Each chapter is a separate entity in itself and I'll be accepting pairings as well. If there are no requests, I'll just go by whatever I feel like writing at the moment.

Chapter: Add a little pinch of spice

Pairing: Eli X Umi

Rating: T

"Hey~ Umiiii~"


"Umiiii~" the same voice whined again.

"…What is it?"


The blue haired girl sighed and turned to the voice, "What is it that you want, Eli?"

"You finally turned around…" the blonde said, a playful grin on her face.

"…So, what is it?" the bluenete now focused her attention on her senior. For some reason, Eli was lounging about in the Student Council room. Kotori and Honoka had already left, and since Umi had just finished her Kyudo club practice, she thought she should come by the Council room to do some work. After all, she was the Student Council Vice-President now. Even if she had other clubs to attend to, it did not give her the right to skip out on her duties.

"…Eli, why are you here anyway?" Umi probed curiously, already giving up on the documents she was going to read. She didn't understand why the pony tailed girl was still in school this late.

"Why can't I be here?" Eli returned the question, still smiling. To be frank, the only reason why she was here was because she wanted to see the bluenete. But of course, the pony tailed girl wouldn't tell her junior that. She wanted to use every opportunity she had to tease her favourite junior.

The blonde was now making herself comfortable as she rested her head side-ward on her right arm that she just propped up and stared at the amber eyed girl.

"…It's not that you can't be here…but where's Nozomi? Aren't you always with her?"

"Oh? Are you insinuating that I'm a bother to you?"

"N-No! That's not what I meant!" Umi immediately said, her cheeks reddening. She hadn't meant to sound so…rude or unwelcoming.

In fact, she actually enjoyed her senior's presence. Not that she'd ever admit it to the still smirking blonde. Eli's presence was often calming and soothing, much like Kotori's – but in a different way that she couldn't really explain, and very much unlike the hyperactive Honoka.

She felt that the older girl was really dependable and kind. She'd often offered her services to the Student Council as well. Perhaps that was why she was here? Warmth filled the blue haired girl at that thought. But she didn't understand why Eli would stay till so late just to help her out. It didn't seem logical.

"What I meant was– "

It was then she shifted her eyes a little and it accidentally met with Eli's azure orbs. Her whole body froze as her felt herself drawn and enraptured by the deep and clear colour of Eli's eyes. Her own words dried up in her throat and rebuttal forgotten, Umi found herself mesmerized and lost in the depths of the oceanic eyes – everything around her seemed to fade, and only Eli remained.

Eli, on the other hand was equally lost in the sharp amber eyes that were boring into her. She couldn't help but feel that Umi's eyes were really pretty and distinctive, and if she could, she wanted to stare at them forever.

The silence hanging in the air was palpable as the two members of Muse continued to stare at each other, holding each other's gazes.

"What…was it that you wanted to say…?" Eli breathed out, her voice a little coarse as she finally broke the spell, looking away first with a slight blush.

"I-I…" Umi muttered as she too looked away, embarrassed. Eli's expression just now was…cute. Really cute. "I-I m-mean…I…n-nothing…" Umi finally gave up on giving a coherent answer. How could she when her heart was now hammering against her chest ten times faster and she suddenly found herself wondering what the lips of the beautiful blonde in front of her would taste like?

"Hm? Then what did you mean? That you'd rather be alone than be with me?" Eli attempted to continue her teasing as she pretended to pout.

"N-N-No! That's not it! I like it when you're here!" Umi burst out, her cheeks rapidly flaming. A second later, she realised what she'd said and immediately paled. "N-No wait, that wasn't what…I meant to say either…I mean…I-I…It's not that I dislike you! It's just that I–" The blue haired girl finally groaned in frustration, unable to put what she actually wanted to say into words. She then buried her face into her hands, utterly embarrassed and red faced. Why was she always a blundering mess in front of her senior?

"…cute…" a soft murmur. Really cute. How could she be so adorable when she's flustered?

"H-Huh…?" Umi finally dared to look up and saw that Eli was now blushing and staring at her.

"Adorably…cute…" Eli muttered again.

"W-Wha–" Before Umi could comprehend what was happening, the older girl had already pounced onto her and she found herself smothered by a huge hug.

"E-E-E-Eli?!" Umi gasped as her body temperature started to rise. W-What is Eli doing?!

"Ah~ You're just too adorable~" Eli continued, her face still flushed. "It's a sin to be so cute when you're embarrassed! I can't help but want to hug the lights out of you!"

"E-E-Eli…!" the poor bluenete's eyes were swirling and she was overcome with dizziness from the unusual and uncharacteristic show of affection from the older girl.

The ex-Student Council President still hasn't let go of the current Student Council Vice-President yet.

"E…Eli…?" Umi tried to say but Eli had refused to let the second-year go. Her heart was racing, beating erratically as blood rushed up against her cheeks. By then, the bluenete's face was so red that it would put a tomato to shame. She could feel her breaths getting heavier at the feel of Eli's warm body against her. To make things worse, she was painfully aware of the older girl's full bosom pushing onto her own (mediocre) chest and the faint scent of honey lemon from the older girl wafted into her nose. At that thought, her blush intensified, turning 20 shades darker.

"E-Eli…?" Umi croaked out. As much as she would love to stay in this position and as much as she enjoyed feeling the blonde against her, she feared for her own health. Because, at the rate things are happening, she would sooner faint from overheating.

Eli finally – thank the heavens – removed herself from the blue haired girl.

Hesitantly, the blue haired girl observed the older girl's face. Eli was still a little flushed but was now staring at her.

Feeling a little self conscious, Umi's eyes darted away as yet another set of blush adorned her smooth features.

Dear lord. How can Umi be so cute and adorable when she's embarrassed and blushing? Eli thought as she bit her inner lips, trying to restrain herself from squealing out loud. Every small moment that Umi had made made Eli felt like shooting herself with a diabetic pill. Umi's high level of adorableness was like an arrow through her heart.

A faint memory of Umi performing her "Love Arrow Shoot" crossed Eli's mind briefly and the pony tailed girl had to fight down an impending blush.

Umi hesitated before looking at Eli again.

The staring contest ensued.

Unconsciously, both of them had started to move towards each other slowly, holding each other's gazes intently. The air around them changed as they brought their faces closer and closer to each other, their breaths heavy.

What am I doing? Umi thought vaguely in a muddled state of mind. I can't seem to control my movements…ah…we're moving closer and closer to each other…Eli's lips…is closer to me now…

And before she could comprehend anything, something soft pressed against her lips. Immediately, a warm sensation settled in the pit of the bluenete's stomach. Her head started to reel as Eli continued to move her lips against hers and her whole body was filled with a mysterious warmth. Noting that the older girl's lips tasted like honey, Umi could only fall prey and succumb to the sensual feeling of Eli's lips on hers. Without thinking, she made the move to deepen the kiss just as Eli ran her hands down her blue locks. Her breaths became laboured as she struggled to contain the growing feelings inside her but with each contact their lips made with each other, something akin to hunger and thirst within Umi started to rumble.

More...I want more...more... Umi's mind was starting to become hazy as she shivered. Her hands had unconsciously crept up against Eli's back and she started to rub the older girl's back rhythmically as she allowed her tongue to mingle in Eli's mouth.

Pressing herself harder the bluenete, Eli couldn't help but moan slightly at the feel of Umi's tongue rubbing against hers. Her body became feverish as pleasure assaulted her entire being. She never knew kissing someone would be so...arousing and pleasurable.

Minutes later, both girls broke off, gasping heavily. Neither knew what to say as their head continued to reel at the overwhelming sensation that crashed over them. Eli tried to catch her breath while Umi's head was spinning, and was on the verge of fainting.

"Umi...I..." Eli, being the older of the two, tried to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen.

Come on, you can do this, Eli. Taking a deep breath, the third year senior said, "Sonoda Umi, I'm in love with you."

And Umi, who could not handle the overloaded emotional happiness upon hearing Eli's confession, had promptly fainted.

A/N: hahahha sorry Umi XD In my mind, I imagined Eli to be the playful and teasing type. And poor Umi is her victim. (I don't think she minds it too much though LOL) and given Umi's reaction when she watches a couple kiss in a film, I thought it'd be prudent if I let Umi faint here. (laughs)