fire boy and water girl
notes: hehe just wanted to update something quick. someone please talk to me about this game because it was LEGENDARY
len - ignisian (fire tribe)
miku - aquean (water tribe)
okay, when their master said that the path of inferno was strenuous and difficult, he may have been right. when miku said that she'll be the first aquean to make it to the end and retrieve the script of fire, she may have been overestimating herself a little. maybe, just maybe, master was right to stop her from going. and maybe she shouldn't have snuck out and dragged len with her.
"hurry up, miku!" the boy in question was extending a sooty hand at her. "before the lava catches up on us!"
oh, yeah, she forgot. lava bad. must be fast. she took his hand and he hoisted her up with a grunt, before they both plopped down onto the cold stone floor with tired sighs. "this is unexpectedly difficult," miku panted, dusting off her grimey knees.
"right, unexpectedly," len rolled his eyes. miku huffed in response and deigned not to reply, less they start another argument — she was really running out of breath here.
they watched the lava bubble and curl around the rocks beneath them, barely skimming the soles of their feet. miku hurriedly moved her feet out of the way and into safety, but len didn't budge. she chanced a glance at her golden-haired companion and couldn't help but stare a little.
len didn't look as tired as she felt. he was an ignisian — a part of the fire tribe. maybe that was why he looked at ease, she mused. his blonde hair, usually radiant like a drop of sunlight, seemed almost brown in the dark cave, but his icy blue eyes shone with the light from the lava below them. miku turned her gaze downwards, to the boiling lava, and watched as it frothed and simmered like a pot of hot stew. she shuddered at the thought of falling into it, and scooted backwards.
they were about four hours into the inferno now, if her calculations were correct. her watch had stopped working three booby traps ago. she could definitely see where the namesake of this cave came from now — every step was dangerous, and even the tiniest of breaths could trigger the deadliest of traps. they only got this far with her aquean senses and len's inginisian instincts, but they never knew how far they could go, or which step would be the death of them.
miku let out a heavy sigh, curling her feet beneath her arms. she should've listened to master instead of being so stubborn, or left len back at home where he would be safe. but her brother was sick, so terribly ill that he could barely breathe, and she knew that the holy script would save him. now she might not even make it home to see her brother anymore, all because of her stubbornness and idiocy.
"what's wrong?" len was looking at her again. his stare was as cold as ever and seemed to burn into her mind. he was looking at her just like this last night, when she was sneaking out after curfew to go to the path of inferno. and he had said to her, as neutrally as if he was asking her about her day, to take him with her. miku averted her gaze and stared at her feet shamefully.
"sorry," she mumbled. "for dragging us out here. i should've just listened to master."
len was silent. the lava continued to boil. "i wanted to come."
"because of me!" miku cried, swerving around so that she was facing him. he looked as grounded as ever as he levelled her glare with a glacial stare of his own.
abruptly, len stood up and brushed off his knees. he extended a hand towards her. "let's go. no use throwing the blame around when we're already here. might as well finish this quickly and get out of this place."
miku looked up at his hand, then at len. they were so different, and so unlike their tribes. len was a calm, level-headed ignisian, and miku was a fiery, impulsive aquean. but maybe that was why they stuck together.
she took his hand and pulled herself up with a grin. "yeah, let's go home."