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![]() Author has written 55 stories for Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Pushing Daisies, Enchanted, Sailor Moon, Gossip Girl, Private Practice, Wheel of Time, Glee, Rizzoli & Isles, and Law and Order: SVU. School Supply Shopping That masterpiece of a poem right there? Yeah. I wrote it. Just a glimpse into the kind of crackfest that goes on in my head. You should know I don't do any kind of drugs. I don't need to. The crackfest happens naturally. It can be kind of a problem. So hey, I'm Gigi, in case you can't tell. I write things. Sometimes they come out okay. Sometimes they're poop and never see the light of day. (I RHYMED!) Rarely (but it does happen!) they come out as an ego boost to my writing skills and make me feel good about myself. Whatever the result, writing helps keep me sane, so I hope reading helps keep you sane because otherwise I have no idea what you're doing reading this. I try to be funny. I fail a lot of the time, but at least that elicits the awkward laugh where you find the degree to which my quips failed hilarious, and that's something! I'm a medical student. As a result, I'm an absolutely terrible updater. Seriously. (A lot of the time, it has to do with what I'm inspired to write for at the moment, so expect some giant dry spells along the way.) I like rhymes. And coffee. And laughter. And singing. And dancing. And acting. And being brown. And grammar and spelling. And college. And friends. And television. And Broadway. And parallel structure. And rambling. Okay, I think I'm done now. No, I'm not. I have a tumblr! You should follow me at http:// In the works... Are You Happy Now?: Chapter 3, Come Round Soon, is now posted. Enough: Chapters 1-14 are now posted. Forever: CHAPTER 15 IS POSTED. Love Game Series: Number 15, Coffee, is now posted! Love Squared: Updated! Chapter 9: Breaking News Meltdown in the Park: Finally updated! Chapter 4, Tongue-Tied, is now up! A Reporter's Interest: The sequel to Newspaper Clippings is now posted! No idea when I'm going to get around to updating this. Oh, and kind of important: Reviews are my drug, my dope, my coke, my crack, my methamphetamine (I hope someone understands this reference, but chances are, if you're not French, you won't) -- I go into withdrawal and very well might die without them. If I haven't posted in a few months (like six, because I can be notorious for not updating) check my last review date. If I haven't gotten any new ones, no need for an autopsy. |