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![]() Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Misc. Anime/Manga, X-Men: Evolution, Sky High, Bleach, X-overs, Wolf's Rain, Pokémon, Xiaolin Showdown, and Animal Crossing. My Very Fav Authors: Jelp, Asuka Kureru, Shirohane, AkaiTsume, CrystallicSky, & Velf (so far they're the best) My Fav Animes: Naruto, Inuyasha, Wolfs Rain, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note, Loveless, Saiyuki, Saiyuki Reload, Shaman King, D.N.angel, Fruits Basket, YuYu Hakusho, Kyou Kara Maou, Tenshi Muyo, Blood plus, One Piece, Code Lyoko, Shinzo, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Samurai Champloo, Ouran High Schoool Host Club, Rave Master, Gurren Lagann, Kaicho wa Maid-sama, Code Geass, Soul Eater, D-Gray Man, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Durarara!, K project ...ect. My Fav Manga: Mugen Spiral, Kaicho wa Maid-sama, Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume, Beast Master, Yoo Ah Dok-Jon, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Wild Ones, Franken Fran, Yoroshiku Master, Dengeki Daisy, Himekei Doll, Shitsurakuen, ...ect My Favorite Parings: Naruto: Bleach: Full Metal Alchemist: Loveless: Death note: Yu Yu Hakusho: Code Geass: Xiaolin Showdown: My Fav Chars to go w/ OC's to read about:(if u feel like writing one for me go right ahead) Grimmjow, Hitsugaya, Hichigo, Ichigo, Kenpachi(Bleach), Fav Movies: Shoot em Up, Hellboy 2, Sky High, Watchmen, Scorpian king, X-men(all of them pretty much), Pirates if the Carribean(all of them) Girls FAvoriteCoMents: “ oh we may have a new toy after all” “if you play with fire you’ll get burned” “ so you think you're hot” “ scorching” Two shots of happy, one shot of sad, You think I'm no good, well I know I've been bad, Don't try to figure out what we might have had, Twoshots of happy, one shot of sad... “Good luck with that” “I don’t need luck, luck is for suckers, and I don’t suck, I rock, I rock out loud” “Do you trust me?” “Of course I do.” “Haven’t I gotten you by without serious injury?” “Aside from my ankle, my burn, and getting kidnapped.” “Yes, aside from all that.” “Yeah, you’ve kept me away from most harm.” “This wonderful lady I’m sure you already know Evy, is Danny, my wind specialist. She can control the weather, wind being her favorite. This over here is Chad, his power is earth. He can move the ground and create mountains or landslides in a second.” “Wait a second,” I said stopping his introductions. “His power is earth, hers is wind, yours is water, Warren’s is fire and lets just say mine is heart. With our powers combined can we create Captain Planet?” I asked with a laugh. “How do you cook?” I gave him my best are-you-stupid look and smiled. “Oh, first I let the rice soak in water for awhile. That's the key to the best sticky rice. Leave it for about twenty minutes and it'll be perfect. Then, when that's cooking-” “I meant how can you cook when you're afraid of fire.” “I have an electric stove. And I don't barbecue.” “So what happens when you see a fire?” “The hobos suddenly become cold while I run away screaming like the maniac I am.” I sneered, taking in more mouthfuls of egg. "Silly faggot dicks are for chicks!" The booth behind the door was defiantly not a public booth. It was well decorated with light blue and chocolate as an accent color. It seemed more of a place that you took someone when you wanted to score with them, rather than talk to them. Was she trying to tell him something? She sat down in the chocolate booth and looked over at him. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything. I’m not going to try anything. I’ll sit on my hands if you want me to.” Felicity sighed. “I’m not my dad. He does use this booth for that. But I don’t. This is where I talk with people.” She blushed, “hnnn Grimmjow…” He smirked, “Don’t worry, I’ll try to be gentle.” She gasped when she felt his fingers enter her without warning, “—Aah!” He chuckled, “mm ya like that don’t ya?” He began to move them in and out of her at a fast pace. He smirked as she began to moan, “Mmm Kaede-chan.” He spread her legs, sliding in between them, “Heh, you ready for me?” She blushed, gasping as he removed his fingers, “G-Grimmjow uhnn..” Ulquiorra frowned, “…You are trash Grimmjow…when you share a moment like this one you’re supposed to love her, not touch her and then do the deed!” “You know … she may not show that she is afraid of you … but you know what they say. On the surface, she is like a duck. Calm and quiet on the surface but paddling like hell underneath.” “Alright, it’s not that I don’t like you Warren…I just don’t like you going out with my daughter. Oh yes, one last thing,” Nate told them. He then glared at Warren to the point his eyes started to glow. “I don’t want you having sex with my daughter!” Ice looked at her father completely shocked. “Daddy!” Warren looked from Ice to her father and smirked. “Man, now what are we going to do for the rest of the night?” Warren said. Cole’s eyes turned black as Nate made two lightning balls in his hands. Ice looked at him shocked. Warren rolled his eyes. “It was a joke.” "My life is like BugerKing, I 'have it my way' and you better be like Mcdounalds and 'ba da bap bap ba start lovin it'!" Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push! Sakura sighed as she came into her office. “Thinking too much can overload the body Sakura-chan.” Sakura jumped a bit but then relaxed as she saw that it was just her sensei. “You know Kakashi-sensei they invented doors for a reason.” “Yeah. For civilians. I, if you haven’t noticed, am a ninja. That and its more fun to use the window. It makes people’s reactions funnier." Looking vaguely embarrassed, Naruto glanced away. "Yeah, well...from now on, try not to do it so flamboyantly, alright? I don't like the idea of someone going to really extravagant odds just to get my attention." Neji watched with interest as Naruto frowned at his own comment. "Well...extravagant odds that don't take much preparation, anyway." He looked up. "I'm not going to be impressed by your money, Neji." Impressed himself, Neji sat back in his chair. "I never thought you would be, Naruto. I just...lost control of my wallet." Sasuke snorted. "First you work with plants, and now you make dolls?" "What are you implying?" Naruto narrowed his eyes at Sasuke in mock anger. "I'm wondering if there's something you should be telling me." Letting out a huff of exasperation, Naruto lifted one hand from his hip, ran it through his hair, and flicked it limply at Sasuke. "Don't start with me, girlfriend!" Naruto pursed his lips. "I have more testosterone in my stilettos than you have in your whole body!" Naruto sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll protect your virgin ears." Sasuke snorted. "As if it's possible to have 'virgin ears' around you. How many people have you corrupted with your perverted comments?" "Sixteen and counting. I have high hopes for the future." "Yeah. Well, I should let you get some sleep, yo." Todd said with a sigh. He stood and went to take a step, but was pulled back. "Ari, man…Wanna let go?" She looked at him with innocent eyes and shook her head. "Stay with me." She said. His face turned pink again. "This really isn't a place I wanna sleep in…That chair's really uncomfortable." Todd said, making up an excuse. He really did want to stay with her. But, he didn't want her to know how badly he did. "Then sleep on here." Ari suggested, moving over on her bed. Todd's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say. "It's not like I'm asking you to have sex with me…Just to sleep with me…Wait…God, Todd, you know what I mean, so stop looking at me like that." She said, irritated. His face was frozen in a strange look. "You should have killed them, brat." The girl stopped in the doorway to Las Noches. "Who would I play with tomorrow if I killed them?" "That I must never end up like you? Yes." Came the near taunting reply. Grimmjow clenched his jaw. "You're pathetic; you're not good enough to end up like me." "That's why we're the bad-guys Grimmjow, the worse we are – the higher we rank." Kira turned to face him. I don't run from you. I walk away slowly. And it kills me because you don't care enough to stop me. "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full," Morgan chastised his friend. "What are you eating anyway man?" "What," Reid said looking at his lunch which consisted of a Cobb salad, a burger and fries. "I don't know how you can eat like that and stay so skinny," JJ wondered. "I hate you." "He has a naturally high metabolism and he burns it off," Allie explained, winking at Reid. "Oh right, how," Morgan asked? "He never works out." He looked between the two. "Oh no, there's no way you can burn that many calories," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "Having sex." "Actually Morgan," Reid informed, "Sexual activity is a legitimate way to burn off a significant number of calories," he bit a French fry, "Depending on the intensity and frequency of course." "Oh, of course," Morgan echoed with sarcasm. "And I suppose you're always intense." "Very," Allie answered to which the whole table burst out laughing, lightening the mood considerably. "Guess what's for lunch today." she says happily. They both look over at her plate and see a few cubes of jiggly red stuff. "Jello?" Hidan asks flatly. "No." she corrects, "It's jello pie. Really tasty. Watermelon Jello is the best." "Hell yeah it is. Jello just isn't worth it if it's not watermelon flavored." Hidan says. "We need to get out." The others nod. The feelings of freedom and defiance spreading through them like wildfire. Even the more unserious of the bunch sits up a little straighter as Itachi continues, "The sooner the better. Does anyone have any ideas?" Everyone shakes their heads after a few minutes. Leader-sama looks the most thoughtful as he stares up toward the windows. After a few minutes he says, "Everyone should work hard and try to think of a way out. Also... it isn't safe to discuss it here. We should try and get into the white room to examine it further. For now... you should all try the jello, it's delicious." "Scott seems so like … together," She said to Jean and I. "So cool and he's kinda cute." "Cute?" Jean asked as if it was the most unlikely thing on the planet. "Um, stiff maybe. Exacting definitely but, hm from a certain angle-" "Ha!," I interrupted her. "From a certain angle my ass. Who the hell are you trying to fool?" I leaned back with my arms behind my head. "We all know Scott is hot." "Oh yeah totally!" Tye said in a gay voice. "Gay." "Your point?" "I find it kinky." "Then maybe we should join the mile high club." "Maybe we should." "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" was the response of my three other favorite boys. "Come up with a way to postpone this. I need to come back with a mate you fool, the council is still there awaiting me at the fief, can you not solve this before I have to meet with them?" "Don't you have a friend that's a girl or something?" She hissed at him. "What for?" "To pretend to be your mate so you can get into your own damn house." She growled trying to bite his hand while holding onto his wrist but not succeeding. "Stop, and number one, if I pretended to have a mate than why would I need the paper, And number two, any woman that happened to even feign being my mate would try to manipulate me into keeping such a position." "Well I certainly can't fathom why." The girl scoffed, smirking at him. "Shut…" Sesshomaru stopped. Perfect. "Lose your train of thought, moron." She grinned. She's trying to get me to throw her out of my lap…clever snake. "Iie. And do not try to influence me into letting you go. I'll kill you before I do that. I just realized I do have someone that could be a fake, mate to-be." "Great, then you don't need me so let go." She smiled happily, as though she'd finally won, trying to lean out of his grasp. He tightened his arms around her and smiled a smile that was meant to be an imitation of warmth, but hidden beneath it was ice, "You'll make a good mate considering you are a conniving bitch." Her pallid expression was enough to tell him that she was less than happy about her new job description speaking in a panicked hum, "Oh, hell no." "Ok babe, hey thanks for the number by the way… what number am I thinking of?" She questioned playfully. "Between 1-100?" I smirked. "Yes." She returned as her cheeks reddened. I paused and tapped my foot. "69! You naughty girl!" Lisa tugged at my hat and whispered, "Oh, you have no idea…" "Hn." He tosses off his dampened black cloak. You couldn't see beyond yourself, your pain and wounded pride—But now you know the truth is in the way you feel inside Got a problem with me? Solve it. Think I’m trippin’? Tie my shoes. Can’t stand me? Sit your ass down. Can’t face me? Then turn the fuck around!” Some say the world will end in fire, If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one It may sound absurd...but don't be naive Hey hey I saved the world today Emmett's the strongest. "Sex could kill you. Do you know what the human body goes through when you have sex? Pupils dilate, arteries constrict, core temperature rises, heart races, blood pressure skyrockets, respiration becomes rapid and shallow, the brain fires bursts of electrical impulses from nowhere to nowhere, secretions spit out of every gland and the muscles tense and spasm like you're lifting three times your body weight. It's violent, it's ugly and it's messy. And if God hadn't made it unbelievably fun, the human race would have died out eons ago. Men are lucky they can only have one orgasm. Do you know that women can have an hour long orgasm?" -Dr. Allison Cameron - House, M.D. "Can a woman not gloat that her gaydar is as accurate as ever, even when it's aimed at her own son?" Mother asked rhetorically. "No, she cannot," Itachi said, "As nothing I have said confirms what you have been-," "Sorry, Itachi, but when the needle on my gaydar flies past rainbow, it makes a loud screaming noise in my head," Mother said cheerfully, "It's a good thing, too. It drowns out the sound of denial," Don't be frightened," chortled the Nygel. He nudged her towards the lapping wavelets with his velvet nose. "Stick your hand in and have a chat." "Isn't it… well… like eavesdropping?" she asked uncomfortably. "Well, we are aware of it all the time; it can't be that much of an intrusion." He nudged her again. "Go on, you'll see what I mean." She looked suspiciously at the lake again but then crouched down. She gently touched a finger to the water. Nothing happened at first, then it felt like something grabbed every nerve in her body and pulled. "CHIHIRO!" whispered a voice as big as the ocean, echoing in her head. A sense of absolute ecstasy washed over her making her shudder. The water was delighted that she had come to it at last. It told her how pleased it was she was here. She had swum in it once, it had liked her then but now it wanted to share everything it had with her. It wanted to pull her down into its deepest embrace and keep her safe from the harsh dry world. She would be happy in its dark airless heart and it could have her with it forever. Something burned painfully at her chest. She pulled her hand away to feel the Tac'Tal burning red hot. Her mind cleared and she looked up to see a huge black wave towering above her. Her reactions had been honed by Rin's training. She scrambled up the beach and was sprinting away when the wave hit her. Instead of dragging her into the water she was far enough up the beach to be washed further up it. The water gave a cry of distress and disappointment as it rolled away from her leaving her at the base of the black cliffs. She struggled to her knees. The now very wet Nygel cantered up to her. "See what I mean? It's like it's obsessed with you. Look, it's getting all moody now." Chihiro looked at the black water. The surface was choppy, like it was being driven by a strong wind, but no wind blew in the cave. Chihiro turned and ran up the steps in the cliff to Haku's house. "I don't believe in love and romance you know. But I don't believe in string theory either." This time Yuki face-palmed. "I love it when you speak geek, but I'm not so depressed that I need you to cheer me up. Not that I have any clue how that was supposed to cheer me up." "I'm saying," Tsuki raised her voice to over-ride her friend. "that although string theory hasn't be proven, a lot of people believe in it. There are people dedicating their lives to researching it." The girls rode in quiet until they neared Tsuki's stop and finally Yuki gave up. "What does that have to do with anything?" "Let's just say I support your research of string theory, and hope one day you prove my view of the universe wrong." Yuki stared at Tsuki for a moment before giving her pint-sized friend a big hug. "And what exactly is your view of the universe?" "Well I'm not sure. But I mostly believe in the Big Bang. Hopefully, my universe will be full of them." Tsuki smirked at her friend and stepped off as the door opened. Yuki burst out laughing and held onto her sides. I laughed and shook my head. "You have a ridiculously large ego, you know?" "Well, they say that the size of a man's ego correlates to-," he cut himself off again. "I know." I refused to have a discussion about anything of that sort right now. "Don't worry Maria; you're doing a good job knocking it down to size." "Your ego?" He smiled. "Of course. The other thing you tend to make bigger." "Tony, don't." "Sorry. I guess you can kinda see that anyway." "So…" he said. "You're dating a teenage werewolf?" I blinked. "Yes." He cocked his head. "What's that like?" I shrugged. "I don't know. Awesome?" He laughed, nudged Rosalie with an elbow. To Emily: From Johnny: REPLY: RE:RE: RE:RE:RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: "Hi, are you doing anything for lunch," Reid asked? "Well, I was planning on eating," she responded. "Why," she said suspiciously, "You didn't have something else in mind, did you?" She sounded surprised yet strangely excited at the prospect. "No!" He squeaked into the phone. "I wasn't thinking of that, well, I'm always thinking of it a little. I'm a guy, you know." "Oh, believe me honey, I know that." "Spencer," Allie whispered loudly, "My mother, my sister and my best friend are just down the hall." "I know, their doors are closed, I checked and if we're really quiet, we could…" His tongue flicked over her nipple making her gasp with pleasure as her hands raked through his hair. "Your mission Allie Graham," his tongue found the other nipple; "Should you choose to accept it," his mouth moved down her flat torso; "Is to participate in this sex act without yelling such things as 'Oh God', 'Don't ever stop' and 'Spencer' at the top of your lungs," his fingers gripped the elastic in her pajama bottoms; "Because if we are caught, said sex act will self destruct in five seconds." "Are you saying it's mission impossible for me to keep quiet during sex," she whispered. "It's never happened before," he answered as he raised an eyebrow he wasn't sure she could see in the dark. "I can't believe I've never eaten here," Pietro said taking a couple of sips from his coke. Looking over to see what I was doing he paused. "What the hell are you doing?" I paused from my fry/milkshake intake and looked at him. "I'm having a food orgasm you should try it," I answered taking another bite of the deliciousness. He rolled his eyes and ate a fry normally. Taking another fry and dunking it in my shake I put it up to Pietro's face. "Eat it," I demanded trying to keep the shake from spilling on him. Giving up he took a bite from my hand. He paused trying to figure out just what was happening with his taste buds. They were so happy yet confused by the combination. It was like marti grah! "Yeah see," I pointed out seeing his face. "It's an orgasm in your mouth. Not better than an actual orgasm but still pretty damn good." Suddenly a fork was thrown at Chazz's head and everyone looked in the direction it came from. "If you're gonna talk at the dinner table," Wolverine started pointing his fork threateningly at us. "You're gonna speak a language we all understand." Alpha blinked a moment before muttering something about not everyone knows how to speak drunk Canadian and Wolverine smacked her on the back of the head in annoyed frustration. She glared over at her father and nursed her wound while Kurt tried to reinflate her ego so she wouldn't be too upset for too long. Tye pulled me closer and stage whispered, "Balling up the posters and throwing them at people's heads isn't what Mimbs had in mind." Glaring up at my long time friend I calmly looked him in the eye before shouting, "Your mom isn't what Mimbs had in mind!" "That's fucked up to say to an orphan!" He shouted back not really upset over the matter. His parents had put him on the streets the moment he could spell his name. The way he saw it he was better off without them and a hell of a lot happier. I knew this and that's the only reason I said it. If I knew he would get upset about it I would never say anything like that. Waving my hand dismissively I retorted, "Yeah, yeah, just like it's fucked up to say 'you're face' to the Joker." The tusks which clashed in mighty brawls The sword of Charlemagne the Just The grizzly bear, whose potent hug, Great Caesar's bust is on the shelf, "What do you believe the most interesting thing about yourself is?" the man inquired. "I'm persistent," the youth decided immediately. "I don't just 'give up', even when something's really, really hard. I just…fail at it repeatedly in the hopes that I'll stop failing sooner or later: that's what happened with us, kinda." "Yeah, love, Chase: I love you. That's part of the reason why I'm seriously considering killing you, I think. I mean, you're not really in love if you haven't planned out your alibi and where you'd hide the body." A lot of people think smart and witty are the same thing; they're really not. Smart is knowing stuff. Witty is knowing how to take that stuff and make other people look stupid with it. "What's it gonna be, freak?" Ben taunted. "She is mine. I will kill her before I let you have her." He nudged the gun even further into Rachel burning ribs. "Think you can move faster than a bullet?" A sinister twinkle lit in Nightcrawler's golden eyes. "Ja." he nodded with a ghost of a smile. "The question is, mein Freund..." His tail snaked up behind him like a hypnotized cobra. "...Can you?" Kurt vanished in a burst of smoke. Instinctively, Ben pulled the trigger. But bullet missed its intended target as another instantaneous burst of brimstone spirited Rachel out his grip. It happened so fast, Ben didn't even feel the indiscriminate taste of the bullet... "I can admit that I've been averse to your patrolling here in the past. However, I think joining the Justice League could be good for you." Helena considered that, then gave her answer. "No." She turned and started to climb the fire escape up to the roof. He followed. "No?" "No." "Why not?" "Cause I don't trust you, and I certainly don't trust a bunch of freaks who wear their underwear on the outside." "Says the woman wearing a bikini..." "Hey! This allows optimal movement. I have a valid reason for wearing this. Plus it distracts guys and allows me to kick their ass." Huntress walked over to the edge of the roof, and with a small push off, somersaulted onto the roof next to it. Batman followed. "I don't doubt it." Helena stopped and turned around. "Was that a back-handed compliment?" "If I back hand you, compliment or no, you'd know." "You do not seem worried," Jushiro smiled at her. "I am family and known," she shrugged. "And hardly a threat being human. Still, I think it would be best if Ichi-nii was here to smooth over any misunderstandings. I don't know how much you know about Hollow Customs when it comes to entering another's territory, but it's not something you really want to mess up." "We can handle ourselves," Byakuya spoke up for the first time in a rather haughty voice. "You aren't the one I care about," Karin snapped at him. "But if anything were to happen to Cachorro or Hijastro while your were flexing your pathetic boyish muscles in a fight to see who has the bigger dick, I would personally find a way to flay you alive myself and make sure such future cock fights become a very moot point," Karin growled, pleased at the shock looked that crossed the nobles face; be it from her threat or use of language she wasn't sure nor did she care. The pair stared at each other for a few moments, then Jack let an evil grin spread across his face. "Y'know, I fantasized about waking up naked next to you plenty of times, but this doesn't quite live up to my dreams." Chase's arm twitched. He wanted to pull away badly, but the shit-eating grin on Jack's face was forcing him stand his ground. Instead, Chase threw Jack his darkest glare. "That is far more information than I ever wished to have, Spicer." "Hey, that's a compliment; 1,500-years-old and you're still fantasy fodder. You should be flattered." "It is truly difficult to take any flirtation seriously given my current state." "True. Plus it just feels wrong." Groaning, Jack let go of Chase's hand and rolled out of bed with glacial slowness. "We can't all be pedophiles." The albino youth dragged the sheet off of the bed and tied it loosely about his waist. "Well, for starters, you could stop yelling into the phone. It's a cell, not a tine can." Nausika replies in a snarky tone that Shizuo is use to and, though completely not its or his intentions, gets him to smile. "And my coffee markers broken." She adds suddenly. "So, what does that have to do with me?" Shizuo asks in slight irritation. What did she want him to do about it? Fix it? Buy her a new one? Try to fix it, break it, then buy her a new one? "I want coffee but you said I shouldn't be out alone at night." She replies like that's explaining something. "It's a little late for coffee don't 'ca think." He replies and scratches the back of his head. It's getting pretty late and he's pretty sure he's heard or read somewhere that caffeine after a certain time was bad for you. Suddenly Shizuo is startled when he hears laughter coming from the other end of the phone. "Oh man, Shizuo, dude, when a woman asks you to go get coffee with her at 8 o'clock at night, she doesn't want coffee." Nausika explains and he knows, he just knows, that that 'you're an idiot' look is on her face. "Did your brother at least apologies for eating your pudding?" She asks over the clang of pots getting set up. "No." "Rude!" She accuses looking momentarily offended by that. "You eat a guy's snack-pack and piss him off enough to try and throw a fridge at you, the least you could do is say 'hey bro, sorry I ate your pudding cup. My bad.'" She says, the ending in what he's guessing is supposed to be a mimic of a man. I smiled, "Truly thou art a chivalrous knight to avenge the honor of so small a lady as mine self." I poked him. Talking in ye olde Englishe was an amusmant of mine, but I rarely did so in company. I didn't expect him to respond in kind, but he did. "Pray, do not debase thine self so, fair maiden. Thine beauty doth outshine each of the petty nobles in so homely a court, as even thou doth smile the very roses quake with spite." "Thou dost flatter me sir knight." "Forasmuch as I be the mightiest knight on lyfe, ne'er would I dare to defile thee so! So great a lady needs no false words from mine humble tongue." "Do you want a full demonstration?" She asks over her shoulder as she puts her sweater back down and looks at him seriously; waiting for the fall out or the freak out whichever came first. But Kasuka is just as placid as ever. "No. I've seen it with Ruri." He says with a shrug. "Ruri? You mean she's like Nausika?!" Shizuo cries in alarm. "Not like me." The blondes whip back around in startled surprise at the equally placid brunette suddenly behind them. "Different but not the same." Ruri says, calmly setting the unneeded rubbing alcohol on the counter, before looking back up at the taller woman with her typical half lidded gaze. "I like you." "Thaaanks creepy petite vampire child*…" Nausika says in apprehensive drawl. She was…different this one. "Yeah well, we gotta go back." Daryl said, spitting on the ground and shouldering his crossbow. He looked at Fox out of the corner of his eye. "Can you make the trip? Be straight right now, because if you drag us down and we get killed, I swear to God when I come back I'll eat you first." Jesus had no servants, yet they called him Master... He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher... He had no medicine, yet they called him Healer... He had no army, yet kings feared him... He won no military battles, yet he conquered the World... He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him... He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today Feel honoured to serve such a leader who loves us... If you believe in the tiune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost then copy and paste this in your profile If you ignore him, in the Holy Bible, Jesus says... " If you deny me before man, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven..." Hay I was thinking and..ok ..say you saw someone…. Then how come you can’t ax them? Well some of you might not get it at first so I’ll explain it. Ok you know how in elementary kids have trouble pronouncing 'ask' and often say 'ax'.. well I wanna know why in our language, we ‘saw’ people all the time but we can't ‘ax’ them anything! (me) This is the link for the pic that inspired Ecstacy: http:///albums/u300/Yoro-san/story/more/?action=viewt=UlquiorraandOrihime58-1.jpg&newest=1 Check out this website if you dare. |