Disclaimer- I own nothing in this story, beside the ideas and the actual story, 'cause I wrote it.

10 things to do before I die

The night was cold, a slight drizzle filled the air. A blonde-headed man stood outside of a dimly lit window. It was slightly open and the curtains were softly swaying in the breeze. The man made his way into the room, looking around before slumping his shoulders and sighing. 'I guess Ritsuka's at his friend's tonight…' He slunk towards the door, turning around to take in one last look of the room before heading back to his apartment. That's when something caught his eye. On the computer's screen, one open Word document stood out. 'Hm… I wonder what he wrote?' Soubi though slyly.

He tiptoed over to the computer and sat himself down in the chair resting in front. He focused on the bright screen for a minute, and then a slightly shocked and confused look washed over his face. The first line read '10 Things to do before I die'. Soubi nearly stood up, not wanting to invade Ritsuka's privacy. However, his curious side got the better of him and he scrolled down the page.

'#1. Read 1,000 books.'

'#2. Write a book.'

'#3. Learn to draw.'

'#4. Make some homemade strawberry jam with Yuiko.'

'#5. Get a cat and teach it a trick.'

'#6. Graduate college.'

'#7. Defy the laws of physics.'

'#8. Go to America.'

'#9. Remember everything before two years ago.'

'#10. Tell Soubi I'

Soubi looked at the document curiously. "Tell me what?" He whispered to himself. "Why does it stop there?"

"SOUBI!!!!" He quickly turned around in the chair, to be met by a very angry Ritsuka. "SOUBI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON MY COMPUTER?!?!" Soubi quickly stood up and sweat dropped. "Nothing, really." Ritsuka dropped his bag on the floor and sighed, "There you go, lying again…" Soubi quickly answered "I was just looking at this page…" Ritsuka looked at him quizzically. "Is that ALL you did?" Soubi nodded. "Well, um… Th-thanks, I guess, for telling the truth…" Ritsuka scratched his nose slightly.

Soubi cleared his throat, "What's the rest of number ten?" Ritsuka squeaked, and lowered his head to hide his blush. "It… It's nothing!" Ritsuka said that with a bit more anger in his voice than he meant to. "Oh… Okay. I guess." Soubi looked downdraught. "S-Soubi! I didn't mean it that way… Sorry." Soubi looked up and grinned. "Don't worry about it." Ritsuka sighed, "You're still not happy…" Soubi smirked, flashing a tooth, "I still don't know what number ten is." Ritsuka jumped back at the sudden smirk, "W-well too bad!" Soubi glided over to his sacrifice, gently pulling him into a hug.

"S-Soubi! Let me go!" Ritsuka struggled to get out of the older one's grasp, but to no avail. "Uh-uh-uh," Soubi teased, "Not until you tell me what number ten was." Ritsuka only struggled more, "No!" Soubi held on tighter, "Come on, just tell me."

They stayed like that for about an hour, until Ritsuka finally gave up and relaxed. "So, are you going to tell me?" Soubi questioned. "N-n… Fine." Ritsuka sighed in defeat. "Really?" Soubi looked surprised, "Tell me." Soubi smiled at his win. "I wanted to tell you that…thatiloveyou." Ritsuka pulled away and flung himself on his bed. Soubi stood there for a few moments, replaying it over and over in his head. "W-what did you say?" He asked nervously. "I SAID THAT I LOVE YOU, OKAY?!" Ritsuka screamed into his pillow, his face glowing bright red. Soubi slowly walked over to him, and sat down on the bed. "You said that you love me…" Soubi whispered to himself, staring into space, still not sure if he heard right.