Love isn't blind. It's Sarcastic!

By LadyLoveless

And zukoslvr (Now mentallyinsanepyress)

OKAY! Here's chapter three of LOVE! YAY! GO US! WH00T, WH00T! This chap is dedicated to the 6 people out of 656 that actually reviewed! (Sry MIP, Your review doesn't count!!) Especially to Kat-the reviewer who wouldn't put in her screen name; if she had one! TT sobs I luv you! But we're curious- What exactly is a mary sue? We have a general idea but quite frankly I don't see why people keep telling me my chars. are Mary-Sues! They aren't super perky, smart, nice, or whatever you people think is required of a mary sue! Bah Humbug! Lol! N e wayz this chap is for Kat- thanx for the hilarious review, you reminded us of ourselves! xD

PS: It's now 2-16-07. I finished this chapter like…2-3 months ago…. --' Sorry for the wait. I'm working on the 4th chapter as we squeak! I'll try to put it up tonight. promise!


Chapter Three- WTF!

Quote of the day- Romance, who loves to nod and sing,

With drowsy head and folded wing,

Among the leaves as they shake

Far down within some shadowy lake.

To me a painted paroquet (parakeet)

Hath been a most familiar bird-

Taught me my alphabet to say-

To lisp my very earliest word

While in the wild wood I did lie,

A child- with a most knowing eye.

Edgar Allen Poe, 'Romance'


Recap- 'Beware Xavier mansion, I'm here... and I don't know when I'm leaving...MUHAHAHAHAA!!!..' Chokes on spit


Serenity POV

I sighed happily. I was dusty, dirty, and hungry, but very happy. Why am I happy, you ask? Well I've almost completely cleaned and organized the library in only….3 hours!

I yawned slightly and rubbed at my dust filled eyes. "I seriously need a shower." I said as I stood up from reorganizing the last shelf of the library. I backed up to the door leading to the hallway to survey my work of the library, grinning with joy at what I saw. The room was organized and shining, me having polished the oak shelves, tables, and chairs. I had even vacuumed the small plush chairs in the corner of the room and the floor! I scanned over the shelves to make sure all the labels were in place, then over to one of the larger tables where I had stacked a massive pile of books to repair.

I huffed slightly when I looked at the books on the table, but brightened at the possibility of a fun project; if I wasn't forced to go home. The prospect of having to go back 'home' where the only books we're allowed to read are our school textbooks made me want to steal all these books, hide in a dark corner and read them until they fell apart.

Normal POV

Serenity cocked her head to the side slightly as she stared at the heap of books on the table before she ran over, picked one up and hugged it to her chest. She made a purring noise deep in her throat and stroked the spine of the book delicately with a slender index finger. "My precious…" she cooed, doing her best Gollum/Sméagol impression. Her eyes positively glowed as she looked down at the old leather bound book she held in her arms, not noticing her audience standing at the door with their mouths gaping.

Suddenly she heard snorts of laughter, then people falling over in fits. She whirled around to the look at the hallway door and her eyes widened. Standing in the hallway around the door was Kurt and his friends from earlier, all of them either leaning against the doorway or walls to support themselves. Her face turned beet red and she lowered her head, her bangs shadowing her face.

Kurt wiped his eyes and walked over to her, slinging his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry fräulein, but that vwas hilarious!" he said, laughing again. He calmed down after a second and all his friends pilled into the sparkling library. "Is this what you've been doing all day?" Scott asked the small girl. She clutched the book tighter to her chest and nodded before looking up at them shyly. Bobby walked over to her and bent down slightly, gently grabbing her face and studying it. Her eyes narrowed.

Bobby let out a low whistle. "You weren't kidding Kurt, she's gorgeous! How old are you kid? 12, 13?" Serenity glared harshly at him. "I'm not a kid, you haughty bigot! I'm 18, which is most probably older than you!" she snapped, shrugging Kurt's arm from her shoulder and setting the leather bound book back on the table. She turned back towards the group of gaping teens and sighed. "I know, I don't look it do I? What did you think I was, a sevvy?" she asked, hands on her hips.

Kurt laughed. "Man sieht dir dein Alter nicht an! Honestly, I thought you vwere an elementary student!" he scratched the back of his head. Serenity stared at them impassively. "Hn." She turned around again and crossed her arms, pouting. "Well, you were acting like a scared child when we met you." Scott scoffed. Serenity whirled around and gave him a dirty look. "How would you feel if you were sitting in class one second, asleep the next, then floating fifteen feet from the ground watching people you don't even know?" she shouted at him, waving her arms slightly. "Hell, I'm wearing the fucking dress from my dream! Man, I don't DO dresses!" she said in disgust.

She sighed again then blushed. "I'm sorry about that, I don't do well around other people. Fact of the matter is I haven't talked to anyone since last week when I started telling off my…principal." She trailed off, looking thoughtful. "Unless singing in choir counts." She added. She ran a hand through her hair. "I hate confrontations so I automatically start telling people off. Think of it as a shield to protect myself from other people before they hurt me."

Kurt cocked his head to the side then chuckled. "Zere's no need for zat here fräulein, no vwone here's going to try and hurt you. Vwe're all harmless." He said, then stopped. "Even if some people act like zey are…vwhat do you call it..PMSing?" A couple of the girls in the group let out cries of protest while Serenity twitched slightly. Kurt looked down and saw her twitching and shaking, her head bowed again. He put his arm around her shoulders again. "Sweeting Sie gut?" He asked worriedly.

All eyes in the room turned towards the girl again, thinking that they had offended her somehow and she was crying. Serenity lifted her head slowly, her shaking increasing. She suddenly threw her head back and laughed wildly! She doubled over, clutching her sides and leaned back against the table. "OH- Götter! PMSing!" she choked out. "Kurt…NEVER…say…that again! Too…CUTE!" she burst out laughing again and fell over. Kurt blushed somewhat then laughed along with her.

After her laughing fit, Serenity was almost too weak to stand back up. Kurt offered her his hand but she just waved it away. "Sorgen Sie sich nicht Kurt, ich sind fein!" she laughed, wiping tears from her eyes. She used the table to pull herself back up. She looked at the currently freaked out group of teens. "I'm sorry; it's been awhile since I've laughed that hard! That was great…" she trailed off, a smile tugging at her lips. Scott and the others chuckled. "I could get used to that cute laugh of yours Serenity," Bobby said impishly, "I just hope in the future it'll be ME making you laugh!" Evan smacked him upside the head while various others hit, slapped, kicked and punched the wanna-be smoothie bomb.

Kurt shook his head at his friend before remembering. "Oh ja! Fräulein, zese are all of my friends- and ze other residents of the school." He said, grinning at the now quiet girl. He turned and pointed them all out. "Zis is- Scott, Keety, Jean, Rouge, Bobby, Evan…." The introductions continued on for a minute before he finally got to Roberto. He took a deep breath then exhaled. "That vwas a long list of people to name off, ja?" he asked Scott, laughing slightly. Scott just grinned.

Bobby walked back over to Serenity and draped an arm over her shoulders like Kurt had. He gave her a charming grin. "So, are you hungry sweet thing?" he asked, leaning down and resting his cheek against hers. Serenity hissed then pulled a 'Miss Congeniality'. She stomped on his foot with her heeled shoe, elbowed him in the gut, whirled around and jabbed him in the eyes, then kicked him in the family jewels. Bobby let out a cry of agony and dropped to the floor.

"Oh god," he moaned, "not another Pyra!" Serenity cackled and crossed her arms. "Don't mess with me little boy!" she said almost evilly as the girl's laughed and the other boys in the room covered their prized area. Just then the infamous Remy LeBeau walked into the library. He took one look at the little girl in the white dress and strode quickly over to her. He came up behind her and scooped her up into his arms then set her onto his broad shoulder. She shrieked.

Remy grinned enchantingly up at her. "Nah who might this dahlin little creature be?" "Her name is Serenity.." Kurt started. "And I'm not a dam cockatiel! Put me down!" Remy let out a booming laugh. "Polly wanna crackah?" he asked impishly. Serenity cackled like a parrot. "Reah! Polly möchten geld Sie! reah!"

Kurt stared at her a moment before backing away slightly and laughing insanely. "Jetzt ist der nicht sehr netter Fräulein!" he choked out between fits of laughter as he shook his finger jokingly at her. Serenity just gave him a wicked grin. Remy looked back and forth from her to Kurt before asking, "Remy dun want ta know, does he?" Serenity looked down at him and let out a un-lady like snort. "Is that a rhetorical question?"

Remy smiled wryly. "Maybe, maybe not. How old ah ya kid? Ya new 'round here?" Serenity cracked up, "Are you fucking serious? I'm eighteen hun, believe it or not; and yeah, I'm new." She wiped tears from her eyes, chuckling slightly at the strange look of shock and amusement on his face. Remy shook his head. "Ya be rather underdeveloped, Fauve." He teased. She raised a delicate brow. "That so? At least I don't be needing to improve on my grammar you dunce." She mocked. Remy tsked. "Now, now Chere, no need to be so hostile."

Professor Xavier rolled quietly into the crowded library. "Mr. LeBeau kindly put Ms. Bones down." Remy let out an exaggerated sigh of unhappiness and gently set her down. Serenity made a big show of dusting herself off, lightheartedly complaining of 'boy cooties'. "Awww…Now why'd Ah hafta go an' do dat? She was ratha warm…Ah was hopin' possibla in mo' ways den one," Remy said with a laugh, which earned a good backhand to his rock-hard 6-pack stomach, compliments of Serenity. To which she let out a loud yelp and waved her hand frantically. "Dammit del dio!! Stupido figlio di un….. Ow che danneggia!! Bugger!!!" she shrieked. Remy let out a light chuckle and asked, "Hurt yah'self? Ah probabla' don' wanna know what ya jus' said, do Ah?" Serenity just looked up and hissed at him, showing off a set of rather long fangs.

Xavier shook his head. "No, you don't want to know what she just said Mr. LeBeau. Miss Bones, kindly refrain from using such language in my mansion; even if it is in Italian." Serenity just let out a loud bark of laughter. "Why? It's not like I'll be here much longer! Either you'll send me away like everyone else does or they'll have tracked me down. Take your pick X." she stated with a sneer.

Xavier looked calmly into her eyes. "I won't send you away Serenity unless I deem you a danger to my students. For the moment I'll ignore that last part for fear of your temper. Now though, I would like to speak privately with you." He gave Kurt a knowing look. Serenity nodded curtly and swept into his office through the connecting door. Xavier rolled in after her and shut the door with his powers while Serenity wasn't paying attention.

Professor Xavier settled himself behind his desk while Serenity plopped into a chair across from him. She crossed her arms and gave him a pointed look. Xavier cleared his throat before settling back into his chair and steeping his fingers. "Serenity, how much do you know about your parents?" Serenity snorted, "What parents are you referring to; the assholes that stuck me in the mental hospital, or the ones that didn't want me?" "Your birth parents Serenity." She yawned. "Not much. All I know is I'm the bastard child of a mutant whore and a client of her's."

Professor leaned foreword a little, ready to offer his proposition. "What if I told you I knew where your real parents were and how to contact them?" "I'd say you'd waxed your head a little too much today. You got to lay off the buffing Professor!" Xavier chuckled slightly. "Yes well, the fact is I do know who and where they are. Would you like to know them, to meet them?" Serenity's eyes narrowed as she jumped from the chair and slammed her fists onto his desk. "Why would I? They obviously didn't want me! No one does! I don't want to deal with any more of those sneers I always receive from my so-called parents. Screw them; they didn't need me and I sure as hell don't need them!" she hissed angrily.

. Her green eyes flashed sadly, betraying the anger in her voice. She was about to continue when a knock sounded at the door. Logan poked his head through the door. "You wanted me Wheels?" he asked gruffly. At the Professor's nod he flung the door open and dragged his feet across the floor. Giggles erupted from the floor. Serenity looked down and scoffed as she plopped back into her chair. Two little kids were firmly attached to his legs, sitting on his feet. "" he ground out. Professor laughed as the two jumped up and ran squealing and laughing from the room. Logan shut the door before crossing the room and plopping into the seat next to Serenity.

"Well? What's going on?" he asked rudely. Professor leaned back in his wheelchair again. "Let me get to the point then. Serenity, Logan is your father." Silence followed his statement. Logan stared at him completely bewildered, while Serenity burst out laughing. "Serenity, he is your father." She mocked, imitating Darth Vader. "Good one Prof, but seriously, where are you going with this?" "Yeah, what the hell are you talking about wheels?" Logan asked, clutching the arms of his chair tightly. Professor raised an eyebrow. "I just told you what's going on. Logan, Serenity is your's and Myst's daughter; the daughter of a Valkyrie and a mutant."

Logan paled. "How'd you know about that?" he asked hoarsely. Serenity turned and glared at him, "Oh, so you knew about me then? So even though you knew about me you tossed me away like I was nothing?!" she shrieked. Logan looked at her oddly; a mix between love, anger, and astonishment. "No. I left before. I didn't know...If I had I wouldn't have…Shit!" He trailed off and rested his head in his hands. Serenity just stared at him. Logan looked back up at the Professor. "How'd you know about Myst and me?" he asked again. Professor looked at him sadly. "One time during our session's I came across a particular memory of her, nothing private I assure you."

"I'd forgotten about it until I saw Serenity today. She looks remarkably like her mother. Not so much like you I'm afraid." He said simply. "This is probably a shock I know, but we need to take action now. Serenity why don't you and your father go talk for while and we'll settle things tomorrow." He added, waving towards the door. "No one appears to be in the game room, you should talk there." They both nodded numbly and stood up, heading for the door. They left and Logan led the way to the Game Room.

He opened the door for her to enter and she walked into the sun lit room and headed for the pool table. She proceeded to set up the balls and grabbed a small pool stick off the wall. She lined up the white ball and shot, scattering the balls in different directions; two going into the pockets. She kept her eyes on the table, though she could feel Logan staring at her. "What?" she asked quietly. He said nothing but walked over to the table and grabbed a pool stick for himself and taking a turn; hitting in three balls. They played the game silently; just hitting the balls hard and bouncing them around the table. After a while they finished and Serenity set it up again.

"Tell me." He said quietly. She looked up at him sharply. "Tell you about what?" she grouched. "Everything. How is she…your mom?" Serenity hit the white ball hard, sending it flying across the room. "Hell if I know." She snarled. "She dumped me in an orphanage directly after I was born. They had to take me to a hospital because she'd refused to feed me." She muttered darkly. Logan stared openly at her. "That doesn't sound like the Myst I knew." "The Myst you knew is gone. She went insane. I met her once and I don't plan on meeting her again." "Why, what happened?" he asked.

She walked over to the ball and picked it up before tossing it onto the table. "I don't want to talk about it now." "Why not?" "BECAUSE I DON'T!" she wailed, eyes tearing slightly. "Why'd you leave? If you hadn't she wouldn't have ditched me! I wouldn't be alone!" she choked out. She gave a small yell of frustration and flung the pool stick out the open window before wiping her eyes furiously. Logan felt his throat tighten as an unusual mixture of guilt, sorrow, and regret washed over him at the sight of her small body shaking. Gods above she looked like her mother; small and frail looking, but truly strong. He shook his head slightly. "I had to leave. Some one was after me, he still is. I couldn't risk him getting Myst…your mother, and using her as bait to get to me. I couldn't put her through that. But kid, if I'd have known I got her pregnant I wouldn't have left." Serenity whirled around to pin him with a furious golden glare. "How nonchalantly you say that. You talk about me as though I'm yours but you don't really accept it, adult." She said scathingly.

He stared at her coldly. He couldn't let her know she'd hit a nerve. "Listen here, I may be an ass but I'm not some sniveling coward that wouldn't take responsibility for their lo…someone close." He ground out. Serenity stared at him oddly.

"You…..Loved her?"


"Man sieht dir dein Alter nicht an!- You don't look your age!

"Sweeting Sie gut?" – Are you alright sweeting?

"OH- Götter! PMSing!"- Oh gods! PMSing!

"Sorgen Sie sich nicht Kurt, ich sind fein!"- Don't worry Kurt, I'm fine!

"Polly möchten geld Sie!"- Polly want to geld you!

"Jetzt ist der nicht sehr netter Fräulein!"- Now, that's not very nice Fraulein!

"Fauve-" wild and uninhibited/unrestrained and outgoing--French

"Dammit del dio!! Stupido figlio di un faggot! Ow che danneggia!! Fucker!!!"- (Italian)-God dammit!! Stupid son of a….! Ow that hurts!! Bugger!!!


Teehehee…Evil cliff hanger of dooom! Heh…hope the next chapter doesn't confuse you too much :P