Sinful Doings: Epilogue

Disclaimer: I do not own Full METAL ALCHEMIST or ENVY (no matter how hard I try). I only own Nirvana Seiga and the title of The Bloodied Alchemist. Oh, and Neko Kirishima. (Well, my sister (Neko Kirishima) owns her—well, Neko is Neko… Ah, you don't understand.) Oh, I also own Envy's subconscious!

Author's Note: (sob) I can't believe it! This is the Epilogue! Now, I shall dedicate this to all of my reviewers! I guess it pays off being sick, huh? Okay, the sequal will be called... (look at bottom Author's note)

DEDICATED TO: The Sporker (no matter how much I don't like you), Dark Angel Alchemist, Blood Alchemist (glad to see you in almost every chapter), IarguedWithGodOverEd (You've helped me lots Alina-chan), final-aeon77, Maruken (haven't seen you lately), Desumegami, animegirl19873, Angelbott, DreamAnimeKitten, Sarah, Envy Algaliarept, chitana, Dragon Fire 13, BlackAlchemist, xkuroxshinobix, Kanika Meskhenet, The8thSin, Totschafe, Brigadier-Erin-Lightning and anyone else I didn't mention!

Also, DreamAnimeKitten, I just got your lastest review and started to laugh uncontrollably. Then I ended up coughing because I'm sick. BUT, I WILL GET THIS OUT, then I can pass out. OMGWTFBBQ? I like that…

WARNINGS: LEMON IN THIS CHAPTER! NOT RAPE! Now it's time for ghastly revisions! Envy's being a bit OOC. YAOI IN THIS CHAPTER.Slight Ménage à trois also.


(((( "What'd he look like?"

Hanson shrugs. "Couldn't really tell besides he was very pale and had long dark hair. The only way we knew he was alive is because he kept mumbling about a red stone. And he had the strangest tattoo on his leg!"

'Oh God!' ))))


I discreetly increase my pace. 'Shit! If it's him… I don't know if I can handle it… why would be murmur about the Stone though?' I think quietly to myself as we near a patch of light in the dark shaft.

"He's just over there." I follow his finger and the three miners look up, waiting their instructions from me.

"Start chipping away, men." I order and kneel down to where I think the head is. "Excuse me? Can you hear me?"

A string of curses reach my ear and I motion for the miners to hurry it up. "Okay, keep making some kind of noise."

Another noise came, this time a deep curse. I blink then start to help the miners with the large boulder. Something about the way the curse came up sounded oddly familiar. Some of the smaller rocks were being hauled away and all that's left is a giant boulder.

"Good." I say and look at the pale legs that were revealed. The paleness reminds me of something buried deep in my past and I give a slight sneer.

I lean over his legs and frown. "This is going to fucking hurt." I say simply and start to reset his broken bones. Something about the way the legs suddenly healed freaked me out slightly. Two screams reach my ears and then the last boulder cracks down the middle, exposing a body.

A deep scream echoes around the shaft and it was not the man, but myself. I scramble to the other side of the shaft, tears well up in my eye and I start to shake vigorously, my legs twitching.

"Sage! Sage!" Hanson shakes my shoulder but my eye is glued to the body encased in shadows. "Sage!" I shake his hand off and slowly stand up. I inch towards the body and then drop to my knees.

I lean foreword and frame the pale, bloody face with my dirt-stained white gloves. Bright, slitted, amethyst eyes stare up at me. "Hey… Nirvana…" He coughs and I see blood dribble down his chin. I reach foreword and run a hand through his now chin-length green, bloodstained locks. "I wasn't… expecting to see…you here…" My gaze drifts to his automail arm and I see that the once beautiful automail was now shattered and broken.

He kisses my finger on his face. "The Stone…" And his gaze drifts down to his chest where I see a deep wound held open by four pieces of metal.

"Envy… who did this?" I ask, and pull a necklace from under my shirt, holding it above the wound. The metal pops out and the flesh knits up together.

"Don't know…." He finally answers just as he passes into unconsciousness. I frown again. I didn't know homunculus's could pass out.

Hanson touches my shoulder and helps me up. "Sage, we really ought to get him out so you can fix the rest of him up." I nod and then lean over Envy, replacing his ribs and his dislocated shoulders. The miners walk over and lift him up gently, carrying him into the lift where we all barely fit.

I stand and grab my bag, getting ready to follow them. A piece of bloodstained cloth grabs my attention and I grab it, seeing the red design on it that was so familiar. I wrap it around my flesh wrist and give a slight, sad smile.

I push myself up and run towards the others. 'He's back… but why?'

10 or 15 minutes later, we walk out of the mine where Lily runs over to me. "Is he okay?" I nod at her and she gives a slight bow.

"See you tomorrow, Miss Nakawa!" I wave at her as I follow the miners. They carry Envy to my house where I open the door, and the walk to the backside, setting the broken homunculus on the bed. The miners give me slight bow and then they leave. I walk over to Envy and sit down beside him.

Hanson walks behind me and grabs a metal bowl, which he fills up at the sink next to the bed. "So… Do I get to know what's going on?" He gives a wink in my direction and I sigh, used to his perverted sense of humor.

"There's a stack of notebooks behind you." He turns around to the desk and picks up the top one. "You only need that one. Those notebooks… that's my life from when I first met him 5 ½ years ago. That notebook that you're holding; that was the last day I saw him. 5 years ago. Now, sit down, open to the first page and read. I need to tend to him."

Hanson sits down on the small wooden chair and I walk over to the sink, grabbing a washcloth before walking back to Envy. I sit on the bed and let my mind wander as I clean and treat my green-haired homunculus.

That particular notebook in Hanson's hands is the final showdown. The information of my raping is revealed to Neko, seven alchemists are kidnapped for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, and finally Envy's betrayal.

I steal a glance at Hanson, seeing his eyes focused and concentrated. I train my eyes back to Envy, a familiar calm expression is on his face and I remember better times with him.

An hour later, Hanson stands up and I stop from braiding Envy's hair. Hey, he might kill me, but its gonna be funny as hell!

"So… your name's Nirvana Seiga… the Bloodied Alchemist?" I nod. "And you have automail?" I nod and remove my white gloves, before rolling up my smock and showing him the metal and my two lovely bomb tattoos.

Hanson leans down and gently kisses my forehead. "Don't let him hurt you. I'll be back with the food from the missus later." I watch him leave and as soon as my door closes, I leaned over Envy and kiss his nose.

"Envy… wake up." His eyes slowly flutter open and then he smirks slightly at me.

"Nirvana…" He whispers and I feel my facial structure relaxing. "I looked for you when I found out… that you had left…then I fell into the shaft… and got caught in the explosion…" I trail a hand through his green locks.

"What happened?"

"I don't remember much… only a woman with… long brown hair who… cut my chest…" He coughs again and I start to lean foreword, intending to lick up the blood that had dribbled past his chin. "… She left me near the second… entrance of the shaft where I… stumbled in… and got caught in the explosion…" My tongue touches his neck and licks up, devouring the small droplets of blood. He shivers happily under me and I grin down at him.

Envy chuckles deeply and I pull back, running a hand through his hair again. "Why your hair?" I ask and he just grins.

"I thought it was time for a change." His clawed hand rests on my neck, slowly scratching a spot behind my ear that sends me into complete and utter bliss.

"Why'd you… come back?" I ask quietly, my eye still closed.

"I couldn't leave you. I could never leave you." He whispers and tears spring to my eyes, dropping wetly upon his bare and bandaged chest. The hand on my neck pulls the ribbon holding my hair loose and long black hair flows over us. He tugs on a long forelock and brings me down, his lips ghosting over mine for half a second.

I smile as I hear his all-too familiar snore. "Goodnight… Senbou."

I stand up and grab the metal bucket, taking it to the sink and rinsing it out before removing my smock and gloves, leaving me in a bra and pants. I glance down at my breasts, and for the first time in 5 years, the old engraving gives a hearty throb and turns red for half a second.

"Glad to have you back, Envy." The last thing I do is walk over to my hope chest, grab a familiar black bottle and then walk back to Envy, spreading it on his wounds.

"We'll talk in the morning. I have a lot of questions… and you have a lot of answers." I whisper, and then crawl into bed next to the sleeping homunculus and fall asleep immediately.


"Nirvana… wake up…" I hear faintly as I slowly wake up. I turn over in bed.

"Nuugh… stupid… evil pancakes… it's too early…" I hear a snort and chalk it up to the pancakes deciding to be mean to me.

"Wakey, wakey!" I feel a gently sensation on my lips and slowly open my one good eye. I start to kiss Envy back just as I remember out need-to-talk-talk. "Ah, so you're awake now?"

I pout at him. "Why did you stop?"

I see Envy reach down and around his body, probably feeling for broken bones. He then smiles down at me. "I need you awake for the real pleasure."

I feel the long-forgotten feeling of lust stir in me, but I sit up. "I need answers first."

Envy is silent for a moment. "About what?"

"Why did you betray me?"

He's silent until, "When I first met you, I thought of you as only a toy. Nothing more, nothing less. Then when I found out that Kimblee had raped you; I had felt an emotion that I had never known before. Then as I was being sent to kidnap the alchemists and then fake their deaths, I didn't want to do yours, knowing that as soon as I dropped your body into the arms of Sloth and Lust, that you'd be forever condemned to be used as a sacrifice for the Philosopher's Stone.

"Then when the alchemic reaction went off and Lust's scream was echoed, I was afraid that the whole transmutation had gone wrong and that we were going to be killed too." He laughs darkly. "But, you and Edward had other plans. You wore Pride's eye patch while Full Metal carried a bag of Greed's ashes and the fur from his vest. So, our plan backfired. But that wasn't the real way, was it?"

His hand reaches for me and slowly grasps my automail and brings it to rest on his chest, right above where I could feel his heart. But, I knew it wasn't a heart. It was a Philosopher's Stone.

"Then it took my right arm. I felt fear for the first time that maybe it was going to take me too. Then the light ended and I was left bleeding on the floor." I can feel the smaller Red Stones around the Philosopher's Stone beat slowly as I stare into his bright purple eyes.

"It hurt when I saw you kiss Jean." I disguise my surprise at the fact he was on a first name basis with Jean. "Then you walked over to me and hit me. I was almost expecting a little care, but I deserved that too. I know my betrayal hurt you. But, Chizome koi," I look up with shock. He's never called me that! "As soon as I overheard your sister and the Full Metal pipsqueak talk about that you had disappeared, I left—and immediately started to search for you."

"Why?" I ask, tears well up in my eyes, as I seem to dread the answer. "Why did you come and look for me?"

"You really want to know why?" He asks, leaning foreword, his breath ghosting over my lips. I nod and he slowly licks his own lips, brushing my own with that hot, sinful tongue. "It's because of what I feel for you."

"Feel… for me?" I ask, trying to scoot away. Envy puts his good hand on the right side of my head and presses me down into the bed.

"Yes… Nirvana, koi… I completely, and absolutely, love you. My Chidaruma Renkinjutsushi." I stare at him and his lips gently take me in an almost gentle fashion.

He pulls back and I stare at him. "Envy?"

He looks up, rejections showing in his eyes. "What?" He snaps and I reach foreword, grabbing two of his long green locks. I pull him closer to me.

"I love you." I give one final tug on his hair and then kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck, his arm going around my waist.

I melt into his arms as he shifts his weight on me, putting more on his elbow.

"OPEN UP! DAMMIT!" I break from Envy's lips and stare at the door.

"Come, in?" The door all but burst down and two figures rush in, followed by two smaller ones.


"I'm sorry Neko."

She stomps towards me and I see her black glove already on. "SORRY ISN'T DAMN GOOD ENOUGH! I GOT MARRIED AND HAD TWO KIDS WHILE YOU WERE GONE!" She pulls me out from under Envy and slams me against the wall.

"NEKO!" I hear Ed shout and I look behind her to see a redheaded child and a blonde on his shoulders. "Stop slamming your sister into the wall."

Neko slowly lets me go and I slide down the wall, Envy slowly sitting up, gripping his wounds. "At least she didn't slam me into it." I throw a glare in his direction.

The redheaded child walks over to me, his big amber eyes wide. "Are you my Aunt?"

Neko picks him up. "Yes. This is your Aunt Vana." She turns to look at me. "This is Louis and that's Rose." My door opens again and a group of people walks in.

"Ah, Nirvana!" I stand up and wrap my arms around a very pregnant Riza and then Roy. Armstrong gives me a bone-crushing hug and I choke before Alphonse slowly pulls me away and then he hugs me, kissing my cheek. I hug Winry, being careful of her large belly and I laugh.

"Am I the only one who isn't pregnant?" I'm suddenly lifted off the ground and swung around, my gaze landing on a familiar blue gaze. "JEAN!" I squeal and wrap my arms and his neck kissing him fully on the mouth.

He grins against my lips and I pull back, wrapping my legs around his waist to look around. "How did you find me?"

Roy helps Riza sit down. "Neko's been looking for you since Envy left and then started hearing rumors about a alchemic doctor with an eye patch. Envy's been sending us letters about what he's been hearing too." Envy had stood up and came over to Jean and I. He leans up slightly, giving Jean a quick kiss, pressing his hand against his stump of a shoulder.

"I'm sorry I don't have a very big house to keep you all. But I'm—"

Armstrong waves it off. "No problem, Miss Seiga. Look outside." Jean carried me over to the side window where my mouth drops.

"Holy shit!" Outside 12 military men, including Breda, Farman and Feury were building an attachment that would go against my house.

"This one-room home couldn't be big enough for you, Envy, Lieutenant and any children you might have." I look at Jean with surprise dancing in my eyes.

"You're staying with us?" He shrugs and nods, grinning a bit.

"Yeah. I got a transfer to the Southern HQ where as soon as you decide to come back, you'll be made Brigadier General." Armstrong salutes me.

"I am needed back in Central. It's good to know you're still alive, Miss Seiga." I smile and lean my head against Jean's.

"Envy, you don't have a last name, do you?" He shook his head.

"I'm a homunculus, and the last name I do have, I doubt you want it." I pout as Riza rests a hand on her stomach.

"What is it?" We both ask.

Envy looks at Ed and Al then mumbles, "Elric."

Everyone nodded. "That would be odd."

"Oh. Well, Roy, Riza, you can have this bed it's the best one in the house." Winry and Al start to walk out and Rose tugs on my pants.

"Aunt Vana, who's my uncle?" Jean, Envy, Neko and I freeze.

"Umm… well…" I looked between my two men who were leaning against each other. How the hell do I get myself into these things! And why do they always seem to come to me!

A knock at my door alerted me and I yell for them to come in. "Miss Nakawa—OH! I'm sorry. It seems you have company!"

I slip from Jean's arms and onto Envy as I greet one of my patients. "Christine! What can I do for you?" Jean's eyes are glued to the blonde-haired beauty and I smile lightly.

"So much for a Ménage à trois, ne?" Envy whispers to me and I slap his shoulder, even though I'm grinning myself.

"Christine, I would like you to meet my long-time friend-" a few of the people in the room cough 'lover', "- Jean Havoc."

Jean actually doesn't freeze up as he bows and kisses her hand. I grin against Envy's green locks and Christine blushes.

Farman walks in and I'm swept up into another hug. "It's good to see you, Brigadier General."

"Nice to see you too, Farman." He sets me back down and salutes. I grin and kiss his cheek. "You're too uptight. Now. About the little attachment you're building?"

"Half way done." I blink.

"Holy shit."

(((( THAT NIGHT ))))

"I'm glad you're back." I whisper to Envy my hand trailing across his bare chest. His short locks tickle my nose as he rolls over, him on top of me.

"So am I." He starts to kiss down my neck and his automail—Winry had brought a spare to attach while she built a new one for him—trails down my side stopping at my slacks to snap them once. I grin up at the ceiling and his lips attach themselves to my neck, biting it harshly. I cry out, arching up to his awaiting mouth.

"Envy!" I moan out as he pulls off my slacks, throwing them to the side before slithering back up to me, his hot, hard cock pressing against my core. I vaguely wonder where his clothes went before bucking my hips, and hiss through my teeth that he better take me now.

"Are you su-re?" He purrs against my neck, biting softly, leaving red marks that will surely show up for a few days.

"As sure as I'll ever be. Now… I'm only saying this once—FUCK ME!" I hiss and then bite my lip as Envy slams up into me, hitting my sweet spot. God, I hadn't been fucked in so long. Being the one on the bottom, receiving touch as sweet as honey… Why the hell had I waited for him to show back up! I probably should have gone and looked for him… I wonder about my intelligence sometimes.

Envy gripped my hips, his automail digging into my thigh as my muscles clench around his cock, pulling him deeper within me. "God, Vana, you're… soo tight!" He whispered against my neck, nuzzling my jaw. "And soo… hot!" I grin and my own hands dip around his chest, my flesh hand going to his shoulder where my long nails dig into his shoulder, cries escaping me as I can feel the heat coiling in my belly.

I call out his name and his follows me soon after, panting heavily, his cock still pulsing in me. I smile happily at him and he kisses me softly. My tongue slips past his lips and I nick myself on his teeth and then he's by my side, pulling me closer to him.

"My Chidaruma Renkinjutsushi." He mumbles possessively and I kiss him nose and start to fall asleep.

"I own you too, ya know."

(((( 2 WEEKS LATER )))

"Bye!" I wave from my porch as Roy and Riza leave with Breda, Feury and Farman. Ed and Neko had left with Alphonse and Winry two days ago with their two children. It was only me and Envy now. I hadn't seen Jean since he left with Christine and frankly, I was hoping to see him sometime soon.

"Let's go inside." Envy suggests and I follow him in, my long black hair swinging around my legs. Envy sits at the table and reaches into our icebox to pull out a metal container. "Can I offer milady some delicious leftover cheesecake?"

I grin and sat down at the table, a fork already between my fingers. "Yesh! Food sounds lovely right about now! And you know… I'm feeding for two." I give a sly grin, my lips twitching slightly.

Envy stills as he sets the cake in front of me. I hear a knock on my door and I sigh. "Come in." A blonde head walks in and smoke curls around his head. Jean is standing in the doorway, rejection written across his face. Envy motions with one hand for him to come over.

"What happened?" Envy asks as the Lieutenant walks over and sits on the table next to me, removing his boots.

"She's married. He showed up not two hours ago demanding to know why I was in his wife's house and my hand was currently up her shirt." I smile apologetically at him and run a hand through his hair. Envy picks me up and carries me to the back bed, pulling Jean by his collar.

Envy drops me down and I pull Jean down, rubbing his shoulders as he leans against my chest. "Well, I'm not married and neither is this little homunculus."

"Yep." Envy says and I look between the two men.

"How the hell did I get into this mess?" Jean shrugs.

"Wait, I want to know what you meant by that feeding for two!" Envy demands and I grin at both him and Jean.

"What!" Jean shouts and I grin, kissing both of them lightly.

"I'm pregnant Envy." I say happily and he looks up. I nod and a soft smile spreads across his features.

"How could you tell?" He asks softly. I answer him by holding up my palms.

"For a woman who does Alchemy, when she is pregnant with a boy it turns orange and if you're having a girl, pink." Envy lunges on me.

"What color was it!" He demands and I grin over his shoulder at Jean.

"Why should I tell you?" I then go to my previous statement that I planned on saying. "Anyways, If I had to take your last name, I'd end up being Nirvana Amree Seiga-Envy?" He nods against my shoulder and Jean starts to remove his shirt.

"Or we could be Envy Havoc and Nirvana Amree Seiga-Havoc." Envy suggests and Jean just bites the homunculus.

I smile as I lean against the two men. Envy rubs my stomach and Jean laughs at him. I grin at both of them.

Compromising situations be damned. My relationship be damned. Me being called a slut be damned. I don't give a fuck of where my loyalties lie. (Though I actually know that they lie with my alchemy) I'm in love with the green-haired homunculus, Envy and possibly with the 1st Lieutenant.

Right now, I know that as long as I have Envy, my life will work out in the end. Love is the beginning of a new life for me.

As Jean kissed his initials he engraved on the curve of my other breast I smiled up at my ceiling. This is just fine with me. I'm just fine with having two men with me. It's an odd predicament, but right now I don't give a damn.

All I know now is that I'm in love. I may be in love with two men, this may be considered slutty, but you want to know something?

I Don't Give A Damn.

Until Jean can find a woman, he can stay with Envy and I. Until that time comes, I'm happy the way I am.

Until our next adventure appears, you can find me in LaMorea, a Philosopher's Stone around my neck and currently pregnant with the homunculus's Envy's child.

And like with everything I do, it too will be a Sinful Doing.


It's finished… Oh my freaking god… It's finished…I can't believe it… Who can may I ask! Wait till the sequal… I should have the first chapter out in a week or two. The Sequal will be called 'Sinful Creations'.