Author has written 7 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fatal Frame, How to Train Your Dragon, and Rise of the Guardians.
-= Author Info =-
-= HighGreenBunny =-
Name: Tabi
Age: 26
B-day: 10/30/89
Location: USA
Daisuke/Ken, Taichi/Yamato, Taichi/Koushiro, RiSo, AkuRoku, Jack Frost/Hiccup
A Little About Me:
I love reading. I will read anything as long as the story is good and can hold my interest. I am working to become a Funeral Director/Embalmer because caring for people is something I like doing (dead or alive.) Writing is therapeutic so that is why I do it.
"It's not my fault. If in God's plan. He made the devil so much stronger than a man." (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
"The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes." (Kingdom Hearts)
"It didn't disappear like a fart in the wind!" (My Aunt)
"If I'm so precious, why do you want me to break?" (My sissy)
Last Updated: 11/5/2015
Sora ni hirogaru tenshi no koe. Complete
A Crashing Utopia. Complete.
The Last Secret Garden. Complete.
Free Me. (DISCONTINUED - it's been like 10 years -_-)
Floating Or Falling? (DISCONTINUED)
A Harmless Sin. Complete
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