You Got Mail
The Last Chapter of the Story

Warning:---Extremely--- short, crappy last chapter
Point of View: Kairi
Author's Notes: ;-; Last chapter. Nooooo!
Will this end as SK or no? -shrugs- Who knows? ...well, I do, but thats not the point.

Hrm, you're probably wondering why I haven't updated in awhile. It's because writing this was so very, very, very difficult to write. I tried thinking of ways to make this story longer, but no luck with that. =/

And -drums rolls- Riku appears in this chapter! But only for a short time. -.-;

Hope ya like...


As I bit into the legendary fruit, I smiled and stared at Sora the whole time. I really, truly did love him. I couldn't help but wonder— was the legend of this simple fruit true?

Juice flooded into my mouth and down my throat. The fruit was sweet, kinda sour. We had finished our piece of the paopu. The sky was getting brighter, obviously showing that the sun would come up soon.

Sora took a step backwards from me.

"I have to go now," he said sternly. I nodded. He gave me one last look, and climbed down the ladder. I watched him as he walked away, getting farther from me each step he took. I sighed.

I glanced down at my watch. 4:59 AM. I yawned. 'Man, we've been here for a long time. Might as well head home. School starts in like four more hours.'

I jumped down the island, not even bothering to climb down the ladder. My cold hands were deep in my pockets. I wished my time with Sora had extended, so it could be just a little longer.


I arrived home. I rubbed my weary eyes. I layed down on my couch, as my eyes began to close. 'I guess I can take a small nap.'
And I was sound asleep.



"Ugghh..SHUT UP!!!" I yelled, burying my head into the cushion.


Letting out a deep sigh, I managed to get up, drag myself to the damn phone, and picked it up.

"WHAT!?" I shouted.

"Kairi?" A familiar voice answered back. I shook my head, trying to fully wake myself up.

"SORA!? I THOUGHT," I stopped, realizing that I was shouting,"you moved?"

"My parents changed their minds! I'm not leaving!"

"Oh. My. God! I'm so happy! What made them change their minds?"

"I don't know, but who cares!?"

I sighed in relief,"I'm so glad you're not leaving. I think I'd kill myself if you did...okay, maybe not, but whatever."

"Heh, well—"

-Ding dong-

My eyes flew open. I pinched my arm, making sure that I was awake. It was all a dream? I yawned, raising my hands up in the air to stretch. I rubbed my still weary eyes. Looking at my watch, I gasped. 8:35 AM.

I screamed again and fell off the couch.
"I'm late! I'm late! I'm gonna get detention!" I screamed. I ran out of the house. 'I can't be late. Especially today! Oh man, today our essay is due! A-and we're probably supposed to present it! Oh man, I didn't even start!'

I ran like crazy. I never realized that I was such a slow runner. Ahead of me was my neighbor, who had just moved in. He had aqua eyes and silver hair, with a pale complexion. He held a black skateboard in his hand and a black/silver helmet in the other. I smiled. Maybe I could borrow...

I ran over to him, panted and uttered,"HiI'mKairiyourneighborI'mlateforschoolsoIneedtoborrowyourskateboardthankyoubye!"

I said it so fast that I think he didn't understand a word I said. I grabbed his skateboard and his helmet. I put the helmet on and rode off. The wind blew in my face. This was a lot faster than running, considering that I was a slow runner. I pushed the skateboard so I could go faster.

Riku shook his fist in the air,"YOU BETTER BRING BACK MY SKATEBOARD!!!"

I ignored his comments. This felt nice. I should get a skateboard of my own someday. I finally arrived at school. I jumped off the skateboard and threw the helmet on the ground. I ran into my first classroom, which was with Mrs. Moon.

"Where were you-ooo-ooo!?" Mrs. Moon asked, her hands were on her hips. I smiled nervously.

"Heh heh. Sorry, I, uh, lost track of time and stuff..." I squeaked. Mrs. Moon tapped her foot, as if she was getting impatient. Of course she's getting impatient, you doofus. You're half an hour late to school!

"Well, did you-ooo-ooo bring your essay!?" Mrs. Moon asked. I lied and nodded. Mrs. Moon, for some reason, smiled. 'What the hell!?'

"Okay, I will not give you-ooo-ooo detention this time. Just go-oh-oh up and present your essay," Mrs. Moon said. Again, I smiled nervously and stumbled over to the front of the classroom. I glanced at Sora's seat, it was empty. I bit my lip. The other students seemed really bored. They whispered and didn't pay attention. Of course, it was like this all the time when somebody presented something.

"Umm..." I started,"The best thing that has ever happened to my life..."

I didn't know what to say! Suddenly, a lightbulb popped over my head, not literally, of course.

"Was when I shared the Paopu fruit with somebody I really cared for..."

Everybody's, and I mean everybody's, including Mrs. Moon's, head shot up. Nobody in the school shared the legendary fruit with anybody. Nobody.

"You see, it all started with an e-mail. At first, I didn't really know who the sender was. The sender said his name was Aladdin. We've talked for quite awhile. I've really got to known him well...until I have actually decided to meet him. He turned out to be somebody I least expected— Sora. It had been Sora who had lied to me, and today, I thank him for doing that to me. For it kinda' taught me a lesson. Yeah, I hate lessons. They're a real pain in the— opps, I'm rambling. Anyway, at first, I hated Sora for what he did," I mentally hit myself on the head,"But now I think I love him. A-and I most probably do. And so last night, no— this morning, we shared the Paopu fruit. I won't be seeing Sora anymore, considering that he's gone...forever. But I would have to say that that was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life— sharing the paopu fruit with Sora....oh, and everybody, don't ever, EVER meet anybody you've talked to from the Internet."


School ended rather quickly. I walked to my house, keeping my pace slow. No need to rush and talk to Aladdin. He's gone. Hah, I was pretty stupid for thinking he was real.
My 'essay' had gotten an A. My first. I was relieved Mrs. Moon didn't find out I didn't really do my essay. How dense can she get? But whatever, I earned myself a passing grade. Not Aladdin. Not some other person. Me.
My house came into view. I walked inside, dumping my backpack on the floor. I ambled myself to my room. I mean, there was nothing else to do. And so I just turned on the computer. Doing so, it signed online. I scrolled up and down my buddy list.

I banged my head on the table. Nobody to e-mail. Nobody on my buddy list is online. Nobody to even TALK to! What am I going to do!?

"You got mail."

I jerked my head up. Sora? I clicked the mailbox icon...

[Sender] [Subject]
SomebodysRomeo(at)hiya. com ???

To:PaopuPrincess(at)hiya. com


Hi...uh...you wanna talk? My name is Aladdin....
;) :P

Author's Notes:Three words to describe this 'ending':
2. Rushed?
How horrible. I hate this chapter. HATE IT. And it didn't make much sense. But, it was the only thing I was satisfied with, out of all the endings I wrote. Yep, I wrote about 7 different endings and this was the only one I was satisfied with. Uh-huh, it was THAT bad.
I think chapter 7 would've made a better ending that this o.O but whatever

Oh yeah, I re-wrote chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4. I'd like it if you read them again, you don't have to review n.n; Hopefully, you'll think they're better. I made them longer and I fixed most of the mistakes. Chapters 5, 6, 7, and this chapter will eventually get re-written, too.

Well, thank you all for reading and I hope you liked...most...of the story. =3 There is, in fact, going to be another chapter, but it's a little extra thingy to my loyal reviewers =) It will have the following:

1.Thank you's to all of my reviewers, individually. You'll have to review this chapter if you want to get mentioned.
2.Alternate Endings (theres a lot O.o)
3.Sora— how did he know the other e-mail sender was Kairi? (most questions will be answered here)

Hmmm...I was thinking of doing a sequel...not sure. If there was one, what would it even be about!? O.o OR, maybe I should do another chapter, only this time, it will be told from Sora's PoV with everything that happened...but then again, it's like typing the whole story but told from another's PoV. -.-