Hey everyone, it's rockrchik, author of Revealing Secrets and The Music Box. While I'm sure my followers would rather have me write and post the next chapter for my other multi-chapter story, I am momentarily stuck. Plus, this story is already completely written all the way through to the end so you don't have to worry about long waits in between updates. I know this is a pretty short chapter, but it's really just the prologue and it is meant as a hook. Please tell me what you guys think because if no one likes it then I'll take it off. Just tell me if it catches your interest please, okay? Thanks for your attention if you have read this far and enjoy the story, okay?
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to Yuu Yuu Hakusho and any of its characters. Those belong specifically to their creator Yoshihiro Togashi. I do, however, own this plot and my OC, Kuraiko, so please refrain from plagiarizing.
Prologue: A Plan Set In Motion
There was just so much a person could take, and she had reached the end of her rope.
The stories could not be true. He would not forsake her like that, leave her one night and never come back; they both wore a scar to ensure that.
That was why she had to do it. She had to prove to everyone that they were wrong and that he was dead. Dead. How long had she tried to deny it? And now she was risking her life to prove it was true. She forced her tears back as she finalized her plan with watery, blurred vision. She would not allow herself to cry again.
All she had to do now was let the plans accidentally slip into the hands of one of Koenma's lackeys and let them do their job. She traced the scar on her left hand to work up the courage to follow through with her idea; because if she failed, she died.
"Koenma-sir! Koenma-sir!" a blue ogre yelled as he ran into the prince's office waving a paper back and forth.
"What is it, ogre?" Koenma asked tiredly. He had not slept for two days and wanted to pass out from exhaustion.
"Koenma-sir! You must read this!" Jorge, the ogre, answered as he quickly shoved the paper into Koenma's face.
Koenma scanned the paper once and was about to set it to the side when something in his mind clicked. He brought the paper back up and read it thoroughly, his eyes widening in shock. He turned to a screen and, three seconds later, Botan's face appeared.
"Yes, Koenma-sir?" she asked once the connection was complete.
"Get Yusuke and the rest in my office, now!" Koenma ordered her, "This is of dire importance."
"Of course, Koenma-sir. I'll get right on it."
With that, the communication links were severed. Koenma reached into the bottom right drawer and pulled out a file.