![]() Author has written 15 stories for Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Evangelion, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Card Captor Sakura. Hey there! Heres some things about me that i just thought you might like to know Name-Bri is short my real name Brittany, but everyone calls me Bri Age- ?? B-day: July 19 (SUMMER BDAYS RULE!) Aim: chimchim178 (random man :) Hobbies: i LOVE to dance, sing to my favorite songs, draw (an occasionaly doodle), mostly write (duh), uh...I love to roll around in the yard with my puppy and play chase with her too (shes a maltesese/poodle), or just lying on the ground and stare at the sky (its so pretty, but its best to watch at night), or curl up with a great book under my fleece blanket and just read till 2 something in the morning (by the way, i'm a total night person, and sometimes early morning like around 4 or 5ish in the morning). I LOVE to listen to music of all kinds, i just can't live without my music. I also play instuments. I play the guitar, the flute and the keyboard. Hate: one thing i hate most is people who can't keep their noses out of people's business (unless they have questions) and grammer (note thats probably why i'm so bad at it) and spelling (that too). And, just to throw it out there, i hate onions and tomatos and raddish. Favorite Anime: Fruits Basket, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing, FullMetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cardcaptor Sakura Favorite Mangas: Fruits Basket, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing, FullMetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, Threads of Time, Tsunada, Magic Knights Rayearth, Cardcaptor Sakura/Cardcaptor Favorite Characters: Fruits Basket- Kyo Naruto-Gaara, Naruto, especially Kakashi Rurouni Kenshin- Kenshin (Kenji) Inuyasha- Kagome, Sango, Inu, Miroku, and cute little Shippo Gundam Wing- Quatre and Heero and Duo Full Metal Alchemist- Ed, Al, and Winry Yu Yu Hakusho- Yusuke and Kurama Cardcaptor Sakura- Li, Sakura, Eriol and Tomoyo Threads of Time - Moon Bin Tsunada- Sakura and Syaoryn Magic Knights Rayearth-Mokona and Hikaru and Umi Favorite Couples: Fruits Basket- KyoXTohru / YukiXTohru Naruto- GaaraXSakura/KakashiXSakura/NarutoXHinata/NejiXTenten/ShikamaruXTemari/ShikamaruXIno/KibaXIno Rurouni Kenshin- KenshinXKaoru/AoshiXMisao/SanoXMegumi/YahikoXTsubame/SojiruXMegumi Inuyasha- InuXKagome/SangoXMiroku/InuXSango/ShessyXRin/ShessyXKagome/ShessyXSango Gundam Wing- HeeroXRelena/DuoXHilde Current stories that I have going: Will You Have Me - Naruto: NarutoXHinata, SakuraXGaara, TemariXShika, InoXKiba Connections - Shaman King: RenXOC, AnnaXYoh, HoroXTamao Strength of Heart - Yu Yu Hakusho: HieiXOC, KuramaXBotan, KeikoXYusuke, KuwaXYukina When It Rains: FullMetal Alchemist: WinryXEd, RoseXAl I hope you all enjoy my stories and I will warn you I do have a very lagging update period. I try to write so many things at one time and it just isn't working out so well so just bear with me on this one! ENJOY! |