A/N: I blame this plunnie on r0o. She did that "tribe" piece and it inspired me. I asked her if I could write this and she said yes and now here we are! Thank you to those who patiently listened to me whine about it!
All the traditions you found in here are either an exact one that exist/existed, or a little twist on an existing one. Nothing is pulled out of nowhere.
Firangi: means not of the same color.
Winik: means man.
Thank you Luna for beta-reading!
Chapter 1: Winik
The bright rays of the sun were warming the burning red ground and there was not a cloud in the shiny blue sky. An overbearing heat cast itself upon the land and brought thirst and exhaustion to anyone who roamed outside. The trees were tall, their leaves green and their trunks thick while the sound of the river unleashing its rage upon the rocks created background music.
Footsteps were heard in the middle of the forest with branches crackling under their weight. Except for the steps and the leaves being blown around by the wind, everywhere else there was pure silence. Swift, muscular bodies traveled a great distance at rapid speed with nobody giving away their positions. A few more seconds went by before they all came to a halt.
Two fingers were pointed to the left, they all nodded and then resumed their hunt. They all went by in a flash and felt their prize growing closer. Past those trees, past that trail, was a herd of deer. For many summers now the animals group there which made it easy for them to provide food for their tribe. Once they were close enough, they prepared to initiate their attack.
One went forward, leading the way. He had long silver hair wrapped into a ponytail, which swayed with his every movement. Two jagged blue stripes were decorating his face, one on each side, while his piercing amber eyes were searching the horizon. Leather was wrapped around his ankles, protecting them from the branches. He wore nothing to cover his body but a thick white fur pelt around his waist, which did nothing to hide the blue stripes going from his hips to under his armpits. His entire back was covered in black ink that formed the shape of a giant dog.
Once he finally came to a stop, he slowly parted the leaves blocking his view to reveal…
In the fresh grass, where live deer should have standing, were carcasses and blood stains covering the whole area. Someone had come before them and stolen their meal. The man tilted his head to the side and his eyes became cold while he frowned upon the scene. It was them, the Neko. He tightened his grip around his lance before snapping his head in direction of his people.
"We head back."
A few of them appeared to be surprise, but they listened and headed back nonetheless. This time, they were not quiet when they began walking. Everyone kept a certain speed and remained behind their Chief, except for one. Unlike the Chief, his long silver hair was cascading down his shoulders and reaching the middle of his back. Bangs were covering his amber eyes while each of his cheeks were decorated with two pointy magenta stripes.
The purple beads of his multilayer necklace clanged together while his speed picked up. A piece of leather went around his waist and was holding in place two flaps of light brown furs; one at the front, one at the back. His left wrist was covered in dots, which formed the shape of a moon. On certain places, the skin of his body was grazed as if to leave permanent markings.
"Did they do it?"
"Their wretched scent was all over."
The damn Neko had been destroying their territories and stealing what did not belong to them. The clan had moved closer to theirs winters ago, but until recently they had not stepped over the boundaries. Lately they had been stealing, killing, and stalking around their tribe. It was obvious something had to be done about them, but the Inuyoukai tribe was faced with a problem; their numbers were too small.
Neko stuck together, all of them, creating a large army of cats. Inuyoukai on the other hand had spread into different groups and tribes all over the region. It was helpful because they preferred smaller pack, but in this situation it was a nuisance.
"We cannot ignore this."
"I know," the Chief said, his face still twisted into a frown. "We will discuss it with the clan."
"But if we leave now –"
"Son. Enough. We will wait until our return to the tribe."
His son pressed his lips together, fairly aggravated before politely nodding. He allowed his Father to walk past him and then resumed moving forward again. He respected his Father; he was the Chief, but he did not enjoy this. The Neko had laughed at them by taking their meat, their animals - and they would walk away without doing anything, without even bringing food back for their tribe?
"What did you tell Father this time?"
"It is none of your business, little brother."
A moderately younger male resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He had the same silver hair, however it stopped before it reached his shoulders. His face was bare of any markings, but he did possess three rings under his left eye and one under his lip. His amber eyes had a light twinkling running through them as he stared at the back of his older brother's head. His clothes were slightly different from his brother, only including dirtied brown fur, which wrapped completely around his waist only to go between his legs to cover everything of his lower half but his legs and feet.
Since he was the first born son of the Chief, his brother acted serious, too serious, most of the time. "Sesshomaru," he said trying to taunt him.
Sesshomaru's annoyance increased, but he did not turn his head to glance at his little brother. "Inuyasha, would you cease talking?"
They might not be hunting anymore, but he preferred if they kept themselves silent. Now that he was aware of the Neko's disgusting boldness, he did not put it past them to be lurking around their tribe. Sesshomaru preferred to remain in alert in the off chance that they would have to protect themselves. Obviously it was not a thought someone who was foolish like his little brother could comprehend.
The sun was a little lower in the horizon by the time they made it back to their tribe. Eyes darted their way and noticed the lack of prey but none of them said anything. Instead, most of them bowed when the Chief arrived followed by his two sons.
"Inutaisho," a short silver haired man said when he reached his side.
"Empty the circle, Myoga, we have much to discuss."
A quick nod was offered before Myoga proceeded to send the clan away. Private matters had to be discussed and decisions had to be made. "Inuyasha, return to your bride as well."
His youngest son raised an eyebrow. "Father?"
Inutaisho silenced his son by raising a finger. "You are not part of this. Only your brother is."
A glare was thrown Sesshomaru's way, but Inuyasha contained his anger. Still, he remained where he stood until his father walked away. Inuyasha then took that opportunity to bring down his older brother.
"Some of us have the privilege of returning to our woman."
Sesshomaru glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, with a fire lightening up the orbs of his eyes. Yes, his little brother had taken a bride before he had. However, it was because whomever Inuyasha married did not matter. Sesshomaru would replace his father once he would pass away and become the next Chief; he had to find a strong female who would provide healthy heirs.
"Some of us did not wed the first whore that we met."
Inuyasha's glare deepened; no, his bride had not been a virgin. It was not much looked down upon and he did not mind. Kagura was beautiful and a perfect bride with long hair always held up in a bun with threads. She was also a wonderful female that would provide him with many pups. He loved her. Still, his brother's words angered him and caused Inuyasha to wrap his fingers around his weapon, ready to dash at Sesshomaru.
Before anything occurred, a firm voice came through. "Inuyasha."
Both brothers turned their heads to the left, only to quickly bow slightly. "Mother," they both said in unison.
Walking their way was a beautiful, older woman. Her long silver hair was braided and decorated with hundreds of beads, some blues and some red. Her neck displayed a necklace made of giant teeth and a few dry leaves. A scarf of pure white beads was all that covered her chest while leather and fur was wrapped around her lower body. Much like Inuyasha, her face was void of markings, but she did have a scar across her right cheek, which had round pebble-like objects parallel to it.
She extended her arm towards her youngest son and revealed swirls of ink on her inner arm. "Do as your father said."
Inuyasha did not throw another glance at his brother before obeying his Mother. His father was the Chief, but his Mother was to be held to the same kind of respect. Perhaps he even had more for her than his Father.
Sesshomaru did not dare to disrespect his mother Izayoi by glancing away and kept his glance. Izayoi was his second mother, as his first one had perished when he was nothing but a pup. If a bride died, the family had to provide a sister, or another relative to replace her. All children she would bear were considered children of the deceased woman. Thus, Izayoi was their mother by title but she was simply the vessel that carried Hatsu's children.
Izayoi walked closer to him until she was able to put a hand against his cheek. She ran her thumb over his markings. "It is difficult for him. You are the first born."
"I know, Mother."
Her smile was bright, but it hid a small darkness. When she had come into the title of Mother, Sesshomaru had been barely over three summers. She had been raising him for all these years and of course there was Inuyasha. Yet neither were her sons. She had carried one of them for what had seemed like forever, but he would always belong to Hatsu.
She longed for motherhood. A motherhood she would never obtain.
All she was able to do was provide them with the love their real mother could not and raise them to be strong males along with finding a good bride. Inuyasha had already gone off and done most of these tasks, but not Sesshomaru. He stood silent and alone with a sadness filling his eyes. She cried for him, and hoped he would find the happiness he deserved.
"Now, proceed. Do not make your father wait."
Sesshomaru nodded before pulling away from his mother's touch. He followed the orders from both of his parents and joined the four people that stood in the circle around the burning fire. He moved between his father and Totosai, an elder member of the tribe. Once he came to full stop, the members glanced away from him and focused their attention on the fire.
Totosai opened his hand and proceeded to throw dark auburn leaves into the fire which caused it to produce a dark grey, almost blueish smoke. Then, he mumbled a quick incantation before facing his Chief again. "You may begin," he addressed to Inutaisho.
Inutaisho raised his arms in the air, waiting a few seconds with his eyes closed prior to pressing the palms of his hands together. "Friends," he began, "it seems the Neko have began to invade our territories. They have stolen our brothers, they have eaten our animals and they are taking our lands."
He took a step forward. "We have respected the peace. We allowed them close to our tribe and we did not disturb them. They have done nothing but unleash death and suffering upon us. This problem can no longer be ignored. We will be cowards if we do not face them. They will destroy us."
"The Neko outnumber us," Bankotsu said with his green eyes glimmering.
His light silver hair was completely braided which left only his bangs free. There was a purple cross on his forehead along with symbols in the shape of circles covering the left side of his neck. "We cannot go against them or we will perish."
Inutaisho raised his hand. "I am aware of this. This is why we must have this discussion." He slowly turned his head to look at his son. "Sesshomaru. You can now speak your mind."
He had silenced his son earlier since he had not wanted to have a public discussion about the fate of their clan. Every member of the tribe would be informed of the decision, but he did not wish to create chaos by including everyone's opinion. All their concerns were important, but not all of them could hold the power. Unfortunately, his son had spoken out of line which meant he still had much to learn before he could become leader.
"We cannot attack them full force, but perhaps we could surprise them."
"Plan an attack?" inquired Shishinki while unsure if it was wise.
As he leaned forward a bit the beads covering half of his face jingled while he did so. Thick threads were keeping bright yellow beads attached together with one end attached to his left eyebrow and the other to his left earlobe. It dangled over his eye and cheek and stopped before covering his mouth. His pure red eyes shone while his short silver hair blew about his face by the wind.
Sesshomaru nodded before rapidly turning to point towards the forest. When he did so, his bangs shifted, revealing a dark blue moon on his forehead. "This is our land; we know it better than them. If we plan properly we could outsmart them."
Bankotsu shook his head. "It is too dangerous. Smartness means nothing if they can overpower us with their numbers."
Sesshomaru felt his anger rise within him. Why did they refuse to understand that strategy could free them from the Neko?
"We could increase our numbers," quietly pointed Totosai.
His words attracted everyone's attention. Heads were turned and eyes were focused on the oldest member of the tribe before he began speaking. His eyes were closed and he inhaled some of the blue smoke spreading from the fire as if it would help him speak his mind.
"We are not the only Inuyoukai tribe. There are four others that we know of. One of them could be reached by sun down if the trip was to begin when the sun rises."
Inutaisho offered a gesture of gratitude towards Totosai by touching his left shoulder with his hand and then slowly extending it towards him. "Yes, friend. If we could only double our numbers with another tribe our victory could be assured."
Shishinki along with Bankotsu seemed to agree since they nodded their heads and bent forward repeatedly. They were already much more powerful beings than the Neko; if they were more than they could not lose. They would strangle them, slice their heads and watch them roll. They would avenge their fallen brothers along with retrieving their lands.
"I, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Hiten shall depart at sunrise. We will meet with the tribe leader and discuss our troubles with them. Does such decision please us all?"
"Now," began Totosai as he reached for a pile of green powder on the floor. "We thank the Gods for their help." Once he finished speaking his sentence, he threw the powder upon the fire which immediately extinguished it.
They all pressed three fingers on the left side of their head and remaining in complete silence. Once the fire had completely died out and the tiny threads of smoke had ceased to spread, they opened their eyes. The members dissipated except for Inutaisho and Sesshomaru. The Chief walked near his son and putt a hand on the side of his arm.
"Be ready tomorrow. We will have to be vigilant."
"Yes, Father."
Inutaisho nodded and he slipped his hand away before heading in direction of his personal quarters where his wife awaited him. Meanwhile Sesshomaru stood there, unable to move. The wind had picked up and tangled his hair with the one earring he wore on his right ear. It was a long thread and on the end of it was a shiny light pink rock. His mother's. It was to be passed on to the one that would become his bride.
However, a bride was not a concern on his mind. What rather upset him was the way his father was treating him. Since he was next in line to be Chief, he should have been given more responsibilities and he should be consulted more. His Father did not even grace him with an answer to his plan and did not ask him personally if he thought joining with another tribe was a wise idea.
He clenched his hand into a fist; he did not enjoy the idea of having his Father doubt his abilities. He was respectful, stoic and most likely the strongest in his tribe. He should not be treated as if he was nothing more than a senseless pup. He felt his honor being tarnished each time his Father treated him like a commoner.
Sesshomaru could only hope that this trip would be his chance to prove himself.
It was still dark inside Sesshomaru's den and only a hint of light was attempting to lighten the place by shining against the drape that hung in front of the entrance. He had spent the entire night awake, lying, since he could not chase the thoughts from his mind. The heat of the night had caused his complete bare body to be covered in a small layer of sweat and it left him a bit sticky.
He ran his fingers through his long hair, pondering. One day he would be deemed strong enough and it would be his honor to challenge his Father. If he failed, he would not take over until his Father died. However if he did succeed, he would take over his place immediately. Perhaps it would be the only moment his father recognized his strength.
Although Izayoi had been a loving and nurturing mother towards him, he had not been looked after as much as Inuyasha. Instead, at a very young age his Father had taken him during hunts and battles and showed him the true colors of the world from the beginning. He had been left alone in the forest, abandoned by everyone and forced to find his way back.
He was the first born of the Chief; if he had fail such task, he would not have deserved to live. Even though he had barely been over five summers, Sesshomaru had returned to the tribe. It had come with the price of a few scars and permanent wounds, but his pride had been full and he had even received approval from his Father.
Ever since then, however, he had been held to another standard and always had to do better. He was not jealous of his younger brother, but he could remember the day where he had taken Kagura to be a painful one. His brother was free to take whichever woman he wished while Sesshomaru had to take whichever woman his Father thought could bear the strongest pups. A bride was more than just to bear pups; she would have to be his companion and once he'd become Chief, she'd be the person right underneath him.
He did not wish to despise that person, yet he could not help but feel like the one his Father would pick… would not be right.
Since it was decided for him he could not, unfortunately, go against it. Traditions and rules had been made for a reason and he could not break them.
While his mind had been dwelling into more thoughts, the sun had begun to rise fully and hinted at him that he had to meet with his Father. He stood on his feet as he reached out for his clothing and slipped them on rather quickly. He pushed the drapes out of the way with a swing of his hand only to see his Father standing alone in the circle, the other two not present yet.
"Son," Inutaisho said the moment he laid eyes on Sesshomaru.
His son was the quiet, strong one. Hatsu had been a strong female and it was only natural for her sons to follow in her footsteps. Sesshomaru took more after her than Inuyasha, however. There was also sadness in his eyes that he could not pinpoint. Perhaps it was the loneliness. The bond of sharing with the bride was very important in their tribe and at the moment almost everyone, in age, was attached.
Perhaps in a few more years, a bride would be ready for him. The daughter of Hiten and Sango, Ayame had reached fourteen springs already. She was from a strong family and could make a good match for his son. He would have to look further into that and consult the elders and Gods to verify the union. He would not do it without asking and risk angering the Gods.
"Father," Sesshomaru said while coming to a halt. "Where are the others?"
"Your brother is providing for his mate. He will join us shortly. Hiten went to retrieve a bit of food for our people. He shall return soon."
Inutaisho dared to glance right into Sesshomaru's cold eyes. "Tell me Son, what troubles you?"
"Nothing troubles me Father," Sesshomaru said with neutrality laced in his tone.
His Father smiled gently. "You look at me with hatred and anger in your eyes. We do not live with anger in our hearts, Son. Hatred brings more hatred. You need caring. This is why you are not ready yet."
Because he did not care for others, because he valued power and honor, he was not ready? Perhaps Sesshomaru did not want a bride for the same reason his Father had, but it did not mean he could not handle the responsibilities. Foolish emotions led to foolish decisions. His Father had his own way of running the Tribe and Sesshomaru had another way in mind.
He did care about whom he would bond with because he did not wish for someone he could not stand. Wasn't that enough?
"Let's leave."
His Father's voice brought Sesshomaru out of his thoughts as he observed Inuyasha and Hiten coming towards him. Hiten was slightly shorter than Inuyasha, his hair completely pulled back into a ponytail. Three triangles stood on his forehead while nearly every inch of his bare chest was covered in ink and most of it represented incantations.
As they began heading off in their hierarchy order, Inutaisho, followed by Sesshomaru with Inuyasha behind and Hiten at the end, the younger brother could not resist the urge of teasing his Elder. "I think I have figured out why you always look so frigid."
Sesshomaru ignored him and did not give him a response.
"I keep forgetting you do not have a bride to help you unleash your feelings."
Sesshomaru wondered if he had been that transparent with his emotions. Inuyasha seemed to have indeed noticed his feelings on the day of his wedding. However, Sesshomaru doubted he actually got it right. He did not need a woman to unleash himself. Unlike his younger brother, he had better self control and did not need to indulge in the first woman he came across.
As a matter of fact, he did not see himself using his bride past the point of reproduction. It created attachment and a deeper bond. Sesshomaru had rarely ever seen weakness in his Father, but the day is mother had died it had been there. Fragile. Weak. It had been a most disgusting sight and Sesshomaru had vowed to never turn out that way.
Inuyasha fought the urge to snicker at the lack of response he obtained from his brother. At this point, he would even appreciate being hit. Sadly his brother did not seem to think he was worthy of any kind of attention. Inuyasha had spent his life in the shadow of his brother being less, deserving less and obtaining less. The only prize he had ever gotten was Kagura.
He was tempted to bother his brother even more, but once Inuyasha took a quick look at their surroundings he decided against it. Sesshomaru's senses were much sharper and it was better to have him on alert while they ventured away from their tribe site. Inuyasha had no problem defending himself but they did not know how many Neko could descend upon them.
Fortunately for them, the light of the day went by without much happening trouble to them. They did not require many stops to drink or eat; their bodies were able to withstand long amounts of time without either. Their sturdiness also allowed them to cover much ground at a rather good speed. Their bare muscular chests were glistening with a sheen of sweat by the time the sun was ready to touch the horizon.
"I thought we were supposed to get there before the sun was down?" inquired Inuyasha.
Those territories were not theirs and it was much safer to travel when they could see their way and hidden opponents. They already knew that the other tribe would not mistake them for enemies since they would be able to detect in their scent that they were Inuyoukai. They did not, however know whom the enemies of this tribe where which led them to be on their guard.
"There is fire ahead," Inutaisho said which forced everyone to glance into the depth of the forest.
Since their time was running out they all took it upon themselves to accelerate their speed even more and it caused them to nearly zip through the air. They brought along with them gushes of wind as they came to a sudden halt near the entrance of the tribe. By politeness they remained still while two people came their way.
They shared similarities; pointy ears and prominent fangs, but rather than having silver hair, both males had dark ebony hair. They came closer to the strangers and sniffed the area around them like they were trying to confirm if they were truly of the same species. Once there was no more doubt, they walked around until they were standing in front of them.
"What is the reason behind your visit?"
The words they spoke left them all clueless except for Inutaisho. He did not know what had been said, but he had already expected them to be speaking another language. Thousands of years ago, they all spoke the same, but as they separated it transformed and changed and it left each tribe of every species with a dialect of its own.
However, there were those who remembered the old, the first one. From what Inutaisho had heard, this tribe's Chief did. Inutaisho did not speak it perfectly, but he could manage.
"Chief," he said. It was a word that they could all understand.
The two males quickly nodded before turning around and leading them through the entrance of their tribe. They ignored the glances they were receiving and made sure to cast none. They had come for help and would not take the chance to insult one of the tribe members by accident. It was safer to keep their eyes facing ahead.
They were guided near a fire where the two males stopped which forced them to copy their actions. They raised a hand and tried to tell them to wait. Then, both of them sat down on the ground. The Silver Inuyoukai remained standing up but after a few instants, Inutaisho looked down only to see one of the men pointing to the ground.
"I believe they wish for us to copy their customs, Father," Sesshomaru said with a tone not quite coming out as he had intended.
Inutaisho glanced at his son very briefly before nodding. Sesshomaru's disaffection almost escaped him, but he held it back while sitting down. Once they were all seating it was not a long wait until the Chief emerged. His long black hair was pulled into a ponytail and one deep red marking went from under his left eye to under his right eye by going over his nose.
His eyes narrowed a bit, but joined them around the fire. Another tribe was a rare sight. Unfortunately, his skills with the long lost language were not quite sharp. It would limit their conversation, but he was quite intrigued to know what brought them to his tribe.
"I am Byakuya."
"I am Inutaisho. My Eldest Son Sesshomaru, My Youngest Inuyasha and Hiten."
Byakuya nodded at all of them before refocusing his attention on Inutaisho. "What bring… visit?"
"Neko invasions. Kill some of us. We seek more numbers."
Byakuya seemed rather surprised as he tilted his head to the side slightly. "You come here… ask to risk my tribe. For you?"
Inutaisho could not help but feel slightly annoyed that he could not convey his words and thoughts the way he wished. All he had to go on were small words and strangely formed sentences.
"I understand. But if they kill us… they come here after."
All Sesshomaru could do was glance at his Father before peeking at the other man while they spoke. It was rather frustrating that he could not comprehend what was being said. He once again felt pushed out of the conversation and felt furious that his Father never took the time to teach him this other language. It seemed rather useful since both of the leaders could communicate.
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. We obtain no gain."
Inutaisho allowed himself to observe the vicinity. He could already tell and sense that they were a bit weaker than them. Of course it was only normal since they were the strongest type of Inuyoukai. He could also deduct that their life style was not as prestigious as theirs, which could also be explained by the fact that they possessed less strength.
Maybe it was something he could use to come to an understanding.
"Protection. Wealth."
He was not that interested in wealth himself, but maybe Byakuya was.
"You ask protection. How give protection?"
Inutaisho gestured at his son Sesshomaru. "We are stronger."
It was at that moment that Byakuya allowed himself to take a better look at Sesshomaru. He did not appear to resemble the others. His features were harsh, his eyes were empty and he displayed no emotions. He was swollen with pride, he showed respect and he indeed did seem to be rather strong. It was then that solution to a problem of his own formed into his mind.
Byakuya had four daughters. Three of them had already been taken but one he could not give away. Not because she was not of age or he didn't wish to. It simply seemed impossible; his daughter was a wild flower. She showed respect, she looked after him and took care of him, but she had fire in her eyes. It was not a terrible thing to have such a fire within her… but…
Disrespect was not handled well. It was about honor. He had been unable to marry her off because he could not find someone who could tame her wildness. He did not want her to be completely extinguished of her light, but he needed someone to show her the right path. A simple male could not to that for his youngest daughter. He needed someone who was above all others.
Now, it was almost too late. After all, it was true that the best age to wed was fourteen summers and his daughter had just reached her seventeenth.
But now, this would not matter.
No, because the Silver Inuyoukai Chief had a son who appeared to not only be the male his daughter would require, but also make his bloodline more powerful. It was a mix, but of the same kind. They were simply a bit different. Yes, his daughter would now give birth to extremely powerful pups and fortify their heritage.
He had not expected it, not out of his last daughter, but she was the only one he had left, the only one he could offer for marriage. It appeared this could become a rather profitable deal. Also in the case that Inutaisho was right and that the Neko came after them, they would need to take them out now. And who better to have by their side then the silver Inuyoukai?
"I have proposition."
Though Inutaisho made sure to not harbor hatred he was aware of corruption. Most people had a price and this male was no different.
"Son. This one," he said pointing at Sesshomaru. "takes my Daughter."
Inutaisho's eyes widened a bit. "Bride?"
He could not help but look at his son, then back at the man. He had always made sure his son would be given a strong bride, one that would strengthen their line. But this female, she would be… lower wouldn't she? A Silver haired bride would be much better for his son. If Inuyasha had not been wed, he would have offered him. However, he was currently in a dilemma.
They required the help.
Sesshomaru's lips were parted as he awaited his father's words. It had become obvious they were discussing him and he wished to know what was being decided. His father looked uncertain and it meant it was a rather important decision. How could he not consult him? He held back his tongue, not wanting to be disrespectful, especially in front of another tribe Leader, but it was becoming difficult.
He had very little control over his fate since the rules and traditions chose nearly everything for him.
What else would be added to the list?
Inutaisho could feel his son's anger radiating through the surroundings and he covered the left side of his chest, where his heart rested, with his hand. His son had nothing but anger, jealousy and selfishness within him. Perhaps finding him a bride in a few years… perhaps it would be too late. He wanted strength, but he wanted more for his people and his son.
It was then that he knew the decision was made.
He could not consult the Gods but after all, they were the one who had sent him here. They had agreed to the words that been decided upon the meeting. They had already known this would happen.
Byakuya's expression transformed into a pleased one. "Then we help."
He extended his hand and waited for Inutaisho to meet him half way. Once he did, they pressed their fingertips against each other's and pulled in opposite directions. They held on for a while, but their fingers never slipped off. Their proposition was deemed worthy and fair and would last. Since they were satisfied with the answer they retracted their own hand.
"You are guest. Leave in morning."
Inutaisho nodded in gratitude while Byakuya rose to his feet and left them. He had great news to announce to not only his daughter but his people as well. Tonight celebrated a new beginning and a wedding to come. They would have to make sure their guests were well taken care of.
Once Byakuya was far enough, Sesshomaru turned his body to face his father.
"Will he help us?"
It was not the question burning his lips, but he wished to know if his Father would share it out of his own will. After all, wasn't caring important?
"Yes," Inutaisho simply answered while rising up.
"Why did he point at Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha asked completely clueless.
It had been the longest conversation he had been forced to sit through and to make it worse he had been unable to comprehend what was being said.
"He had a proposition involving Sesshomaru. I agreed to it as the Chief of our tribe."
At the sound of his Father's voice, Sesshomaru almost felt a chill travel through his body. "What kind of proposition?"
"You will marry his daughter."
Sesshomaru remained still. "His weaker daughter?"
He thought he would be required to put up with an annoying bride but at least she would have been powerful. Now he had to settle for weak?
"It is not your decision to make Sesshomaru. I am Alpha, I choose for you."
Sesshomaru felt his blood boil and unconsciously, he almost reached out for his weapon. However before he could grasp it, he was reminded of one thing. Because of his rage, he might be able to slice his father's head right off but however outside their territories… it would mean nothing. It would stain him and bring dishonor to himself. Not only that, but this was the rule; it had to be a challenge.
He was the next in line and his father had to pick his bride. One suitable for him.
He pulled his hand away and glared at his Father.
"Very well."
He could not kill him now, not into this state of dishonor. Not only that but if he didn't marry this female, he'd be breaking a proposition along with dooming his own people. It would defeat trying to obtain the status of main Alpha within the pack.
He would marry the girl.
Her or another. What difference did it make?
He did not care.