The Moon and the Stars

Hello lovelies. I sincerely hope you enjoy the feature presentation. Please, turn off your cellphones during the movie.

Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


The stars twinkled across the dark night sky. No clouds obscured the brilliant display, only the crescent moon accompanied them. The scene was peaceful, the quiet, only interrupted by the lapping of water along the boats haul. A young woman stared up into the heavens, laying on her back, her hands behind her head. A small white pup curled up against her, sleeping. Her blue eyes scanned the sights above her, a contented smile on her face. Tomorrow she would arrive in Tokyo, her mother meeting her at the marina. She was happy to be going home.


A sailboat entered Tokyo Bay in early afternoon, an hour later, it docked at Yumenoshima Marina. A woman and her dog disembarked, after securing the vessel. The woman's midnight black hair shimmered in the sunlight, illuminating the blueish hue to the dark tresses. The young woman was oblivious to the many men, who stopped what they were doing, to stare at the beautiful lady walking past them. The dog was very aware, but followed his mistress along the boardwalk, keeping his senses open for danger.

Kagome reached the main entrance to the marina and saw her mother standing by the car. Kagome ran toward her, dropping the backpack and suitcase, just before embracing her mother in a tight hug. Mrs. Higurashi returned the affection wholeheartedly, missing her daughter fiercely. The hug was ended when the dog barked, wanting some attention himself.

"Mom, this is Q. I mentioned him when I left Hawaii." Kagome said.

"Oh yes. He is just as cute as you said. Hello, Q." Mrs. Higurashi returned.

The little white pup barked, then begged to be petted, his own way of saying hello.

"How old is he?" Mrs. Higurashi asked, picking up Q.

"According to the vet in Hawaii, he about six months. They also said he'll be about knee height once he's all grown." Kagome replied, watching Q lick her mothers cheek.

"I just hope he and Buyo can get along." Mrs. Higurashi stated.

"I think they'll be alright. Buyo is rather care-free, and Q is lovey." Kagome said, picking up her bags.

"What kind of dog is he?" Mrs. Higurashi questioned, giggling at getting her cheek licked off.

"The vet said he looks like a Finnish Spritz, but his color is wrong. He's youkai though, an Inumata. So maybe he just has his own style." Kagome answered.


The two drove through the city, heading for a primary school. Mrs. Higurashi wanted to surprise her son with his sisters return. Kagome watched the sites pass her by, seeing some new things here and there, but nothing awe worthy. The school came into view, Kagome got a bit excited at seeing her brother again. It had been two years since she last saw him.

Mrs. Higurashi looked around the front entrance, but didn't see her son. School had ended about twenty minutes ago, but Souta was aware that she would be a few minutes late picking him up. Kagome got out, along with Q, and began looking around the school for her brother. She found him on the swings in the playground, a little human girl sitting next to him. Kagome sent Q a signal, and the dog ran over to the children, barking and bouncing around.

Souta looked up and saw his sister, a huge grin appeared on his face. His sister was home. The boy stood up and ran at her, as she ran at him. The two embraced, Kagome lifted him in the air, happy to see the other again.

"You're getting big, squirt." Kagome said, putting the boy down.

"I missed you too, sis." Souta stated, looking up at Kagome.

A squeal and giggles drew their attention back to Q, who was licking and bouncing around the little girl, her side pony-tail bounced back and forth, following the dogs antics. Souta took Kagome's hand, leading her back over to the swings. The little girl had wrapped her arms around Q and was giving him a big hug, who licked her face for the grand gesture.

"Kagome, this is Rin. She's in the same class as me. Her ride hasn't shown up." Souta explained.

"Do you know their number? I have my cellphone on me, I can call them." Kagome asked.

"Rin has already tried. Rin left a message, but Rin does not know what to do." the girl said, starting to cry.

Kagome kneeled down, "Hey there, it's okay." she said, rubbing the girls arm.

"Will you help Rin?" she questioned, lifting her big brown eyes.

"Of course, sweetheart. Do you want us to take you home?" Kagome returned.

"Rin does not know how to get home. Rin gets confused with the turns still." she responded.

"That's okay. How about you come home with us. My mother and I can try calling your ride again when we get there." Kagome suggested.

"Rin's father is out of town. Rin's brother was suppose to pick her up." she said.

"Do you want to try calling your father?" Kagome asked.

"Rin does not want to get her brother in trouble." she replied.

"I understand." Kagome stated.

"Rin, you should come with us, my mom makes the best food in the whole world. And I would love to show you the shrine. We have a big tree called the Goshinboku, the tree of ages. It's been standing for a thousand years. Plus we could play some more while you wait for your brother to come." Souta added, trying to convince the girl to come.

"Are you sure it will be alright for Rin to visit?" she questioned.

"Absolutely! I know I would love to have you over and my mom is a sucker for adorable little girls. Why do you think she keeps Souta around?" Kagome answered, earning a hey from her brother and a giggle from Rin.

"Can we play with the puppy too?" Rin inquired.

"Are you kidding? Q will probably beg you to play with him. And then ask to play again when your ready to pass out." Kagome responded.

Rin giggled, then nodded her head, agreeing to go with the family. Rin gathered her things and climbed in the backseat of the car. Q rested his head on her lap, comforting the little one, trying to cheer her up. Mrs. Higurashi waited till they were at the shrine and the kids went up to Souta's room to ask what was going on.

Kagome explained what had happened, then had her mother look out, while she found Rin's cellphone and began searching for the number for the girls father. She found it a few moments later, then used her own cellphone to call.

"Hello, Mr. Taisho, speaking." a male voice said.

"Mr. Taisho, My name is Kagome Higurashi. My brother Souta goes to school with Rin. Her ride didn't show up today and I wanted to let you know she was at our house. I didn't want you to worry. If you could call her brother and have him call me. I can give him the directions to the shrine." Kagome explained.

"I see. May I speak with Rin?" Mr. Taisho asked.

"Of course, please hold on a minute." Kagome answered.

Kagome found Rin coming down with Souta, Q following behind. Kagome handed the phone to Rin. Who at first was confused, but after she said hello, her face lit up. She talked to her father for a few minutes, then handed the phone back to Kagome.

"Hello?" she asked.

"I wish to thank you Miss Higurashi for looking after my daughter. I am curious if I can propose an alliance of sorts with you. I would like to teach my son a lesson." Mr. Taisho said.

"What sort of lesson?" Kagome questioned.

"The kind that teaches him that his sister is more important to him than whatever else he is doing right now." Mr. Taisho answered.

"I don't want to be put in the middle of a family dispute." Kagome stated, concerned.

"You won't be. My proposal is this. Rin will stay with you and your family for the weekend. I was due to return home tomorrow afternoon anyway, but I will arrive back tonight. I will have my retainer come over and help with caring for Rin, I will also have my sons mother come over tonight and check on Rin as well. No offense, but I don't know you. I will call my son tonight and ask to speak with Rin. When he can not produce her, I will lead him on a merry chance of guilt and consideration. I suggest you turn off Rin's cellphone and take the battery out. I will have my retainer do the same after I call him. If you have a house phone give me that number and I will call periodically on that number to check up with Rin. I have another son on the police force who I will give a heads up too." Mr. Taisho explained.

"I will have to ask my mother if it's alright for her to stay the weekend, although I don't see it as a problem. Are you sure you want to do this?" Kagome inquired, rather intrigued by the proposal.

"My son is arrogant and has an over-indulgent sense of self-worth. He needs to be taken down a peg or two, and this has given me the means to do it with. Yes, I want to do this." Mr. Taisho responded.

Kagome put Mr. Taisho on hold and talked to her mother for a minute, explaining what the man suggested. Her mother had a wicked gleam in her eyes when Kagome finished. Mrs. Higurashi agreed to the proposal and said she would go talk to Rin. Kagome gave Mr. Taisho the directions from the school to the shrine, as well as the number for the house phone, which rang a second later. Kagome picked it up, Mr. Taisho was on that line too. She ended the call on her cellphone and continued on the house phone. Mr. Taisho and Kagome ironed out the details and eventually hung up.


Forty minutes later Mr. Taisho's retainer arrived, a Kappa youkai. When Rin saw him she squealed and embraced the demon in a big hug. He introduced himself as Jaken, then asked to use the phone. He called Mr. Taisho and informed him of his arrival, the two spoke briefly before ending the call and asking what he could do to help the household.


Dinner was warm and full of laughter. Her grandfather had tried to throw a sutra at Jaken, but Kagome stepped in front of the Kappa and snatched it out of the air. After explaining the situation to him, her grandfather agreed to the proposal as well. Rin and Jaken enjoying themselves immensely after the indecent, laughing at some of the stories the elder told. Kagome was doing the dishes after ward when a knock at the front door alerted everyone to a new visitor.


A beautiful demoness stood in the living room. Long silver hair, golden eyes, a magenta marking on each cheek and a crescent moon on her forehead. She was tall and carried herself with a confidence that awed Souta. She introduced herself as Lady Satori, just before Rin launched herself at the woman, wrapping her arms around her waist.

She talked to Rin for a few minutes then beckoned her to go play with the boy. Q watched the woman, sensing a great power to the female. He barked and yipped, talking to her, the demoness barked and growled back. Q barked again, then moved over to Kagome and sat next to her. Lady Satori raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment.

Mrs. Higurashi introduced herself and offered the lady tea. Lady Satori accepted graciously and sat down. Kagome excused herself, saying that she still had dishes to finish. Souta asked all kinds of questioned, enamored of the youkai in his living room. Lady Satori indulged the boy, even chuckling at some of the things he inquired about.

She left an hour later, leaving a small suitcase, with clothes and personal items for Rin to use while she stayed with them this weekend. She also took Rin's book-bag and lunch box, leaving her school books, but keeping some of her papers inside. She also pricked Rin's finger, drawing a small bit of blood. Kagome and the demoness talked briefly. The lady explaining her plan, Kagome and her mother smirked when informed of just how wicked the woman was.

That evening, Rin would sleep in Kagome's room. Rin worried that she was taking her room, but Kagome assured her that she would be up for sometime still and that she was fine with the couch. It was four a.m. before Kagome drifted off to sleep, having watched the stars for a long time before coming back in the house. Tomorrow would be a busy day.

Side Note: I realized, I never posted this story here on . It is posted on Dokuga.