She nearly tripped coming up the steps to a small stage, her hands bound by cuffs attached to a chain connecting her with maybe seven other girls. Pain drained her of reasons to care. Her life was as good as over now, or she wished.

She grew up in a big mansion,with her adopted father. After she was found in the rubble of her own home he took care of her, and he soon became the only person she would call family. But the illusion was short. Many women came to this man, and he accepted many as his wife only to divorce an estimated month later. All the rotation of love left the young girl to look after herself.

She made friends with the maids of the mansion, she would help them out and in return they would read to her or give her a small snack. Maria was one of the maid's names, she was the youngest and the girls best friend. Maria worked for the girls adopted father over ten years of her life but the time that consumed half of her life was thrown away in one night.

"The little girl Annabel hid under her bed, hoping the monster would go away. She heard steps coming toward her, she shivered as the floor was so cold." Maria read and a scared little girl snuggled herself into her bed. "Stopping in front of her bed, Annabel was sure she was found out. Seeing the monster bend down she closed her eyes. Opening only when she heard her fathers voice "Annabel, my dear. What are you doing down there?""

"Smiling, Annabel came out from under the bed. Her father understood and tucked her back in and promised, he would never let anything happen to her. Annabel went to sleep safe and secure, dreaming of a beautiful day ahead. The end." Maria stopped closing the book. "Now you go to bed, and know that your father, too, would never let anything happen to you. He's a good man."

The little girl came out from her sheets and nodded her head. She could tell Maria loved her father, and would never leave. They both jumped hearing a loud crash echo throughout the halls, "Sakura, stay in bed. I'll be back." Maria ran out of the room. Hearing a scream, Sakura got out of bed and walked to the door "Maria?" she whispered creeping out of her room.

Slowly shuting the door Sakura tip-toed down the hall, she saw her father's office door open. It was never open. A whine was heard coming from down the hall. Passing her father's office she breathed heavily, she knew something wasn't right. She hurried to the door, it slowly came open to reveal the library. The moon shone in as Sakura peeked in, gasping she saw a broken window then Maria. She didn't understand what she saw happening, who was that, why was he hurting Maria?

Running to them, she punched and pulled at the man holding onto Maria. "Leave Maria alone!" He paid no mind to anything but the blood running through Maria's young veins. "Sakura….r…run…awa…y" Maria choked out.

Tears threatening Sakura's eyes, she bit them back and nodded sharply. "I will get father." Running out of the room she ran into her father's office, "Daddy!" she shouted before stopping dead in her tracks. Her current mother stood over his body, wiping the blood from her face she looked to Sakura.

"It's a shame, that mean ole' vampire." she smiled revealing her own fangs. Sakura whimpered running down the stairs she fell. The two vampires walked to the top of the stairs "What do you want to do with her?" the male said.

She looked to him, "She was just another victim, she no longer exists." Sakura didn't stop after she picked herself up from the bottom of the stairs. Running she let everything go, her memories, her existence, she was no longer anything but an empty figure.

After that Sakura spent many years as the maid of a rich old man, until he died from a heart attack. Now she is where she stands, on a stage ready to be sold again as a maid or worker. She watched through her many locations the occurrence of vampires taking over, humans didn't want to believe it but soon we were living and doing business with vampires.

As the rush started Sakura stood still, nothing in her eyes, as she was looked at, measured, and judged by only the "finest" people wanting maids, or workers. "What has she been feed, scraps? She's to skinny, she'll faint from the sun." was one man's opinion.

Sakura smiled lowering her head, to have it jerked up. "What's so great that your smiling?" a brown haired man asked. Sakura shook her head, he inspected her, her face wasn't bruised like many others. She was slim, but didn't seem to skinny to handle cleaning. "Why are you out here?" he asked her.

"My previous master had a heart attack, I needed work so I joined this bunch." she explained briefly.

"What did you do for your previous master?" he asked pulling her face side to side to examine her.

"I was a maid." she answered simply. He nodded, then continued looking her over. She gasped feeling the cool air as he pulled her shirt to look down, she went to slap him only to have her hand caught by the man holding today's events. He continued to look her over with no mind of it.

"Does she interest you sir?" the man asked, putting Sakura's hand down.

"Yes, very much." he said smirking at Sakura, "My name is Kankuro coming in request of Sabaku no Gaara for a new maid." They shook hands and the owner smirked Sakura's way. She knew she would be going home with this man Kankuro.