A/n: I just want to give you all special thanks. Really the reviewers are the most important things in a writer's life . You guys are really the greatest. I hope I wrote a story you will all love and thank, THANK YOU for all the wonderful reviews!! You all make me very happy and seriously I hope you all enjoyed this story it is right now a record for me my longest and most reviewed story!
This note was because I accidentally deleted a chapter and I don't know if people can review again since there was already a chapter 20 but I deleted the note '
Well anyways what ever. Again thank you all so much.
Now I am going to be working on my other stories but I would like to know if anyone has requests/ideas/or anything of the sort for some stories because it's easier to write for others when I get ideas. I know that's weird but that's how it works with this one.
Well please review on the last chapter!
I love you all:D