Heart of the Darkness Chapter 1 Preview

"Mooshi-mooshi. Syaoran speaking."

"I've missed you." Sakura said.

"Well, it's only been a few hours 'kura." Syaoran said.

"Didn't you miss me?" Sakura asked poutily, though the effect was mostly lost over the phone.

"Of course I did. It was like my heart was torn from my chest when I saw you get on that plane."

"Will you visit me?"

"Whenever I possibly can, I'd love to know what it's like to sleep in your bed." Sakura blushed at the words he spoke.

"Fine then, I'll take Touya's room while you're there."

"You are too cruel Sakura."

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm at Tomoeda airport right now."

"I'm glad you arrived safely." Syaoran told her. "Argh!" He groaned in pain.

"Syaoran!" Sakura exclaimed, "Are you alright?" She asked.

"It's just my shoulder. I think I overworked it a bit. I have to get my medication." He told her, "Call me when you get home."

"I will, or else I'll worry about you."

Index A: Clow Cards (52/52+3):

The Arrow, The Big, The Bubbles, The Change, The Cloud, The Create, The Dash, The Dark, The Dream, The Earthy, The Erase, The Fiery, The Fight, The Float, The Flower, The Fly, The Freeze, The Glow, The Illusion, The Libra, The Light, The Lock, The Loop, The Maze, The Mirror, The Mist, The Move, The Jump, The Little, The Power, The Rain, The Return, The Sand, The Shadow, The Shield, The Shot, The Silent, The Sleep, The Snow, The Storm, The Song, The Sweet, The Sword, The Through, The Thunder, The Time, The Twin, The Windy, The Wood, The Voice, The Watery, The Wave

XThe Hope, XThe Nameless Card, XThe Nothing (Void)

Index B: Language Reference:

Abayo: Good-Bye
Aishiteru: I love you
Arigatou: Thank you
Baka: Idiot
Gaki: Brat
Genki: Happy, well, energetic
Gomennasai: Excuse me/sorry
Hai: Yes; general acknowledgment.
Hentai: Pervert.
Hi: Fire, flame, blaze (noun suffix)
Hoe: Random noise Sakura makes as an exclamation of surprise, confusion, or anger.
Jwwle: (Coptic Egyptian) Be hindered.
Kaijyuu: Monster
Kaki: Fire
Kawaii: Cute
Konnichiwa: Hello.
Moshimoshi: Traditional telephone greeting.
Nani: What
Ofuda: A sacred object or charm. Usually a small paper with words written on it.
Ohayou: Good morning
Ohayou gozaimasu: Good morning, polite version.
Okaa: Mother
Onii: Brother
Otou: Father
Ouhte: (Coptic Egyptian) Lightning/Calamity
Sakura: Name, means cherry blossom
Shibariageru: To bind/tie up
Syaoran: Name, is the Japanese form of the Chinese Xiao Lang which means little wolf.
Sugoi: Really good/bad (Depends on context)
Wrj: (Coptic Egyptian) Be fixed, fastened, secure.
Yuan: Chinese currency, worth about 1/70 USD
-chan: Honorific that refers to girls, or very young boys. Implies cuteness.
-koishii: Honorific that refers to one's lover.
-kun: Honorific that is usually used to refer to males. From older to younger males. From girls to boys. Not to be used by parents unless they are trying to spoil a child.
-sama: Honorific used to refer to elders or those due respect.
-sensei: Honorific that refers to a teacher or doctor.
-san: Used to refer to people to whom you have no other acceptable honorific.

Index C: Original Characters:

Cthugha: Powerful fire spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract od servitude to use his powers of fire generation and manipulation. Incarnation appears as a pulsating orb of fire.
Isenas-Sensei: A teacher at Tomoeda High School.
Khaos: Powerful spirit who chose to serve the Li clan's most powerful wizards for his own entertainment. His power is almost limitless, and completely unpredictable. He goes by many names, and his appearance is usually that of a large winged blue cheshire cat, though he may appear as whatever he wishes.
Laishi Lin: One of the Daidouji family's bodyguards. Practically raised Tomoyo since her father left. Is mortally wounded in the battle with the power card.
Dr. Ling Hi: Li family's personal doctor.
Dr. Ling Kue: Father of Ling Hi, and predecessor as Li family physician before his retirement.
Li Han Yu: Council member who tends to consider honour over expense, brother of Li Yu Kai.
Li Kum Soun: Was the most powerful seer in the Li family and a member of the Li council of elders until her death.
Li Xeng: Cousin to Syaoran, son of Li Xun's brother. His skills in battle and magic are moderate, but his strategic mind and unrivalled business sense make him an excellent candidate for leadership.
Li Xian: Li council member, respected, but has not risen to the upper echelons due to his hasty decision-making and tendency to favour the easy method over the proper one.
Li Xiao Fang: Current leader of the Li council of elders and most powerful sorcerer in the clan.
Li Xun: Syaoran's father and clan leader until his death.
Li Yu Kai: Aggressive council member who believes that most problems can be solved with physical brutality. Brother of Li Han You.
Loucetious: Powerful light spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract of servitude to use his powers of light manipulation. Incarnation appears as a man that glows with a blinding pure white light.
Nonter: Powerful lightning spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract of servitude to use his powers of energy manipulation. Incarnation appears as a dragon of energy, or an orb of arcing static..
Rh'Thulla: Powerful wind spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract of servitude to use his powers of air manipulation. Incarnation is formless.
Rusaki Numaru: Student at Sakura's school, heir to Shiza corporation. Executes an elaborate plan to destroy the Li family, but dies in the attempt..
Rusaki Chen: Father of Numaru and CEO of the Shiza Corporation
Rukadin Umarut: Rusaki Numaru's real name. Calls himself this when using the spirit of Anubis to enhance his abilities. Is killed by Sakura with the shot card.
Tidus: Water spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract of servitude to use his powers of water generation and manipulation. Incarnation appears as a naga, or, in more powerful summoning ,as a dragon.
Q'yth-az: Powerful earth spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract of servitude to use his powers of earth manipulation. Incarnation appears as a crystalline mass that can be in any form.
Zushakon: Powerful spirit bound by the Li clan in a contract of servitude to use his powers of darkness and shadow manipulation. Incarnation appears as a swirling black vortex, though due to his powers, no one has seen his true shape.