This is it! The final chapter of 'A Cold Shower', by muah! Lol :) Enjoy it everyone!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...shoot...

Chapter 32: A Cold Shower

Kakashi drummed his fingers nervously on the kitchen table. His heart beat picking up more speed steadily, he tried inhaling calmly, soothing his tumbling mind. Was Sakura really?…

"…Pregnant?", he breathed, utterly stunned at the thought. No. She couldn't be…

Scratching the back of his silver head uneasily, Kakashi scooted back in his chair, standing up noisily. He grumbled to himself briefly. Sure, he wanted kids, and with Sakura too, but not…now!

Kakashi cursed his gonads briefly, and strode out of the kitchen and down quickly. Stopping outside of the bathroom, Kakashi could hear Sakura whimper every other second from the sudden jolts of pain emerging from her lower tummy.

"Oh…God..", Kakashi sighed, cracking his knuckles nervously, just as suddenly the shower water halted.

Kakashi waited for a moment, then called softly, "Sakura?"

"Yeah?..", Sakura replied from inside the bathroom, her voice was soft, almost scared.

"..How are you feeling?", Kakashi couldn't think of what else to say. Did Sakura have the same idea of what was going on as he did? What would she think, or say?!

"A little better, thanks.", Sakura answered hesitantly, but her tone was reassuring.

Kakashi just nodded, as is she could've seen him. As Kakashi just starred at the outside of the oak door in front of him, it felt as though all of his nin-dogs had somehow made their ways into his stomach and were wrestling over an old chew toy.

It was another few moments before Sakura came out of the bathroom, wearing her large pajama shirt. She gasped gently as she came out, almost bumping into Kakashi.

"Oh, didn't mean to scare you.", Kakashi chuckled innocently, snapping out of his daze.

"You just shocked me was all.", Sakura smiled weakly, "I think I'll go take a nap."

"Good idea.", Kakashi placed a simple, masked kiss on her forehead. And as he held his lips there for an extra moment, Kakashi caught feel of something.

Inside of Sakura.

Kakashi closed his eyes, and breathed out of his nostrils, calmly.

It was just as he thought.


How would he tell Sakura? Kakashi pulled his lips from Sakura's forehead, and smiled down at her warmly. She smiled back softly, and continued her way down the hallway, and into her bedroom.

Resting his forehead in the palm of his hand, Kakashi found himself chuckling, almost hopelessly. Kakashi turned around and stepped softly into the living room. He sat on the couch, all of the energy suddenly seemed to be sucked away from him.

Kakashi sat there for hours, he wasn't really keeping track of how many, but it must've been at least several. He just sat there, thinking.

About his future.

About Sakura's future.

About…their child's future.

On the verge of sleep, Kakashi was suddenly brought back out of his deepened thoughts, when he heard soft footsteps coming down the hallway.

Soon enough, Sakura stood in the doorway to the hall. Her beautiful emerald eyes were swimming with crystal tears. Kakashi stood up and went to her.

"Ka-Kakashi, I'm…I'm…", Sakura stuttered, her creamy limbs trembling from fear. Kakashi couldn't stand seeing her like this, he took her in his arms firmly; he wished he could embrace all of her tears away.

"I know Sakura, I know. It's okay.", Kakashi whispered soothingly, as Sakura broke into heavy sobs, "We'll take care of him, or her."

Sakura wrapped her trembling arms around his neck and sobbed, "B-But Kakashi! I-I wasn't ready for this yet! W-We were supposed to plan this o-out! Maybe e-e-even get married first! O-Oh Kakashi!"

Kakashi's strong arms held Sakura protectively. Once she began to calm down a bit, Kakashi replied softly, "We may not have planned this, but what's done is done, and we have a new future to think about now, together."

Sakura just sniffed silently for a moment, then finally, she nodded in agreement, "Y-You're right. I-I…I should go to the doctor's today, and…",

She sniffed again.

Kakashi smiled kindly down at her, "That's my girl."

Then he kissed her.

Whether it was to reassure her that everything would turn out okay, or to show her that he would always stay with her, no matter what had just happened. Whatever the reason it was much appreciated by the both of them.

- - - - -

"Are you sure?"


"Come on, are you really?"

"I hope so…"

"Say what."

"Haha, no I'm sure! Really!"


"I mean it!"

"...Alright then."

Kakashi stood back, as Sakura grinned like a little girl about to get candy, and began tearing through piles and piles of wallpaper. Every single one of the rolls that she tossed back behind her, were or had at least one splotch of pink on it.

Not being able to help himself, Kakashi sighed as he flipped the page of his new Icha Icha book lazily, "You're positive that it's a girl?"

"Yes, dammit!", Sakura assured Kakashi for the ten thousandth time, pulling out another roll of bright pink wallpaper and examining it briefly before tossing in the pile of growing rejections, "I can just feel it,-her!"

Kakashi sighed, but smiled, "But you haven't even been pregnant long enough to have a test done."

"I know that!", Sakura replied, struggling to pull out a roll that appeared to have puffy pink clouds on it, "I guess you could call it, mother's intuition!"

Kakashi full out laughed at this, while stepping forward a pulling the roll out for Sakura easily, handing it to her so she could just toss it aside, "I think it's a little early to call it that."

"Hmph, you'll see!", Sakura grinned, comparing two of the exact same rolls that were just facing different directions.

"I suppose so.", Kakashi smiled again, turning the next page.

"She had better-never see-those damn books-of yours.", Sakura grunted, pulling out several other rolls of wallpaper and examining them critically.

Kakashi chuckled once more, "If it's a she, then she'll never even do half of the things in this book until she's forty, if it's a he, he'll get a volume every birthday when he turns twelve."

Sakura threw a wallpaper roll at his head.

- - - - -






The miscarriage occurred several weeks after Sakura and Kakashi had finally picked out the perfect wallpaper, for their daughter. It had been light pink, similar to Sakura's hair. With little white, fuzzy sheep bouncing along with little happy smiles on their faces. And at the top of the paper, the words "I love Mommy and Daddy", were printed in curly white letters, over and over again.

For days, Sakura refused to eat, or even sleep. She just sat there, starring into the obis. She blamed herself, for her own body, rejected her child. Kakashi's child. Their child.

Tears seemed to flow unintentionally from Sakura's bloodshot eyes, as she couldn't even bare to take the wallpaper off of their unborn baby's room walls.

Kakashi couldn't bare seeing Sakura so devastated. Of course, his heart was bleeding to the max as well. His first child, although unborn, was dead. Never had the chance to live in the outside world. Kakashi had shed tears over this thought. His daughter was gone.

Many times, Kakashi tried comforting Sakura, but nothing seemed to help her cheer up. Though, this was like nothing she'd ever been through before, and might take a 'little' while before it even remotely 'blew over'.

It was one night, after a couple weeks of this depression had been going on, when Kakashi decided, that no matter how much pain they were both still in, enough was enough.

"Sakura?", Kakashi called softly, stepping into the bedroom, where he met Sakura's glazed green eyes quietly.

"Yes?", she replied quietly, not moving from her spot on the bed. Her toes barely touching the floor.

"We need to talk about it.", Kakashi said, stepping across the room and sitting next to her.

Sakura didn't answer, she only place a pale hand on her stomach and sighed emptily.

"Sakura, what happened wasn't your fault. We just weren't prepared. Know that you're upset, I still am too…but Sakura, we need to really get on with our lives.", Kakashi was soft, but stern.

"B-But she…didn't even get a chance! If I hadn't…", Sakura started, her voice cracking, strands of pink hair falling messily around her face.

"Sakura. Look at me.", Kakashi stopped her, and gently put his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him. He starred into her eyes and continued, "It was not your fault. Now Sakura, I love you, but this has to stop. You are killing yourself…"

Despite these harsh choices for words, Kakashi sighed and continued softly, "Our daughter is in Heaven now. Sakura, we need to get on with our lives, we can try again some day, but then we'll be prepared! And this will never happen again."

At first, Sakura refused to look at Kakashi's face. But slowly, her eyes shifted upwards, until they finally met his. She seemed to be finally comprehending what he was saying after all of this time.

"You..", Sakura cleared her throat, and she nodded softly, "You're right."

Kakashi was relieved.

Sakura soon wrapped her arms around him, "She's in Heaven. And we'll get our lives back now. Kakashi, I'm sorry for acting the way I did. Thank you for helping me."

"I'm just glad that I'm getting my old Sakura back.", Kakashi smiled, embracing her warmly, "And don't worry, I promise, nothing like this will ever happen again.

"I know, because I trust you.", Sakura sighed softly, feeling the final tears that she would shed for a long time, spilling over the silver-haired ninja's green vest quietly.

- - - - -

Two months later, Sakura and Kakashi had officially returned to their old ways of life, taking those certain necessary precausions whenever they, well you know…

"Kakashi! Where did you put my boots?!"

"Why would I have take your boots?"

"I don't know, but I can't find them!"

"So I took them?"

"Fine! Help me look then!"

Kakashi smirked, as he watched Sakura with a raised eyebrow, as she bent, unbent, bent, and unbent over and through piles of her different shoes; searching for her boots.

"I'm okay up here thanks.", Kakashi smiled innocently.

"You perv.", Sakura laughed, realizing what he was actually doing up there.

"You like it.", Kakashi suggested.

"Doesn't mean it's right.", she retorted,

"And it means that you're horny, and I have to leave in five minutes! Ah! Here they are!"

Sakura was now crouched down and pulling her boots on with a slight struggle.

Kakashi sighed, but then smiled, "Not even a little?…"

Sakura hollered with adorable laughter, and stood up perkily to face Kakashi.

Kissing him quickly, she giggled, "Sorry Kakashi-sensei, I'm out. Try not to be dirty until I get back now!"

Smushing her breats against his chest in a fast hug, Sakura giggled all of the way out the door. Leaving Kakashi with a large sweat drop running down his head.

He smirked.

"Damn her."

Kakashi suddenly found himself running for the bathroom, muttering,

"Gotta love her."


:) As for the final chapter of this fanfic, I request that you all REVIEW! Lol jk jk. :) Review only if you liked it please! No flames! Lol. I'm trying to decide whether or not to make a sequal to my story or not...but I'm not sure :/ lemme know what you guys think lol. Because I've been trying to brainstorm a few ideas, and I've actually got some good ones ;D Ahaha. ANYways, until my nest KakaSaku fanfic (there will be PLENTY more), Ttyl; and thank you so much to all of my faithful reviewers throughout the story:) Bye!